Title: Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
1Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
a simulation study by Maxim Gonchar, Yury
Gornushkin and Dmitry Naumov JINR, Dubna,
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
2Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Why Plastic Scintillator?
- A word of worry about it?
- Our analysis and suggestions to
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
3Why Plastic Scintillator?
- Muon veto system based on plastic scintillators
is a robust, cost-effective and efficient
approach. - There is an extensive experience using of this
technology (MINOS, OPERA) (Yuris talk later on
Target Tracker
4Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- A word of worry
- a gamma can kick out an electron from the medium
due to the Compton scattering. - If the flux of gammas is high enough they can
produce fake triggers what is a bad thing.
- Are there reliable solutions?
- look for coincidences in different layers
double, tripple, quatrupole, etc - put the scintillator in water to shield against
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
5Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Requirements for the muon veto
- Simulation Framework
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- CDR numbers
- An attempt to understand Aberdeen tunnel data
- Study of various options for the plastic
scintillator - 3 layers by 1 cm thickness
- 4 layers by 1 cm thickness
- 3 layers by 1.5 cm thickness
- Conclusions and further work
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
6Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Requirements for the muon veto
- 99.5 efficiency to detect muons
- reduce fake trigger rate due to natural
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
7Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Simulation Framework
- While DayaBay software is under development and
revision (geometry via VGM, etc) build own light
weight package as follows - Generators
- Simple muon Generator following CDR for the
modified Gaisser formula, ignore shape of
mountains around - Gamma spectrum as measured in Aberdeen tunnel
- Transport Geant4 to transport particles
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
8Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Simulation Framework
- While DayaBay software is under development and
revision (geometry via VGM, etc) build own light
weight package as follows - Data Containers
- ROOT objects with hits, event header, detector
responses - Geometry Geometry Factor to test about 10
(implemented) geometries
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
9Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Simulation Framework
- Visualization
- Use VGM to export Geant4 geometry to ROOT TGeo
objects and visualize using ROOT (basically much
more convinient than Geant4 shipped viewers) - Analysis ROOT macros and C classes to analyse
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
10Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- Main questions are
- how much gammas are more abundant than muons?
- how to reduce gamma's fake rate to a modest level?
- CDR numbers
- An attempt to understand Aberdeen tunnel data
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
11Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- We simulated gammas and muons passing through
plastic scintillators as were measured in the
Aberdeen tunnel
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
Coin/min 916.9 /- 17.5
(47927 / 30217)
Coin/min 517.3 /- 13.2
(48546 / 29543)
397.3 /- 11.5
(38436 / 21581)
(38436 / 21581)
67.35 /- 1.3
64.8 /- 4.7
(13602 / 9663)
adopted from Ming-chung Chu ???
13Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
used measured in Aberdeen spectrum
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
14Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode A
detector geometry from event viewer
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
15Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode A
energy released by gammas and muons in one plate
due to inclined muons
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
16Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode A
Probability to release energy by gammas and
muons in one plate
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
17Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode A
Coincidence by gammas and muons
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
18Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
number of counts gamma flux x probability
(Egt532 keV) noise
muons are marginal
- comparing different configurations in Aberdeen
experiment I - estimate
- noise 3600 counts per minute
- gamma flux 38000 counts per minute 0.64
this is known from MC for every configuration
combining this with Daniel Ngai et al
calculations it follows that muons are about 100
000 more suppressed than gammas
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
19Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
there is a reasonable agreement for bottom
counter (2) and coincidences, while upper counter
counts systematically more than expected...may be
different threshold or so
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
20Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Study of various options for the plastic
scintillator - Keep in mind that the muon veto must be able to
suppress gamma background by a factor 100000 or
better 1000000 - We built 3 options
- detector 1 3 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 2 4 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 3 3 layers by 1.5 cm thick of
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
21Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Study of various options for the plastic
scintillator - Keep in mind that the muon veto must be able to
suppress gamma background by a factor 100000 or
better 1000000 - We built 3 options
- detector 1 3 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 2 4 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 3 3 layers by 1.5 cm thick of
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
22Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
2 of 3 coincidence as a function of energy deposit
23Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
3 of 3 coincidence as a function of energy deposit
24Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Study of various options for the plastic
scintillator - Keep in mind that the muon veto must be able to
suppress gamma background by a factor 100000 or
better 1000000 - We built 3 options
- detector 1 3 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 2 4 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 3 3 layers by 1.5 cm thick of
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
25Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
2 of 4 coincidence as a function of energy deposit
26Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
3 of 4 coincidence as a function of energy deposit
27Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
4 of 4 coincidence as a function of energy deposit
28Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Study of various options for the plastic
scintillator - Keep in mind that the muon veto must be able to
suppress gamma background by a factor 100000 or
better 1000000 - We built 3 options
- detector 1 3 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 2 4 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 3 3 layers by 1.5 cm thick of
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
29Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
2 of 3 coincidence as a function of energy deposit
30Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
3 of 3 coincidence as a function of energy deposit
31Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Water shielding (studied 3 options with 3
layers) - 50 cm of water
- 100 cm of water
- 150 cm of water
put in water
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
32Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
2 of 3 coincidence as a function of energy deposit
no water
50 cm of water
100 cm of water
150 cm of water
33Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Conclusions
- Use of coincidence allows to suppress gamma
background while keeping high efficiency of muon
from the data gamma flux 0.64 Hz/cm2 6.4 e3
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
34Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Conclusions
- Water shielding greatly impoves the result and
may provide an economic solution
from the data gamma flux 0.64 Hz/cm2 6.4 e3
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
35Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Further work
- Implement this work into official Daya Bay code
gt quite straightforward - work more on optimization of thickness taking
into account optics properties of plastic
scintillator, p.e. and all that
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
36Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- Backup slides
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
37Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode B
detector geometry from event viewer
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
38Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode B
energy released by gammas and muons in one plate
due to inclined muons
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
39Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode B
Probability to release energy by gammas and
muons in one plate
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
40Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode B
Coincidence by gammas and muons
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
41Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode C
detector geometry from event viewer
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
42Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode C
energy released by gammas and muons in one plate
due to inclined muons
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
43Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode C
Probability to release energy by gammas and
muons in one plate
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
44Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode C
Coincidence by gammas and muons
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
45Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode D
detector geometry from event viewer
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
46Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode D
energy released by gammas and muons in one plate
due to inclined muons
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
47Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode D
Probability to release energy by gammas and
muons in one plate
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
48Plastic Scintillator Option for DB
- Trigger rate of muons vs Fake rate of gammas
- mode D
Coincidence by gammas and muons
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
49Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
- Study of various options for the plastic
scintillator - Keep in mind that the muon veto must be able to
suppress gamma background by a factor 100000 or
better 1000000 - We built 3 options
- detector 1 3 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 2 4 layers by 1 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 3 3 layers by 1.5 cm thick of
scintillator - detector 4 2 layers 1cm and 3 cm thick of
Collaboration Meeting January 12-15 2007
50Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
51Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
52Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
53Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
54Plastic Scintillator Option for muon veto _at_ DB
2 of 3 coincidence as a function of energy deposit