Title: Perspectives of Developing Countries
1Perspective(s) of Developing Countries
- Whose perspectives?
- What kind of technology transfer?
- But, what about
- Developing Innovation Systems
- Summary for ETAP
Steven Hunt Consultant, PISCES/Practical
Action, UK
2Whose perspective?
- LDC, developing, emerging, BRIC
- Chasm between rich poor, urban rural
- Governance, institutions and representation
- Gender division
- Environmental ambivalence
- Development is the priority
Steven Hunt Consultant, PISCES/Practical
Action, UK
3What kind of Technology Transfer?
a broad set of processes covering the flows of
know-how, experience and equipment for mitigating
and adapting to climate change amongst different
stakeholders such as governments, private sector
entities, financial institutions,
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and
research/education institutions.
IPCC, Methodological and Technological Issues in
Technology Transfer, 2000
Steven Hunt Consultant, PISCES/Practical
Action, UK
4Not this then?
EU Technology Provider
Developing Country Technology Recipient
Steven Hunt Consultant, PISCES/Practical
Action, UK
5More like this?
EU Technology Partner
Developing Country Technology Partner
Equipment Know-how Experience
Steven Hunt Consultant, PISCES/Practical
Action, UK
6But, what about..
- ..the demand?
- ..the financing?
- ..the risk?
- ..IP?
- ..ownership?
Steven Hunt Consultant, PISCES/Practical
Action, UK
7Developing Innovation Systems
Framework Conditions
Business System
Education Research System
Inter -mediaries
From Barnett 2008, adapted from Arnold and Bell,
Steven Hunt Consultant, PISCES/Practical
Action, UK
8Summary for ETAP
- Recognise diversity between within
- Recognise development needs and eco-equity
- Address mitigation and adaptation technologies
- Transfer is know-how, experience and equipment
- Enable smaller projects via the full range of
orgs - Support national eco-innovation systems
- Green shoots not silver bullet..
Steven Hunt Consultant, PISCES/Practical
Action, UK
9Thank you!Steven.Hunt_at_practicalaction.org.uk
- www.pisces.or.ke
- www.practicalaction.org
- www.practicalactionconsulting.org
Steven Hunt Consultant, PISCES/Practical
Action, UK