Title: The Black Pearl
1The Black Pearl
- Design Team
- Ryan Cobb
- Jacob Conger
- Christopher Cottingham
- Travis Douville
- Josh Johnson
- Adam Loverro
- Tony Maloney
2The Black Pearl Design Proposal
- Design Drivers
- Maximum Level Speed
- Maximum Climb Rate
- Low-Drag Flying Wing
- With Drag-reducing winglets
- Objectives
- Increase Available Power
- Decrease Drag
- Decrease Weight
3The Black PearlThe Complications
- Stability
- Fabrication
- Landing
- Payload Arrangement
4The Black Pearl Complication Remedies
- Stability Remedies
- Wing Sweep
- Wing Twist
- Reflexed Camber Line Airfoils
- Proper Payload Arrangement
- Winglets
- Fabrication Remedies
- No fuselage or tail
- Fewer control surfaces
- Landing Remedies
- Landing Skid
- Due to landing gear release on Take-Off
- Payload Arrangement
- Increased Root Thickness
- For storage in wing
5The Black Pearl Comparison Aircraft
6The Black Pearl Take-Off Weight
- Payload
- Batteries, GPS, Receiver
- Payload Weight 2.85 lbs.
- Mission Requirements
- Max Mach 0.065
- Cruise Mach 0.055
- Cruise Alt. 500 ft.
- Aspect Ratio 6
- Structure Factor 0.54
- Final Take-Off Weight 6.26 lbs.
7The Black Pearl Wing Loading
- Mission Requirements
- High Speed
- High Climb Rate
- Cruise 1.69 lbs/ft2
- Climb 2.94 lbs/ft2
- Preliminary Take-Off Distance 120 ft.
8The Black Pearl Wing Design
- Multiple Airfoil Sections
- MH-45 at root
- E-230 at tip
- Increase in size to accommodate payload
- Less Geometric Twist Less Drag
- Effective dihedral incorporated into design for
stability - Winglets add effective dihedral
9The Black Pearl Fuselage Design
- No Actual Fuselage
- Wing root thickened to accommodate payload
- Landing skid centered underneath wing
- Optimized airfoil fuselage shape
10The Black Pearl Wing Bubble
11The Black Pearl Airfoil Geometric Constraints
12The Black Pearl Flaps Design
- Take-Off Speed 25 ft/s
- Sf/Sw 0.4
- Plane Flaps
- High AR Calculations
- Maximum CL1.5 with flaps
- 1.0 without flaps
- Stall Angle 12o
- 14o without flaps
13The Black Pearl Motor Selection
- Max Speed 98 ft/s
- Total Drag 0.28 lbf
- Astro 15 Motor
- 6,800 RPM
- SHP-0.35
- Thrust at Cruise 1.96 lbf
- T/W Ratio 0.38
- Gear Drive Combo
- 12x8 Propeller
- 12 Cells
14The Black Pearl Power Requirements
15The Black Pearl Takeoff and Landing Analysis
- Mission requirements
- 300 ft. max take-off
- Without flaps 211 ft. take-off length
- Skid Landing High Friction
- Leads to low-predictability from spreadsheet
16The Black Pearl Stability Design
- Payload arrangement
- Forward C.G.? Positive Static Margin
- Wing Sweep 20o
- Wing Twist
- Washout
- Reflexed Camber Line Airfoil
- Low (or positive) moment coefficient
17The Black Pearl Aerodynamic Wing Twist
18The Black Pearl Stability DesignPart II
- Winglets
- Enhance directional stability
- Wing alone is directionally stable
- Wing Dihedral -1o
- Roll Stability
19The Black Pearl Structure
- Two main spars for structure support
- Cutout in back of wing 4x14 for propeller
- Thin Balsa wood skin
- Hatches incorporated into fuselage bubble for
easy access to payload Smoother surface of entire
20The Black Pearl Structure (contd)
21The Black Pearl A New Beginning