Title: Abstract Interpretation Part I
1Abstract InterpretationPart I
- Mooly Sagiv
- Textbook Chapter 4
2The Abstract Interpretation Technique (Cousot
- The foundation of program analysis
- Defines the meaning of the information computed
by static tools - A mathematical framework
- Allows proving that an analysis is sound in a
local way - Identify design bugs
- Understand where precision is lost
- New analysis from old
- Not limited to certain programming style
- Monotone Frameworks with Widening
- Galois Connections (Insertions)
- Collecting semantics
- The Soundness Theorem
4Specialized Chaotic Iterations
Chaotic(G(V, E) Graph, s Node, L lattice, ?
L, f E ?(L ?L) ) for each v in V to n do
dfentryv ? Inv ? WL s
while (WL ? ? ) do select and remove an
element u ? WL for each v, such that. (u,
v) ?E do temp f(e)(dfentryu)
new dfentry(v)? temp if
(new ? dfentryv) then
dfentryv new
WL WL ?v
- Accelerate the termination of Chaotic iterations
by computing a more conservative solution - Can handle lattices of infinite heights
6Specialized Chaotic Iterations ?
Chaotic(G(V, E) Graph, s Node, L lattice, ?
L, f E ?(L ?L) ) for each v in V to n do
dfentryv ? Inv ? WL s
while (WL ? ? ) do select and remove an
element u ? WL for each v, such that. (u,
v) ?E do temp f(e)(dfentryu)
new dfentry(v) ? temp if
(new ? dfentryv) then
dfentryv new
WL WL ?v
7Example Interval Analysis
- Find a lower and an upper bound of the value of a
variable - Usages?
- Lattice L (Z?-?, ??Z ?-?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)
- a, b ? c, d if c ? a and d ? b
- a, b ? c, d min(a, c), max(b, d)
- a, b ? c, d max(a, c), min(b, d)
- ?
- ?
8Example ProgramInterval Analysis
- x 11 while x ? 10002 do x x
IntEntry(1) minint,maxint IntExit(1) 1,1
IntEntry(2) IntExit(1) ? IntExit(3) IntExit(2)
IntEntry(3) IntExit(2) ? minint,1000 IntExit(3
) IntEntry(3)1,1
IntEntry(4) IntExit(2) ? 1001,maxint IntExit(4
) IntEntry(4)
9Widening for Interval Analysis
- ?? c, d c, d
- a, b ? c, d if a ? c then a else
-?, if b ? d then b else ?
10Example ProgramInterval Analysis
- x 11 while x ? 10002 do x x
IntEntry(1) -?, ? IntExit(1) 1,1
IntEntry(2) InExit(2) ? (IntExit(1) ?
IntExit(3)) IntExit(2) IntEntry(2)
IntEntry(3) IntExit(2) ? -?,1000 IntExit(3)
IntEntry(4) IntExit(2) ? 1001, ? IntExit(4)
11Requirements on Widening
- For all elements l1 ? l2 ? l1 ? l2
- For all ascending chains l0 ? l1 ? l2 ? the
following sequence is finite - y0 l0
- yi1 yi ? li1
- For a monotonic function f L ? Ldefine
- x0 ?
- xi1 xi ? f(xi )
- Theorem
- There exits k such that xk1 xk
- xk ?Red(f) l l ? L, f(l) ? l
- Improve the result of widening
- y ? x ? y ? (x ?y) ? x
- For all decreasing chains x0 ? x1 ?the
following sequence is finite - y0 x0
- yi1 yi ? xi1
- For a monotonic function f L ? L and x ?Red(f)
l l ? L, f(l) ? ldefine - y0 x
- yi1 yi ? f(yi )
- Theorem
- There exits k such that yk1 yk
- yk ?Red(f) l l ? L, f(l) ? l
13Narrowing for Interval Analysis
- a, b ? ? a, b
- a, b ? c, d if a -? then
c else a, if b ? then d else b
14Example ProgramInterval Analysis
- x 11 while x ? 10002 do x x
IntEntry(1) -? , ? IntExit(1) 1,1
IntEntry(2) InExit(2) ?( IntExit(1) ?
IntExit(3)) IntExit(2) IntEntry(2)
IntEntry(3) IntExit(2) ? -?,1000 IntExit(3)
IntEntry(4) IntExit(2) ? 1001, ? IntExit(4)
15Non Montonicity of Widening
- 0,1 ? 0,2 0, ?
- 0,2 ? 0,2 0,2
16Widening and Narrowing Summary
- Very simple but produces impressive precision
- Sometimes non-monotonic
- The McCarthy 91 function
- Also useful in the finite case
- Can be used as a methodological tool
int f(x) -? , ? if x gt 100 then 101, ?
return x -10 91, ?-10 else -?, 100
return f(f(x11)) 91, 91
17Foundation of Static Analysis
- Static analysis can be viewed as interpreting the
program over an abstract domain - Execute the program over larger set of execution
paths - Guarantee sound results
- Every identified constant is indeed a constant
- But not every constant is identified as such
18Abstract Interpretation
Sets of stores
19Odd/Even Abstract Interpretation
All concrete states
-2, 1, 5
x x ? Even
20Odd/Even Abstract Interpretation
All concrete states
-2, 1, 5
x x ? Even
21Odd/Even Abstract Interpretation
All concrete states
-2, 1, 5
x x ? Even
22Galois Connections
- A concrete domain (C, ?)
- An abstract domain (A, ?)
- An abstraction function ? C? A
- A concretization function ? A? C
- ? is monotone (order-preserving)
- ? is monotone (order-preserving)
- c ? ? (? (c))
- ? (? (a)) ? a
- ? (c) ? a ? c ? ? (a)
23More on Galois Connections
- ? and ? determine each other
- Defines an upward closure operator upC ? C such
that c ?up(c) and up(up(c)) up(c) by up(c)
?(?(c)) - For C P(?) let ? C ? A then the Galois
connection is defined by - ?(c) ? ?(?) ?? c
- ?(a) ? ?(?) ? a
24The Abstraction Function (CP)
- Map collecting states into constants
- The abstraction of an individual state?CPVar
?Z ? Var ?Z??, ??CP(?) ? - The abstraction of set of states ?CPP(Var
?Z) ? Var ?Z??, ? ?CP (CS) ? ?CP (?)
? ? CS ?? ? ? CS - Soundness ?CP (Reach (v)) ? df(v)
- Completeness
25The Concretization Function
- Map constants into collecting states
- The formal meaning of constants
- The concretization ?CP Var ?Z??, ?
?P(Var ?Z) ? CP (df) ? ?CP (?) ? df
? ? ? df - Soundness Reach (v) ? ?CP (df(v))
- Optimality
26Galois Connection Constant Propagation
- ?CP is monotone
- ?CP is monotone
- ? df ? Var ?Z??, ?
- ? CP(? CP (df)) ? df
- ? c ? P(Var ?Z)
- c CP ? ? CP (? CP(C))
27Upper Closure (CP)
28More Examples
- Interval Analysis
- Points-to analysis
- Reaching definitions
- Live variable analysis
29Collecting Semantics
- The input state is not known at compile-time
- Collect all the states for all possible inputs
to the program - The set of reachable states
- No lost of precision
- Need not be computable
30A Simple Example Program
x?0, y?0, z?0
z 3 x 1 while (x gt 0) ( if (x 1)
then y 7 else y z
4 x 3 print y )
x?0, y?0, z?3
x?1, y?0, z?3
x?1, y?7, z?3, x?3, y?7, z?3
x?1, y?7, z?3, x?3, y?7, z?3
x?3, y?7, z?3
x?3, y?7, z?3
31Another Example
while (true) do x x 1
x?0, x?1, x?2,
x?1, x?2,
32Global Soundness Theorem
- If the meaning of every statement is locally
sound - Then, the solution computed by the iterative
algorithm overapproximates the collecting
semantics - ? (CS) ? df
- CS ? ? (df)
while (true) do x x 1
x?0, x?1, x?2,
x?1, x?2,
34Bad Example
x x -1 x x 1
35An Iterative Definition of Collecting Semaics
- Generate a system of monotone equations
- The least solution is well-defined
- The least solution is the collecting
interpretation - But may not be computable
36Equations Generated for Collecting Interpretation
- Equations for elementary statements
- skipCSexit(1) CSentry(l)
- bCSexit(1) ? ? ?CSentry(l), ?b??tt
- x aCSexit(1) (sx ?A?a?s) s ?
CSentry(l) - Equations for control flow constructs CSentry(l)
? CSexit(l) l immediately precedes l in the
control flow graph - An equation for the entryCSentry(1) ? ? ?
Var ?Z
37System of Equations (Collecting Semantics)
S CSentrys ?0 CSentryv
?f(e)(CSentryu) (u, v) ? E where f(e)
?X. ?st(e)? ? ?? X for atomic statements
f(e) ?X.? ?b(e)? ? tt
FSLn ?Ln Fs(X)v ?f(e)u (u, v) ? E
lfp(S) lfp(FS)
38The Least Solution
- 2n sets of equationsCSentry(1), , CSentry (n),
CSexit(1), , CSexit (n) - Can be written in vectorial form
- The least solution lfp(Fcs) is well-defined
- Every component is minimal
- Since Fcs is monotone such a solution always
exists - CSentry(v) s?s0 ltP, s0 gt ? (S, s)),
init(S)v - Simplify the soundness criteria
x 00 while (true)1 do x x 12
40A Low Level View
- An infinite set of states ? (including control)
- The meaning of the program (small step) is a
transition relation ? ? ? ? ? - Let ?s be the set of initial states
- The collecting interpretation systemF(CS) ?s
? ? ? ? ? ? CS ? ? ?? ? - Let A be an abstract domain (lattice)
- Let as?A be the initial abstract element
- Let ? A ? P(?) be the concretization
- The abstract meaning of the program (small step)
is a transition relation ? ? A ? A - Local soundness
- Global soundness
41Abstract (Conservative) interpretation
Set of states
Set of states
abstract representation
abstract representation
abstract representation
42Abstract (Conservative) interpretation
Set of states
Set of states
abstract representation
abstract representation
43Abstract (Conservative) interpretation
Set of states
abstract representation
abstract representation
abstract representation
44Soundness Theorem(1)
- Let (?, ?) form Galois connection from C to A
- f C ? C be a monotone function
- f A ? A be a monotone function
- ?a?A f(?(a)) ? ?(f(a))
lfp(f) ? ?(lfp(f))
?(lfp(f)) ? lfp(f)
45Soundness Theorem(2)
- Let (?, ?) form Galois connection from C to A
- f C ? C be a monotone function
- f A ? A be a monotone function
- ?c?C ?(f(c)) ? f(?(c))
?(lfp(f)) ? lfp(f)
lfp(f) ? ?(lfp(f))
46Soundness Theorem(3)
- Let (?, ?) form Galois connection from C to A
- f C ? C be a monotone function
- f A ? A be a monotone function
- ?a?A ?(f(?(a))) ? f(a)
?(lfp(f)) ? lfp(f)
lfp(f) ? ?(lfp(f))
47Local Concrete Semantics
- For every atomic statement S
- ?S ? Var ?Z ?Var ?Z
- ?x a ?s sx ?A?a?s
- ?skip ?s s
- For Boolean conditions
48Local Abstract Semantics(CP)
- For every atomic statement S
- ?S ? Var ?L ? Var ?L
- ?x a ? (e) e x ? ?a? (e)
- ?skip ? (e) e
- For Booleans
49Local Soundness (CP)
- For every atomic statement S show one of the
following - ?CP(?S?? ? ?CS ? ?S? (? CP(CS))
- ?S?? ? ? ?CP (df) ? ?CP (?S? (df))
- ?(?S?? ? ? ?CP (df)) ? ?S? (df)
- The above condition implies global soundness
Cousot Cousot 1976 ?(CSentry (l)) ?
dfentry(l) CSentry (l) ? ? (dfentry(l))
50Lemma 1
Consider a lattice L. f L ? L is monotone iff
for all X ? L ?f(z) z
?X ? f(?z z ?X )
51Assignments in constant propagation
- Monotone
- df1 ? df2 ??x e?)df1 )? ? x e?)df2(
- Local Soundness
- ?(? x e ?? ? ?CS ? ? x e ? (?(CS))
52Proof of Soundness (Summary)
- Define an appropriate operational semantics
- Define collecting operational semantics
- Establish a Galois connection between collecting
states and abstract states - (Local correctness) Show that the abstract
interpretation of every atomic statement is
soundw.r.t. the collecting semantics - (Global correctness) Conclude that the result of
the iterative analysis is sound w.r.t. the
collecting semantics - Can be applied between different abstractions
53Induced Analysis (Relatively Optimal)
- It is sometimes possible to show that a given
analysis is not only sound but optimal w.r.t. the
chosen abstraction - but not necessarily optimal!
- Define ?S? (df) ?(?S?? ? ? ? (df))
- But this ?S? may not be computable
- Derive (at compiler-generation time) an
alternative form for ?S? - A useful measure to decide if the abstraction
must lead to overly imprecise results
54Notions of precision
- CS ? (df)
- ?(CS) df
- Meet(Join) over all paths
- Using best transformers
- Good enough
- Abstract interpretation relates runtime semantics
and static information - The concrete semantics serves as a tool in
designing abstractions - Understanding concretization is a must
- Understand what is preserved/lost