Title: Laser ion acceleration in a mass limited target
1Laser ion acceleration in a mass limited target
- A.A.Andreev1, J.Limpouch2, K.Yu.Platonov1, J.Psik
al2, V.T.Tikhonchuk3 -
- 1. ILPh Vavilov State Optical Institute ,
Russia - 2. Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia
- 3. CELIA, Universite Bordeaux 1, France
- Motivation
- Numerical models 1D2D3V PIC
- Theoretical models quasi-neutral expansion of
cold ions, two sorts of electrons, plane or
spherical geometry, charged plasma expansion - Study ion acceleration in mono- and multi-species
MLT at high laser intensity - Model ion acceleration at ultra-high intensities
- Conclusion
3Acceleration of ions by fast electron current
A space charge created by fast electrons pulls
ions from the surface three stages - ionization
- extraction - acceleration
Electric field
4Why a mass limited targets ?
5Shapes of a mass limited targets
6Analytical models of ion acceleration
Positive ions with electron admixture
 (1)2e (1)2i ? (one)two sorts of electrons (of
different temperatures) and (one)two sorts
of ions (of different mass) Rq
7Simulation model of 2.5 PIC calculations
The relativistic, electromagnetic code is used to
calculate the interaction of an intense laser
pulse with an over-dense plasma. The relativistic
equations of motion and the Maxwell equations are
solved for the components x, y, px, py, pz and
Ex, Ey and Bz ?Pj/?t qj(E vxB), ?jmj?r/?t
Pj, ?E/?t - Jj c2 rotB, ?B/?t - rotE .
reaching the simulation box boundaries may be
either reflected or frozen at the boundaries. For
thick target special conditions is implemented at
the boundary in the target interior where fast
electrons leaving simulation region are replaced
by thermal electrons carrying the return current
J, Psikal A.Kemp, H.Ruhl.
8Electric field spatial distributions for H foil
and sphere targets
Normalized absolute value of electric field
during interaction of laser of amplitude a0 10,
pulse duration 10T and beam width 4 ? with
homogeneous plasma foil and sphere of initial
size 4 ? and density ne 4nc. The figures are
plotted in moments 5T after laser maximum reaches
the target front side.
9Electron distribution function for laser
interaction with spherical target
Dependence of the hot electron temperature
(average energy) at time t30Â ? on laser
dimensionless amplitude for laser pulse duration
10? and beam width 4? and spherical target of
density ne  4nc and diameter 4?.
The electron DF a0 10, t35, tL 5T blue,
10T - green
10Electric field spatial profiles for spherical H
11Proton spectra for H MLT of different shapes
12Dependence of ion maximal energy on laser field
amplitude for H spherical target
The maximum ion energy versus normalized laser
amplitude at time instance 50T. Target is plasma
sphere of diameter 4 ? and density ne 4 nc,
pulse duration 5T. Initial electron densities are
4, 4, 12, 36nc and initial temperature 10, 10,
50 200 keV for a 3, 10, 30 and 100
13Laser energy conversion to fast ions
The dependence of laser energy conversion to fast
ions dependence on ratio t_w (target width) to
I_w (laser beam width).
14Multi-species targets laser interaction with
water micro droplet
15Interaction with plastic flat foil section and
mono-energetic proton bunch formation
16Interaction with plastic targets of different
shape and mono-energetic proton bunch formation
17Proton energy spectra versus plastic target shape
18Proton angular distribution and divergence
19Impact of plasma density profile
20Direct acceleration of overdense plasma bunch by
laser pulse of relativistic intensity
t 0, t30T,
t 50T Ion
density distributions calculated for the
different time moments Laser amplitude a0 10,
duration 5T, beam width 4 ? interacts with plasma
sphere of diameter 4 ?, ne 4nc.
21Direct acceleration of overdense plasma bunch by
laser pulse of ultra-relativistic intensity
Conservation lows of energy and impulse in the
lab frame
Piston regime Esirkepov et al.,
22Plasma density profiles at different time of
laser pulse interaction with over-dense plasma
foil target
T 93.3 fs
T 13.3 fs
T 93.3 fs
Laser intensity 3 x1023 W/cm2, spot size 15 mm,
pulse duration 40 fs, H target of solid density.
23Plasma density profiles at different time of
laser pulse interaction with over-dense plasma
sphere target
t 120 fs
t 200 fs
t 253 fs
t 0 fs
Laser intensity 3x1023 W/cm2, spot size 15 mm,
pulse duration 40 fs, hydrogen target of solid
24Plasma density profiles at different time of
laser pulse interaction with semi-sphere foil
T 93.3 fs
T 0 fs
T 120 fs
T 180 fs
T 240 fs
Laser intensity 3x1023 W/cm2, spot size 15 mm,
pulse duration 40 fs, hydrogen target of solid
Maximal proton energy reaches 50 GeV for such
25Dependence of maximal ion energy on laser
intensity for MLT target
Laser beam diameter 4?, pulse duration 10T,
hydrogen sphere of diameter 4?, ne 4nc
- Mass limited targets enhance ion energy by
limiting transverse dimension of sheath - Diffracted light additionally accelerates
electrons at MLT rear and produced electric field
enhances ion energy. - The optimal diameter of laser beam is about of
target diameter for production of maximal ion
energy at minimal geometrical losses. - Droplet targets enhance proton energy but
increase angular spread - Multi-species MLT enable generation of
mono-energetic proton bunches - Direct acceleration of MLT by ultra-intense laser
pulse (piston regime) permits to accelerate the
target up to relativistic velocity and MLT
propagates together with laser pulse on a long
length. Laser field protects expansion of plasma
bunch in transversal direction. - The optimal shape of a laser piston target is
hemi-sphere foil segment. - Maximal proton energy at multi-PW laser power
reaches 50 GeV for such target.
Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russia
Charles H. Townes, Univ. of California, USA
CONFERENCE CHAIR A. A. Mak, Inst. for Laser
Phys., St. Petersburg, Russia The emphasis of the
LO 2008 will be on the applications in
particularly important research fields -
High-Field and High-Energy Laser Physics -
Biophotonics and Lightwave Communication
Technologies- Nanophotonics and
Metamaterials The topics of the Conference
feature the latest developments in solid-state
and semiconductor lasers, adaptive optics and
laser beam control, photonic crystals and
photonic nanostructures, biomedical diagnostics
and tomography. Three topical symposia will be
held in the frame of the Conference. Each
symposium is dedicated to specific applications
of lasers. One symposium will be on Lasers for
Preservation of Cultural Heritage, another one
will consider High-Power Fiber Lasers, while the
third symposium is devoted to Solitons for
Optical Communication and Data Processing ABSTRAC
T SUMMARY DEADLINE - April 1, 2008Contact
Information for LO2008 LO-2008Â PROGRAM
PhysicsE-mail conf2008_at_laseroptics.ru WWW
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