Title: Automatic Source Code Generation in JPie
1Automatic Source Code Generation in JPie
public BMI() super()
propChangeSupportnew PropertyChangeSupport(this)
// methods public int getHeight()
return height public void
setHeight(int h) int oldValue
this.height height h
- What is JPie?
- JPie is a new kind of graphical programming
environment. - Why use JPie?
- Direct Learn software concepts
- Easy Eliminate syntax errors
- Live Edit programs while they run
- Practical Create actual Java programs
3Problem JPie teaches concepts, but not syntax
Time spent learning
Solution Generate source code
4import javax.swing. import java.beans. public
class Timer extends Object // fields
private PropertyChangeSupport propChangeSupport
null private volatile int timeLeft (int)
100.0 // constructors public Timer()
super() propChangeSupportnew
PropertyChangeSupport(this) // methods
public int getTimeLeft() return
timeLeft public void decrement()
setTimeLeft((int) (getTimeLeft()-1.0))
5- Goals
- Readability generated source code should
exhibit good programming practices and style - Correctness a program created from generated
source code should behave identically to its JPie
6How to Generate Code
Use JPies internal model to recursively build
source code
public void update() setBmi((((weight/(Math
.pow(height,2.0)))703.0))) chooseColor()
7- Progress
- JPie can automatically generate source code for
most features - Many programs created in JPie can run outside
JPie via generated source code - Current Work
- Completing source code generation for advanced
features and special cases. -
- Implementing mixed-mode editing editable source
8Questions? Email me bb7_at_cec.wustl.edu Email
Professor Ken Goldman kjg_at_cse.wustl.edu JPie
web site jpie.cse.wustl.edu