Title: NRC Source Term Research Outstanding Issues and Future Directions
1NRC Source Term ResearchOutstanding Issues and
Future Directions
- Farouk Eltawila, Director
- Division of Risk Assessment Special Projects
- Office Nuclear Regulatory Research
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
2Accident Source Terms in the US regulatory process
- Releases of fission products to the containment
- Defense in depth
- Regulatory evaluation of engineered safety
features (ESFs) - Releases of fission products to the environment
- Consequences of reactor accidents
- Accident management and emergency response
- Most current reactors licensed to the TID-14844
Source Term to the containment - Derived from heating irradiated fuel in a furnace
- Releases
- 100 Noble gases
- 50 iodine as a gas (half of this deposits)
- 1 of all other radionuclides as particles
- Instantly available in containment
4HISTORY continued
- The accident at TMI changed perceptions
- Severe accident possible
- Source term different
- Nuclear Regulatory Commission asked for a better,
more realistic source term - NRC Research initiated a major initiative to
develop a mechanistic source term - Tie to risk important accidents not DBAs
- Eventually about 500 million spent
5NRC Severe Accident Source Term Research
- Massive undertaking to understand
- Accident progression within RCS
- In-pile tests (PBF, ACRR, DF, FLHT, etc.)
- Exvessel phenomena
- Melt-concrete interactions
- Steam explosions
- Hydrogen combustion
- Fission product chemistry
- Deposition in RCS
- Aerosol physics
- Containment integrity
6(No Transcript)
7Culminated in
- Alternate Source Term for licensing
- NUREG-1465
- NUREG-1150 Level III risk analysis of five
representative US nuclear power plants - 3 PWRs
- 2 BWRs
- Integrated, systems-level, accident analysis
computer code to preserve understanding - Initially, Source Term Code Package
- Later MELCOR
8Alternate Source Term
- Timing based on four accident phases in BWRs and
PWRs separately - Gap release (clad ballooning and rupture)
- In-vessel release (core degradation)
- Ex-vessel release (melt/concrete etc.)
- Late in-vessel release (revaporization)
- Release magnitudes based on mechanistic analysis
of important accident sequences for many plants - 8 chemical groups of fission products
- Most aerosol
- 5 of released iodine gaseous
9Alternate Source Term for Licensing PWRs
10Alternate Source Term
- Very popular with licensees
- Timing features allow safer
- Diesel start times
- Isolation valve closure times
- Etc.
11A Research Climax but not a Conclusion
- NUREG-1150 made clear many uncertainties remained
- Estimated release fractions to environment could
vary by factors of 10 to 1000 - Source terms adequate for regulatory needs of the
time - As use of PRA and more advanced reactors
developed, better source term understanding needed
12Examples of Radionuclide Release Uncertainties
from NUREG-1150
RSS Reactor Safety Study predictions circa 1975
13Collaborative Experimental Research
- PHEBUS-FP realistic FP chemistry in RCS and
containment - ARTIST mitigation of risk dominant accident for
PWRs - RASPLAV/MASCA feasibility of in-vessel retention
and FP release in late stage degradation - MCCI attenuation of ex-vessel source term with
Post Test
14Comparison of Alternative MELCOR Models of
Cesium Release to Data from PHEBUS test
Validation of the Alternate Source Term for
reactor licensing
15Issues for Current LWRs
- Iodine behavior in containment
- Steady-state gaseous iodine in containment
atmosphere - Interactions with paint
- Utility of containment sump buffering
- Chemical form of cesium released to containment
- Cesium molybdate versus cesium hydroxide
16Issues for Advanced LWR Certification
- AP-1000
- Diffusiophoretic deposition of aerosol on
containment walls - Effects of aerosol shape factors
- Iodine behavior in the drywell and passive safety
Fuel Kernel
- Next Generation Nuclear Plant
- Source terms from gas-cooled graphite reactors
- Triso fuel
- Completed phenomena identification and importance
ranking exercises
Silicon carbide
Coated particle fuel for gas reactor
- Global Nuclear Energy Partnership
- Source terms from sodium-cooled reactors
- Defining regulatory approach