Title: System Analysis Report
1System Analysis Report
- Presentation
- Z3
2Group Members
- Cheung Man Ching (Hilda)
- Lau Tsoi San (Sandy)
- Pang Ka Wai (Grace)
- Tham Chun Fung (Bony)
- Tang Hing Wah (Michael)
3We will present the following things
- Introduction
- Updated problem and Requirement
- Data flow diagram
- Entity relationship diagram
- Kowloon hospital received the planning proposal
- It is approved to start the Analysis Report
- Objectives
- To analysis how the system could work efficiently
5In this report
- Review the problems
- To truly understand the updated requirements
- Construct the Data flow diagram
- Construct the Entity relationship diagram
6Updated Problems
- 1.Data inaccuracy
- Poor hand-writing
- Re-entry data
- 2.Difficult to understand patient condition
- Lack of related details report
- 3.Time consuming
- It wastes many time to write down comment and
assessment result - Hard to search record from the shelf
7Updated Problem
- 4.Waste space
- 5.Difficult to do analysis and statistic
- 6.OT feel boring and unwilling to write the
comment as lots of comment are duplicated
8Updated Requirement
- Divided into two phase
- Phase 1
- PDA application
- automation of the existing manual processes
- Filling progress note, patient training record
and assessment forms
9Updated Requirement
- Phase 2
- Desktop applications
- Patient Management systems
- Printing different forms and reports
- Patient attendance
- Plan schedule of the daily training time of
10Updated Requirement
- Phase 1 should develop first
- Phase 2 should developed After detailed
requirements to be provided by Kowloon Hospital
11Data Flow Diagram (1)
12Data Flow Diagram (2)
13Data Flow Diagram (3)
14Data Flow Diagram (4)
15Data Flow Diagram (5)
16Data Flow Diagram (6)
17Function Description Elementary Description
- After the DFDs of the system is completed, we
need to have function description to describe
what is done in the process and elementary
descriptions to describe how the process will done
18PDA (1)
- Get Patient Detail (1.1.1)
- Patient ----? OT database
19PDA (2)
- Show Assessment Form (1.1.2)
- Assessment form ----? OT and Patient
- ---------? Assessment
20PDA (3)
- Calculate score (1.1.3)
- Calculate the score of the assessment taken by
21PDA (4)
- Taking Training (1.2)
- Patient take the training
22Conduit (1)
- Upload Result (2.1)
- Upload the assessment result to PC
23Conduit (2)
- Upload Training
- Upload the training from PC ? PDA
24Conduit (3)
- Download Patient (2.3)
- Download patient info from PC ? PDA device for
the OT
25Conduit (4)
- Download Assessment (2.4)
- Download the assessment form from PC ? PDA
26PC (1)
- Design Assessment (3.1)
- Design a new assessment form ? PC
27PC (2)
- Prepare Training Record
- Print the selected patients training record
28PC (3)
- Prepare Progress Note
- Print the selected patients progress note
29PC (4)
- Get the patient info from the Patient System and
update local database if needed.
30Required System Logical Data Structure
- An entity-relationship diagram(ERD) which is a
data modeling technique that creates a graphical
representation of the entities, and the
relationships between entities - Five entities in the systems Patient, OT,
Assessment, Progress and Training.
31ERD of the system
in charge
32Entity relationship
- Patient take assessment relationship
- in order to facilitate the design of a relational
database, this may converted into two one to many
relationships though the use of an associative
33 Entity relationship(cont)
- Normalized Patient taken assessment ERD
34Entity relationship(cont)
- OT in charge patient ERD
- The relation between the patient and OT is many
to one
In charge
35Entity relationship(cont)
- Patient have progress relationship
- The relation between the patient and the progress
is one to one.
36 Entity relationship(cont)
- Patient take training relationship
- The relation between the patient and trainings is
many to one - Converted into two one to many relationships
37The attributes of each entity
- Patient ( patient_id, patient_name, add, tel,
- ot_id, sex, dob )
- OT ( ot_id, ot_name)
- Assessment ( ass_id, ass_descr,
- question_no,
- question_descr, part)
- Training ( training_id, training_descr )
38The attributes of each entity (cont)
- Ass_taken (patient_id, ass_id,
- ass_take_date,
- ass_take_time, question_no,
- ass_taken_id, score))
- Train_taken (patient_id, training_id,
- training_unit,
train_date) - Progress ( patient_id, progress_descr,
- record_date)
39Normalized Relations
- To avoid the anomalies within the database
- Looking for all attributes that are dependent on
only part of the primary key - The relation of Assessment and Ass_taken can
be normalized as follow - Ass_desc ( ass_id, ass_descr)
- Question_descr (ass_id, question_no,
- question_descr,
part) - Ass_taken (ass_taken_id, patient_id , ass_id,
- ass_take_date,
- ass_take_time)
- Score (ass_taken_id, question_no, score)
40Normalized Relations(cont)
- After the above step the relations are well
normalized as follow - Patient (patient_id, patient_name, add, tel,
ot_id) - OT ( ot_id, ot_name)
- Ass_descr ( ass_id, ass_descr)
- Question_descr (ass_id, question_no,
question_descr, part) - Ass_taken (ass_taken_id, patient_id , ass_id,
ass_take_date, ass_take_time)
41Normalized Relations(cont)
- Score (ass_taken_id, question_no,
- score)
- Training ( training_id, training_descr )
- Train_taken (patient_id, training_id,
- training_unit,
train_date) - Progress (patient_id, progress_descry,
- record_date)
42ERD of the system after normalization
43Data Dictionary
- The data dictionary will include
- Ø The entity descriptions
- Ø The attribute descriptions
44Entity Description
- We have 9 entities in the database
45Entity Description (Condt)
Patient Information
Patient Entity
46Entity Description (Condt)
OT Information
OT Entity
47Entity Description (Condt)
Assessment Information description
Ass_descr Entity
48Entity Description (Condt)
Assessment question details
Question_descr Entity
49Entity Description (Condt)
The details of Assessment taken by the patient
Ass_taken Entity
50Entity Description (Condt)
Score of each question of the assessment
Score Entity
51Entity Description (Condt)
Training Description
Training Entity
52Entity Description (Condt)
Training Information
Train_taken Entity
53Entity Description (Condt)
Progress note Information
Progress Entity
54Attribute Description
55Attribute Description (Condt)