Title: Professional Organizations
1Professional Organizations
- ED649.002 Presentation
- Brandy Walters
- Kathleen Schanne
2Types of Professional Organizations
- Local/State
- Central Ohio Education Association
(COEA)http//www.centraloeanea.org/ - Indiana State Teachers Association
(ISTA)http//www.istain.org/ - Wisconsin Education Association Council
(WEAC)http//www.weac.org/ - Michigan Education Association (MEA)http//www.me
3Types of Professional Organizations (cont.)
- National
- National Education Association (NEA)
- American Federation of Teachers (AFT)
4Types of Professional Organizations (cont.)
- Discipline Specific
- AAAS (Science) http//www.aaas.org/education/
- ACTFL (Foreign Language) http//www.actfl.org/
- NCHE (History) http//www.history.org/nche/
- NCSS (Social Studies) http//www.ncss.org/
- NCTE (English) http//www.ncte.org/
- NCTM (Math) http//www.nctm.org/
5Types of Professional Organizations Cont.d
- Education Reform
- Center for Education Reform http//www.edreform.co
m/ - Fordham Foundation
- http//www.edexcellence.net/
- Heartland Institute http//www.heartland.org/Issue
6History of the NEA
- 1857 School superintendents formed an
anti-union organization - 1920-1930 School boards required teachers to
join the organization - 1960-1970 Rapid growth due to collective
bargaining - 1980s Moved away from professional development
towards teacher rights
7History of the AFT
- 1916 1 Indiana 3 Chicago teacher unions met
to form AFT (received official charter from
American Federation of Labor (AFL)) - 1920-1950 Rise and fall in membership
- 1960-1970 Rapid growth due to collective
bargaining - 1980s Moved away from professional development
towards teacher rights
8NEA AFT Today
- More than 80 of public school teachers belong to
either the NEA or AFT - Both hold considerable clout in local, state, and
national legislatures - Although they do have goals for academic
excellence, their primary concerns are salaries,
job security, and issues of employment equity
9Benefits to Justify Professional Organizations
- Professional development
- Protect teacher salaries and working conditions
- Research new reforms and report findings to busy
teachers - Helping to recruit new staff
- Help teachers to play bigger role in school
management - Put up road blocks to hiring unqualified teachers
- Willingness to go out and campaign
10Criticism of Professional Organizations (Unions)
- Promote a social agenda that does not represent
its members as a whole - Make it difficult to fire bad teachers
- Conflicting relationships with school
administrators - Districts pay teachers while they tend to union
business instead of teaching - Promote restrictive contracts that are difficult
to sway for change
11Emerging and Alternative Professional
- Association of Educators in Private Practice
(AEPP ? EIA) - Founded in 1990 by WI teachers
- American Association of Educators (AAE)
12Purpose of Professional Organizations
- Professional Development
- Sponsor conferences
- Publish newsletters
- Share teaching strategy ideas
- Provide support for new teachers
13Purpose of Professional Organizations (cont.)
- Lobbying
- Promote self interests
- TV Announcement
- http//www.nea.org/advertising/images/makediffbb.
ram - Participate in government campaigns
- Radio Announcements
- http//www.nea.org/mediafiles/reg0303a.mp3
- http//www.nea.org/mediafiles/reg103a.mp3
14Professional Associations
- Focus on content area
- Emphasis on professional development
- Membership optional
- National, regional, and state chapters
- K-Higher Ed support
- Research
15Professional Associations and Standards
- Create national subject-area standards
- Created by professionals, for professionals
- Used by states and districts as a guide
- Create standards for new reforms (i.e.
technology) - Professional opinion of proper usage of new
reforms - Endorsement/Critique of new ideas
16Professional Associations and Communication
- Fosters communication among professionals
- Virtual communication
- NCTE-talk
- Reflections (NCTM)
- Science Netlinks (AAAS)
- National Conferences
- Regional/State Conferences
17Professional Associations and Publishing
- Produce statements on reform topics
- Class Size
- Assessment
- Lobbying in Washington D.C.
- Support publishing of materials for teaching,
journals - Operate own press
- Solicitation of articles
- Free/reduced cost access for educators
- Control the language of reforms
18Professional Associations and Resources
- Teacher support
- Rationales against censorship (NCTE)
- Online lesson plans
- Online applications for student use
- Theory-driven resources
- Position Statements
- Answers to Reform Questions
- Grants
19Where do they stand?
- Reform Issue
- Vouchers
- Charter Schools
- Assessment
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- Technology
- Websites
- http//www.nea.org
- http//www.aft.org
- http//www.aaeteachers.org
- http//www.schoolchoices.org
- http//www.edreform.com
- http//www.heartland.org/IssueSuites.cfm?issId3
- http//www.ncte.org/
- http//www.nctm.org/