Title: Radek Dobi Hana Kubtov
1 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
FPGA Based Designof the Railway's Interlocking
DSD 2004 Rennes
2 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
- Introduction - why safe FPGA applications?
- Basic ideas
- general sheme for fail-safe system
- Dual TMR system with duplicate logic in each node
- System architecture
- Reliability modells
- TMR model
- Dual TMR model
- Conclusions
DSD 2004 Rennes
3 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
Introduction - why safe FPGA applications?
- The function of FPGA block is programmable
- gt The checkers for continuous (on-line) testing
and a guard block could be integrated inside the
block - gt Reprogram in fail case
- Parallel processing
- gt short reaction time in real-time systems
- Utilization of VHDL language
- gt Easy to simulate and verify
DSD 2004 Rennes
4 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
General scheme for fail-safe system
- The guard block
- validates input, output and partial results
- issues a valid/error flag
- can be implemented as a copy of the function comp.
DSD 2004 Rennes
5 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
Dual TMR system with duplicate logic in each node
- redundancy provides fault-tolerant capability
DSD 2004 Rennes
6 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
The fault and error detection
- Error detection
- Non-concurrent on-line testing
DSD 2004 Rennes
7 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
System architecture
DSD 2004 Rennes
8 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
Markov model for TMR system
0 node without fault X node with fault
DSD 2004 Rennes
9 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
Markov model for Dual TMR system
0 node without fault A,B part of node with
fault X both parts of node with fault
DSD 2004 Rennes
10 Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, FEE, CTU in Prague
- It is possible to implement fail-safe application
in FPGA devices - Reliability model for Dual TMR architecture was
described and compared with other architectures - The reliability characteristics show that railway
interlocking equipment with FPGAs is at least as
good as other railway interlocking equipment with
processors or relays - The first railway application with FPGA is in
DSD 2004 Rennes