Title: Telecom Sector
1Telecom Sector GATS
- Todays purpose
- How to use the WTO forum to expand
business opportunities of HK telecom service
providers. - Part I Telecom negotiations in GATS
- Part II Private sectors wish list
2Part I Telecom Negotiation in GATS
- Define telecom services in GATS
- Basic Telecommunications Agreement (BTA)
3Define Telecom Services in GATS
- 15 subsectors divided into
- Basic telecom services - simple relay of info in
real time from end to end - Value-added services - telecom provider adds
value to customers info by enhancing its form or
content - Others
4Basic Telecom Agreement
- Signed in Feb 1997
- Came into effect in Feb 1998
- 69 signatory WTO countries
- represent over 90 of the basic telecom market
5Coverage of BTA
- encompasses local, long distance, international
services - for public and non-public uses
- transmitted over facilities-based or through
resale (private leased circuit) - provided through any means of technology
- (e.g. cable, wireless, satellites, stationary
or non-stationary means)
6Components of BTA
- Specific commitments from individual countries
- Annex on telecommunications
- Reference Paper
7Specific Commitments (Basic Value-added)
- 83 and 70 WTO members have made commitments in
telecom and value-added services respectively. - Breath of coverage
- - 65 at least 10 subsectors
- - 25 between 14-15 subsectors
8Annex on Telecommunications
- Motivation
- Telecom services are important input into the
supply of other services. Adequate access to and
use of public telecom transport network
services (PTTNS) are essential conditions to
guarantee market access to all service sectors.
9Annex on Telecommunications (cont.)
- Each WTO member is required to allow foreign
firms access to and use of PTTNS on a reasonable
and non-discriminatory basis when they take
advantage of ANY GATS commitments made by this
member. - MFN and national treatment
10Reference Paper
- Set up pro-competitive principle
- competitive safeguard
- interconnection
- transparent licensing criteria
- independent regulator
- allocation of scarce resources
- universal safeguard
11Summary of Telecom Commitments
- Value-added services more open
- Common limitations on market access (mostly on
commercial presence) - number of suppliers
- types of legal entity or joint venture
- foreign equity ownership
12Part II Private Sectors Wish List
- Information technology (IT)
- telecom services
- information services
13Telecom ServicesCountries of Interest
14Information ServicesCountries of Interest
15Telecom ServicesBusinesses of Interest
16Telecom ServicesMajor Wishes
- Commercial presence requirements
- relax restrictions on foreign ownership,
operating licence and scope of business (top 3) - Immigration and visa
- streamline application, relax quota and duration
of foreign visa - Market infrastructure
- simplify domestic regulations, enforce
intellectual property law - Improve transparency
- court rulings, set up inquiry point
17Information ServicesBusinesses of Interest
18Information ServicesMajor Wishes
- Improve transparency
- Set up EDI (1), court rulings, set up inquiry
point - Market infrastructure
- E-commerce regulations (3), relax restrictions on
marketing channels, simplify domestic regulations - Commercial presence requirements
- Relax restrictions on foreign ownership and scope
of business (2)
19The End