Title: The ESTIA project: implementation experience
1- The ESTIA project implementation experience
- Dr Leeda Demetropoulou
- UEHR, Panteion University
- Leeda_at_leeda.net
2ESTIA implementation experience
- Greek Initiative European Space and Territorial
Integration Alternatives Spatial Development
Strategies and Policy Integration in SE Europe - CADSES-INTERREG IIC Framework measures to
support ? a) joint development of trans-national
groupings, b) establishment of common language
in spatial planning and development, c)
development of scenarios and perspectives for the
spatial development of the area in question.
3ESTIA implementation experience
- Space Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania, FYR
Macedonia and Serbia-Montenegro. Complexity
reflected in a) degree of institutionalization
of EU relations, b) individual social, economic
and political conditions prevailing in each
country. - Multi-tier reality but EU membership provides a
common basis for reorganization of ESTIA
politics, societies and economies. Acquis as
common standard of reference.
4ESTIA implementation experience
- Partners (main)
- SSRU, Department of Urban and Regional
Development and Planning, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki - UEHR, Panteion University of Social and Political
Science - Institute of Geography, Bulgarian Academy of
Science - Architect National Institute for Research and
Development in Urban and Regional Planning
5ESTIA implementation experience
- Partners (observes)
- National Planning Institute of Albania (ISPU)
- Public Enterprise for Physical and Urban Plans
from FYR Macedonia - Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning of
Serbia (IAUS) - ? Project extended in 2000 to the observers
6ESTIA implementation experience
- Aim Identify components and provide background
for strengthening spatial development policy
integration and coordination among the CADSES
countries. Focus on spatial development trends,
prospects and policies in SE Europe. - Objectives
- Comparative description of major features of
spatial development trends and policies.
7ESTIA implementation experience
- Objectives
- Investigation of requirements for establishment
of effective scientific support, networking and
information mechanisms on spatial development. - Identification of strategic priorities pursued by
national and regional agencies for spatial
development and planning. - Identification of major components for
formulation of a common framework for spatial
development policy integration and co-operation
8ESTIA implementation experience
- Six deliverables final one ? Framework for
Spatial Policy Integration . Description of
national situation and systematization of
national priorities in four major spatial
planning and policy fields the system of cities,
infrastructure networks, natural assets and
cultural heritage. - Project sought to increase positive impact of
each particular policy pursued by national
authorities and synergies between them on a much
broader geographical scale.
9ESTIA implementation experience
- Main difficulties and problems
- Context-specific problems
- 1) Preparation difficulties no database of
partners. Network to be built from scratch among
relevant institutions and authorities from the
region ? proposal made with only limited
involvement by concerned actors.
10ESTIA implementation experience
- Context-specific problems
- 2) Monitoring difficulties lack of systematic
implementation guidelines - lot of
correspondence back and forth with national
authorities. - 3) Financial difficulties lack of co-ordination
between INTERREG IIC and PHARE CBC. PHARE funding
not for Western Balkans (sub-contracting through
the Shotton Letter).
11ESTIA implementation experience
- Content-specific problems
- 1) War the most difficult problem but surpassed
by strong commitment of partners and will to
co-operate. - 2) Communication difficulties language
difficulties, bad condition of roads, scarce rail
connections, limited number of flights, Visa
requirements. - 3) Multi-cultural differences differences in
understanding of (spatial) planning and (spatial)
12ESTIA implementation experience
- Content-specific problems
- 4) Transitional status institutional and policy
void, outside EU framework lack of significant
conceptual and methodological tools to proceed
with spatial planning and development. - 5) Spatial differentiation basic demographic,
economic and political features, network of urban
settlements, key qualitative and quantitative
aspects of main transport, energy and
telecommunications infrastructure networks, state
of environment.
13ESTIA implementation experience
- Content-specific problems
- 6) Limited availability of data data not
available (governments in the process of
collection), problem of comparability. - 7) Lack of public authorities participation
network of academic institutions ? weakened
effectiveness and legitimacy of deliverables,
joint convention but not clear policy guidelines
for commitment.
14ESTIA implementation experience
- Lessons
- 1) Importance of networking
- 2) Importance of complementarity with other
15ESTIA implementation experience
- New Project ESTIA-SPOSE European Space and
Territorial Indicators and Actions for A Spatial
Observatory in SE Europe - Objective enhance ability of SE European
countries to collaborate on spatial development
and planning issues through enhancement of
individual and collective ability to collect,
elaborate and analyze spatial data (network of
institutions in a common observatory with
commonly accepted indicators). - ? TOOL (less ambitious than ESTIA)