Title: UPPER LEVEL WINDS (700 mb)
1Application of the urbanized MM5 to the
Houston-Galveston region by R. Bornstein, H.
Taha, R. Balmori, SJSU S. Dupont, J. Ching,
RTP/EPA/NOAA A. Martilli, UBC S. Stetson, SWS,
Inc. D. Byun, U of Houston S. Burian, U of
Utah pblmodel_at_hotmail.com 27th NATO/CCMS/ITM
Meeting Banff, Alberta, Canada October 2004
- FLAG 5 M/S
3Project Summary
- Overall Evaluate impacts of de- re-forestation
on Houston O3 levels (Byun, USFS) - SIP Episode Aug-Sept Texas2000 in Houston
- MetModel EPA uMM5 (Martilli, Dupont, Ching)
- Improved uMM5 input (Burian, Stetson)
- Machine SJSU 96 CPU cluster (Balmori)
- Evaluate (Taha)
- uMM5 vs. MM5 performance
- uMM5 sensitivity to LU/LC changes
45-domain configuration, D5 is urbanized
Resolution 108, 36, 12, 4, 1 km Grid dimensions
(excluding surface) 435328, 555528,
10010028, 13615128, 13314148.
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6Urbanization Techniques
- Urbanize surface, SBL, PBL momentum,
- thermo, TKE Eqs
- Allows prediction within UCL
- From vegetation canopy-model of Yamada (1982)
- Veg parameters replaced with urban (GIS/RS) terms
- Brown and Williams 1998
- Masson 2000
- Sievers 2001
- Martilli et al. 2001 (in TVM)
- Dupont et al. 2003 (in MM5)
- LLNL 2004
7? From Masson (2000)
8uMM5 input as f (x, y) in D-05 (from Burian,
Stetson, USFS)
- land use (38 categories)
- roughness elements
- anthropogenic heat as f (t)
- vegetation and building heights
- paved surface fractions
- drag-force coefficients for buildings vegy
- building height-to-width, wall-to-plan,
- impervious-area ratios
- building frontal, building plan, and rooftop
- area-densities
- vegetation top- and area-densities
- e, c?, a, etc. of walls and roofs
9From Stetson high- resolution Houston zo data
10Base-case (current) vegetation cover (urban min)
11Modeled increases in vegetation cover (urban
max) Values are 0.1 of those in previous chart
12MM5 vs. uMM5 Preview of Results
- uMM5 takes longer than MM5
- with 1-CPU 8 times longer
- with 96-CPU only 3 times longer
- each-day of our uMM5 simulation took
- 16.0 days with 1-CPU
- 4.5 hours with 96-CPU
- uMM5 gives better
- TKE, UHIs, winds
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20Synoptic Preview
- Pre-episode day
- 700 hPa flow NE of Houston was from SE
- Sfc Sea-breeze frontal formation
- Episode day
- 700 hPa flow now from NE ?
- opposition to onshore sea-breeze flow
- Sfc offshore cold-core low forms ?
- along-shore (NE to SW) coastal-flow ?
- ozone episode
- NWS vs. MM5
- NWS charts show only subtle changes
- MM5 provides the details
211200 UTC (0700 DST) 24 AUG
- 700 mb
- Pre-episode AM
- SE flow NE of Houston
221200 UTC (0700 DST) 25 AUG
- 700 mb
- Episode AM
- Opposing NE flow NE of Houston
- Will cause con with sfc SB V
231200 UTC (0700 DST) 25 AUG
- Sfc chart
- Episode AM
- Not much detail
- Similar to day b/f after
24MM5 results Preview
- Domain 1
- Captures NWS synoptic features (change in 700 hPa
flow-direction NE of Houston) - Indicates off-shore feature (cold-core L) not on
NWS charts - Domains 2-4 shows details of off-shore L
- Domain 5 shows UHI effects
25Coastal Cold-Core L Episode day 3 PM Domains
26Domain 4 (3 PM) Note cold-core L off of Houston
on O3 day (25th)
27Domain 4 weak sea breeze meets inland NE-flow
4th (MM5) 5th (uMM5) Domains Non-episode day
at 2 PM
Domain 5 Finer details of sea breeze and NE-flow
28Domain 3 (12 km) 4 PM cold-core L (from where?)
291 km uMM5 11 PM nocturnal UHI
30 1 km uMM5 3 PM daytime UHI
311 km Domain end of daytime UHI (8 PM 21 Aug)
- Upper L MM5
- Upper R uMM5
- Lower L uMM5-MM5
- uMM5? 1.5 K warmer (stronger UHI)
- Blob is LU/LC error
321km Domain end of night UHI 9 AM 22 Aug
- Upper L MM5
- Upper R uMM5
- Lower L MM5-uMM5
- uMM5? 1.5 K cooler (weaker UHI)
33Explanation of uMM5 UHI UCI
- Wet soil TI gt urban TI gt dry soil TI
- Urban an area surrounded by wet soil thus has
- Daytime UHI (as urban area warms faster than
soil) - Nighttime UCI (as urban area cools faster than
soil) - Reverse true with dry rural soil
- Current results thus consistent with wet rural
soil (as expected) around Houston, as uMM5
produced daytime warming nighttime cooling over
urban Houston
34Ongoing future efforts
- Additional analysis of current simulation results
- Additional simulations on new 106 CPU cluster
- Use planned 2005-6 Houston field-study (?) data
to determine atm and (GIS/RS) urban parameters
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37Domain 1 7 AM 24 AUG
- 700 mb
- Pre-episode
- Weak off- shore L (not in NWS)
- Weak NE flow NE of city
38Domain 1 0700 DST 25 AUG
- 700 mb
- Episode AM
- Stronger off-shore L
- Stronger NE ff NE of city
- Will cause con with SB ff
39Domain 1 1800 DST 23 AUG
- Sfc chart
- Pre-episode
- On-shore SB
- Not much difference at same time on next 2 days
- Need to see inner domains