Title: New Mass Spectrometers University of Hawaii 2005 Partnership Project
1New Mass SpectrometersUniversity of
Hawaii2005Partnership Project
9/2007 NCMR Technology Review
F. Scott Anderson
This presentation is UNCLASSIFIED
2Project Information
- New Mass Spectrometers for NBC Environmental
Characterization - University of Hawaii/HIGP
- Lead F. Scott Anderson (50)
- UH Personnel
- Eric Pilger Physicist (50)
- Keith Nowicki Physicist (100)
- Sarah Sherman Geochemist (100)
- Jeffrey Bosel Physicist (100)
- Gary McMurtry - Spectroscopist (10)
- Karen Stockstill (Postdoc 50, but leveraged from
NASA NAI) - Sophie Fung (Fiscal Officer 50)
- Malie Smith - Clerical (50)
- Partners
- Southwest Research Institute MB-TOF Dave Young
(10), Greg Miller (50) - Atom Sciences LA-RI-MS Tom Whitaker (20)
- Sandia Shock Design Testing Tony Mittias
(15) - Jet Propulsion Laboratory ESI-RFMS Advising
Steven Smith (20)
3Program Details
- Date of award 3/2005
- Date of receipt of funds 11/2005
- Date work actually started 11/2005
- Percent of funds spent to date
- Year 1 100
- Year 2 20 (no funds yet received)
4Funding Issues
- RFMS Shock tolerant mass filtering method
- EI Atmospheric chemistry
- Leverages NASA MIDP
- RI-MS for in-situ high precision isotope
detection - New MBTOF MS
- Outline
- Principle
- Current progress
- Results
- Future direction
- Principle
- Previous results
- Current Progress
- Future direction
- Program direction
6Part 1 EI-RFMS
7RFMS Principle
Detector - FC - Imager
Mass Disperser - 4 pole - 8 pole
Ionizer - Filament - EGA
8RFMS Progress
- Improved ion source
- Detector
- Improved imaging detector
- Initiated CMOS design under external funding
- Developed data interpretation algorithms
- Repackaged RFMS
- Increased RF ion source voltage capability
- Software port to Linux
- Tested vacuum system
- Low power
- Shock tolerant
91. Tested Circular Filament Source
- Beam spot size same
- Improved efficiency
- Reduced power
- Enhanced longevity
- Improved shape
- Uses less sample
101. Pressure vs signal strength
Picoammeter Limit
111. Pressure vs Resolution
1.2e-6 torr
3E-7 torr
121. Ion Source
- Beam Size
- Resolving power proportional to beam/dispersion
ratio - OTS models about 50 times too coarse
- Will require complex design for desired 10 micron
beam - Sub-contracted design of improved model in
132. Detector
- MCP/Phosphor screen coupled with CCD Camera
- MCP provides ion counting capability
- CCD provides
- 16 bit resolution (gtDNR)
- 1-106 msec integration time
- lt100 msec read time
- Improved speed and sensitivity
142. CMOS Detector Design
21 mm
Active area
20.88 mm
gt93 active without active edge processing
928 x 128 pixels 118,784
4.3M transistors
Nuclear Instr. Meth. A565 (2006)
153. Algorithms
- Spot Finding
- If deformed, don't know ring position or shape a
priori - Automate ID of size location of spot/ring
- Self calibration
- Steer beam without RF to 4 x-y voltage offsets
- Maps offset voltage vs camera location
- Improves extraction of spectrum
- Use mapping to determine exact part of image for
spectral extraction
164. Repackaging
- Needed to repackage existing RFMS components
- Wanted portable unit to allow wider range of
sampling - Needed more flexibility of components for
changing out elements and placement
174. Repackaging
185. Higher Voltages
- Acceleration
- Smaller beam
- Uniform detector response
- Purchased higher voltage power supplies
- Dispersion
- Required by higher acceleration
- Potential for greater dispersion
- Improved amplifier from 10V to 250V
196. Linux Port
- Full Computer Control
- Required for Portability and Miniaturization
- Allows for more extensive testing of parameter
space - Utilized small, controllable modules D/A
converter - More robust OS
- Faster than Labview
207. Low Power Vacuum
- Non-Evaporable Getter (NEG)
- Performance similar to other systems
- At minimum leak rate, lasted gt1 week
- Ion Pump
- 20 mW power usage
21Result M0.1-2000, R10, SNRgt1000
- Imaging detector
- R10
- SNR gt1000
- M 0.1-2000
- Air
- FC43
- 10X Faster
- 10X Less Sample
22Part 2 LA-RI-MS
- Isotope ratios vary as a function of locale
- Light isotopes fractionate by atmospheric
processes - Heavy isotopes ratios a function of geology
- Sr others used to locate origins of
- Roman mercenaries (Schweissing Grupe, 2003)
- "Iceman" (Hoogerwerff et al, 2001)
- Prehistoric slaves (Cox Sealy, 1997)
- Horses identities (Ayliff et al, 2004)
- Explosives (McGuire, 2005 Siegel, 2003)
- Sr isotopes concentrate in body
- Teeth Fixed during first 10 years of life
- Bones Months - years of last residence
- Hair 0.5-50 days (Ayliff et al, 2004)
- Rocks have 87Rb, decays to 87Sr
- Older rocks have higher 87Sr/86Sr ratio's
- Water acquires signature of local geology
(Montgomery et al, 2006) - Sr isotopes absorbed in body orally (Kelly et al,
2005) - Food water
- 50-1000 ppm
- Typically measurement 0.001 to 0.0001 (Bentley
et al, 2006) - Requirement
- Separate 87Rb-87Sr R300K
- 87Sr/86Sr .02
25Precision Abundance Goals
For fixed ablation volume
26How LD-RI-MS Mode Works
Laser Desorption Resonance Ionization Mass Spec
- Laser desorption
- 99.9 Neutrals
- 0.1 Prompt Ions
- Remove prompt ions
- RI remaining neutrals
- Only selected element (Sr or Rb) ionized
- Detect with isotopes with MS
Tuned only for Sr or Rb
Resonance Ions
27Resonance Ionization
- All elements possess unique energy levels
- Unique energy (l) to raise e- to each level
- Use set of tuned lasers to stimulate excitation
steps for a given element - More lasers provide more selectivity
- Applied to gas phase
Energy (eV)
5p2 P3/2
5s2 1S0
5s2 S1/2
Base state
28LA-RI-MS Lab Setup
29LA-RI-MS Previous Work
- Celestite LARIMS (note scale 0.12V)
30Previous Results
- Only need 460, 554 at 2-5 mJ
- 2 photon ionization from power in 554
- 1064 not required, may reduce lasers from 3 -gt 2
- 87Sr/86Sr precision goal 0.0002
- Old best 87Sr/86Sr precision
- Celestite (200,000 ppm) 0.0041
- Basalt (1000 ppm) 0.0081
- Basalt glass (100 ppm) 0.0109
31LDRIMS Progress
- Test LD RI laser attenuation ?
- Avoid off mass spec axis LD ?
- Enable RI laser translation to intersect neutrals
closer to sample, improving efficiency ? - Improve LD process ?
- Improve ion removal ?
- Increase precision accuracy ?
- Minimize RI laser power ?
- Install mini non-jittering laser
- Complete MBTOF development LD testing
324. Improving LD
- Previously had trouble making pits of sufficient
volume - Gas in laser needed replenishing
- As 45 ablation proceeds
- Pit deepens
- Fractionation worsens
- Conical features form
- May represent stronger points in a material
334. Precision vs Shots (Depth)
- As LA proceeds, 45 ablation pit deepens
- Ejecta directed away from mass spectrometer
- Precision degrades
Adapted from Ma et al, 1995
345. Improve Ion Removal
- Scheme prompt ions from RI imperfect
- Required higher voltage than expected arcing
- LA ions had more energy than anticipated
- New plan use RTOF/MBTOF
- Increase initial e-field to accelerate prompt
ions into MS hard - Energy high enough to penetrate mirrors
- Reduce field for RI so ions bounce
356. Precision Accuracy
- Improvements come from
- Improvements in analysis software
- New custom Sr standards
- Improvements in the instrument
- Test LD RI laser attenuation ?
- Avoid off mass spec axis LD ?
- Enable RI laser translation to intersect neutrals
closer to sample, improving efficiency ? - Improve LD process ?
- Improve ion removal ?
- Install mini non-jittering laser
366. Precision Accuracy
- Spectra show power jitter
- Determine 1st PC
- Align to 1st PC
- Sort in order of fit to 1st PC
- Vertical
- Mean
- Standard Deviation
- Derive
- Accuracy from sum of the means
- Precision from STDDEV summed in quadrature,
divided by of spectra - Include spectra until precision degrades
376. Solid Sr Standards
- Need standards for instrument testing
- Large (r0.25)
- Solid (not powdered)
- Uniform
- Single xal
- Glass
- Abundance 1-10K ppm
- Measured using SOA method
- No such standards are available
- Custom standards developed
- Manufacture difficult
- Measurement lengthy
386. Standard Results
- Created from
- Basalt
- Andesite
- Strontianite
- Li-Tri-Borate Flux
- Still working on lt1 ppm
- NSP has expressed interest in samples
396. Results
- Current best 87Sr/86Sr precision
- Celestite (200,000 ppm) 0.0008 (old 0.0041)
- Basalt (1000 ppm) 0.0018 (old 0.0081)
- Basalt glass (100 ppm) 0.0038 (old 0.0109)
- 5X improvement
- Need 4-20X more improvement for goal
- Reduce jitter
- Improving efficiency
406. Results
417. Minimize Laser Power
- To miniaturize instrument
- Seek to minimize laser size complexity
- Proportional to laser output power
- Testbed designed to ensure sufficient power for
Sr - 1064 50-100 mJ
- 554 2-20 mJ
- 461 2-20 mJ
- Minimum required unknown
- Other elements lower than expected
- 50-100 µJ
Savina et al, 2003
427. Power Results for 2 lasers
- Best tuning of l power shows
- Minimizing green
- 461 2 mJ
- 554 400 µJ
- Minimizing blue
- 461 400 µJ
- 554 2 mJ
- Therefore, Sr requires
- 400 µJ of 461 554
- 1.8 mJ other
437. Further Power Reduction
- Chance of laser photons interacting to cause RI
1 in 1011 - Hence, need many photons (400 mJ)
- Other spectroscopy demonstrated Herriot or White
cells - Increases interaction path length, and odds of RI
- Could reduce required photons by factor of 50-100
44What about Miniaturization?
458. Mini 206 nm YtterbiumYAG
Damaged by UPS!
In 3-8W continuous Out 0.5GW/cm2 (25 mm spot,
400 ps), jitter lt 500 ns, 16x18 cm, solid state
469. Mini Mass Spectrometer
479. MBTOF Status
- Planned delay until 9/07
- In return receive miniature NASA flight prototype
- Delivery 12/07
- Planned test with miniature 206 laser 9/07
- Damaged laser delayed test
48Year 2 Side-by-side summary
Tasks as defined by Year 2 SOW
- Publications
- Anderson, F.S., T. Whitaker, E. Pilger, K.
Nowicki, S. Sherman, D. Young, G. Miller, B.
Peterson, J. Mahoney, M. Norman, J. Boyce, J.
Taylor, H. McSween, The Mars Age eXperiment
(MAX) A Laser Desorption Resonance Ionization
Mass Spectrometer for In-Situ Rb-Sr Geochronology
and Elemental Chemistry, Astrobiology, submitted,
April 2007. - Conference presentations
- Anderson, F.S., T. Whitaker, E. Pilger, K.
Nowicki, S. Sherman, D. Young, G. Miller, B.
Peterson, J. Mahoney, M. Norman, J. Boyce, J.
Taylor, H. McSween, Mars Age experiment, 2007 - F. S. Anderson, T.J. Whitaker, K. Nowicki, S.
Sherman, J. Mahoney, G. Miller, D. Young, B.
Peterson, In-Situ Geochronology using Resonance
Ionization, AGU, 2007 - F. S. Anderson, New Mass Spectrometers for NBC
Environmental Characterization, Intelligence
Community Summit, 2007 - F. S. Anderson, T.J. Whitaker, E. Pilger, G.
Miller, D. Young, B. Peterson, J. Mahoney, S.
Sherman, L. French, M. Norman, S. Sharma, Mars
Age experiment (MAX), 2006 - Manuscript in preparation
- Anderson, F.S., T. Whitaker, E. Pilger, K.
Nowicki, S. Sherman, D. Young, G. Miller, B.
Peterson, J. Mahoney, M. Norman, J. Boyce, J.
Taylor, H. McSween, A Shock Tolerant Rotating
Field Mass Spectrometer
- RFMS last 6 months (300 Expts 70 tests)
- Beam shape vs. energy 10 tests
- Spectral runs at different energies 10 tests
- NEG/Ion Pump vacuum test 10 tests
- Current vs. pressure test 10 tests
- Beam shape (fuzziness) vs. pressure 10 tests
- Characterization of Circular filament 10 tests
- LARIMS last 6 months
- LA-RI-MS 350 tests, 172500 spectra taken
- Using custom, well-calibrated samples
51Summary Assessment
- Getting smaller, better
- Vacuum subsystem initial testing positive
- Results improving
- Size and power requirements improving
- Transition Plan
- Cubic Corporation (JIEDDO, CNTPO, MIO)
- NGA (Geolocation field portal)
- Positive community response
- Need proposed level of funding to meet DIA goals