Title: Race Conditions
1Race Conditions
- Errors that occur on a very infrequent basis.
- Happen at random times so very difficult to
isolate and fix. - Race conditions caused by programmer assuming
that one thread will complete operation on data
before another thread will access data. - That is, programmer makes assumptions as to the
order in which threads are executed.
2Assume global cxClient, cyClient LRESULT
CALLBACK WndProc(..) .. case
WM_SIZE cxClient LOWORD(lParam) cyClient
HIWORD(lParam) ..
3In Thread Void thread1(PVOID pvoid) .
TextOut(buf, cxClient, cyClient/4 ..)
4Possible Schedule
- Main thread cxClient LOWORD(lParam)
- Interrupted
- Other thread TextOut(buf, cxClient, cyClient/4,
) - Interrupted in middle of function call.
- Main thread cyClient HIWORD(lParam)
- Thread TextOut statement used new cx_Client and
old value of cyClient. Inconsistent.
- Synchronization mechanisms been active area of
research for last 30 years. - Structure your use of threads so that race
conditions cannot develop. - Structure so that primary thread creates all
windows, all window procedures, and processes all
messages to window. - Thread then becomes background cruncher that
does not handle user input.
6 Race Conditions
- Threads share data and can be preempted at any
point in their execution. - Race conditions caused by programmer assuming
that one thread will complete operation on data
before another thread will access data. - That is, programmer makes assumptions as to the
order in which threads are executed. - Errors that occur on a very infrequent basis.
- Happen at random times so very difficult to
isolate and fix.
7Race Conditions
- //Global Variables
- Int MyBalance 6000
- VOID GetMoney(PVOID pvoid)
- int widthdraw
- widthdraw pvoid-gtamount
- MyBalance - widthdraw
- // load B widthdraw
- // load A MyBalance
- // sub A, B
- // store AC MyBalance
- int Amount 1000
- switch(msg)
- case WM_CREATE
- _beginthread(GetMoney, 0, Amount)
- _beginthread(GetMoney, 0, Amount)
9Possible Schedule
GetMoney Load B widthdraw //1000 Load A
MyBalance //6000 (interrupted) -------- --------
-------- --------
Load B widthdraw //1000 Load A MyBalance
//6000 (interrupted)
10 sub A, B // 5000 store AC MyBalance // 5000
Thread Exits
sub A, B // 5000 store AC MyBalance // 5000
Final Value of MyBalance is 5000
11Solution Critical Sections
Protect sections where multiple threads access
and modify shared data.
widthdraw pvoid-gtamount MyBalance -
Do not want both threads executing in critical
12 Critical Section Data Structure
- EnterCriticalSection (cs)
- ltcritical codegt
- LeaveCriticalSection (cs)
- Only one thread at a time will progress past
EnterCriticalSection call. - Other threads will be blocked from entering until
LeaveCriticalSection called
13int MyBalance CRITICAL_SECTION cs
VOID GetMoney(PVOID pvoid) int widthdraw
widthdraw pvoid-gtamount
EnterCriticalSection(cs) MyBalance -
widthdraw LeaveCriticalSection(cs)
VOID GetMoney(PVOID pvoid) int widthdraw
widthdraw pvoid-gtamount
EnterCriticalSection(cs) MyBalance -
widthdraw LeaveCriticalSection(cs)
- What two factors cause race conditions?
- Why do threads share data?
- Why are threads useful?
- What data do threads share?
- What data is private to a thread?
15Networking in Windows
- Each machine on Internet has unique IP Address
- Most convenient to think of dotted notation
- e.g.
- Hosts communicate using a given communication
protocol - Communication protocol is set of rules that
determine how communication takes place between
two network hosts. - Most common is TCP/IP protocol suite
16 Transmission Control Protocol
- TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) provides
reliable communication service - All data sent will arrive eventually (with
certain caveats). - Data provided to application in strict sending
order. - No duplicate data.
- Referred to as connection-oriented protocol.
17User Datagram Protocol
- UDP is stateless or connectionless protocol.
- Data sent may not be received.
- Data may be duplicated.
- Data can arrive in any order.
18Internet Protocol
- TCP and UDP execute on top of IP.
- Internet Protocol
- Addressing
- Routing
- Fragmentation and reassembly of packets.
19Client/Server Model
- Most often used paradigm
- One host is the server to which clients
connect. - Once connection established, both able to send
and receive. - Application accesses network through socket.
20Client Server Model
Subsequent Communications
- Socket is an endpoint of communication.
- Software construct that allows applications to
access network. - In general, computer has one hardware network
interface card (NIC). - May be shared by many sockets.
- Socket Name consists of IP address and Port
number. -
- Windows networking library called winsock.
- Windows Sockets
- When client socket connects to a server socket
form an association. - Consists of five elements
- Protocol (must be the same for both client and
server). - Client IP address.
- Client Port number.
- Server IP address.
- Server Port number.
23Network Program Sketch
- Open a socket.
- Name the socket.
- Associate with another socket.
- Send and receive messages between sockets.
- Very similar to message passing between windows.
- Close the socket.
- SOCKET sock
- sock socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)
- AF_INET Internet family
- SOCK_STREAM Indicates TCP protocol
- Third value ignored for TCP and UDP.
25Naming a Socket
- Name consists of three attributes
- Protocol
- IP Address
- Port Number
- Generic Socket Address Structure
- struct sockaddr
- u_short as_family
- char sa_data14 //Value depends on address
family -
26Socket Address
- struct sock_addr is generic. For TCP/IP use
- struct sockaddr_in data structure.
- struct sockaddr_in
- short sin_family // always AF_INET
- u_short sin_port // in network order
- struct sin_addr // IP Address.
27Port Number
- IP Address not sufficient since may want multiple
servers per host. - Differentiated with port number.
- Port 0 1023 reserved for well known services
- HTTP 80
- FTP 23
- Users can assign numbers 1025 5000.
28IP Address
- struct sin_addr component holds 32 bit IP Address
- Access s_addr field of sin_addr.
- Example (Almost correct)
- struct sockaddr_in sa
- sa.sin_family AF_INET
- sa.sin_port 3000
- sa.sin_addr.s_addr
29Host/Network Order
- sa.sin_port htons(3000)
- htons converts short to network byte order.
- sa.sin_addr.s_addr inet_addr(
- inet_addr takes string (dotted notation) and
converts is to a long in network order.