Title: Evaluation of the TAMDAR Turbulence Algorithm
1Evaluation of the TAMDARTurbulence Algorithm
- Larry Cornman
- Research Applications Laboratory
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
2Turbulence Calculations
- The TAMDAR turbulence algorithm is based on
- True airspeed (TAS) values.
- Sampled at 10.67Hz.
- Anti-aliasing filter applied.
- 32-point window 3 second interval.
- Maximum likelihood algorithm.
3Evaluation Methodology
- Use NCAR algorithm (max. likelihood technique)
applied to the TAMDAR TAS data - Use 32-point window.
- Account for anti-aliasing filter.
- Look into other window lengths.
4Evaluation Methodology, contd.
- Use NCAR algorithm applied to
- UND high-rate TAS (nose and wing ports).
- UND high-rate longitudinal wind.
- UND high-rate vertical wind.
- Simulated data.
5Data Analysis First Test Flight
True Airspeed from UND and TAMDAR
6Data Analysis First Test Flight
One-Lag Plot True Airspeed from TAMDAR
7Data Analysis First Test Flight
Average Spectra True Airspeed from TAMDAR (109
256-pt windows, ½ overlap)
8Data Analysis First Test Flight
Raw 32-pt Spectra True Airspeed from TAMDAR
9Data Analysis First Test Flight
EDRs from UND and TAMDAR
10Data Analysis First Test Flight
Histogram of EDRs from UND and TAMDAR