Title: Towards Segway Soccer
1Towards Segway Soccer
Pickup Segway teams in adversarial environments
- Prof. Manuela Veloso, PI
- Dr. Brett Browning
- Dr. Paul E Rybski
- Thanks to
- Jeremy Searock, Michael Sokolsky, Betsy Ricker,
- David Rozner, Dinesh Govindaraju, Ling
Xu - Carnegie Mellon University
2Pickup Segway Soccer
- Our goal
- Humans and robots competing with and against one
another in soccer-like competitions with
identical capabilities - Teams pickup players dynamically
- No prior knowledge of teammate capabilities,
skills, or strategies
Robots must model unknown teammates as well as
opponents in a concrete adversarial task
3Modular, Accessible Hardware
USB Camera(s)
- Perception
- Color vision via USB Camera(s)
- Two moderate range laptops
- One for each of perception and action
- Communication via wired Ethernet
- Choice of where to run cognition
- Actuators
- Segway RMP platform
- Pneumatic kicker for ball manipulation
Laptop 1
Robot State
Laptop 2
Affordable hardware to make teams of robots
4Ball Manipulation
- A crucial component to soccer performance
- A kicking mechanism is therefore needed
- Based on robot soccer experience the best kickers
are - Pneumatic, spring, or motor actuated
- Pneumatics offer simple, efficient solution.
- Tilting platform and soft, uneven surface still
makes ball manipulation extra challenging
Behaviors must carefully control robot when near
the ball
- Modular and distributed, built upon our
hierarchical STP architecture
GUI Offline tools
Debug/Log Server
World Model
Adaptive ball/box tracking
Methods for world state/prediction
Robot Control
Segway Manager
Segway Controller
Motion control, (navigation), raw control
- We have extended CMVision to provide fast color
object tracking in variable, outdoor lighting
conditions - On grassy fields, and some indoor environments,
robust ball tracking across changing lighting
Colorspace Mapping I?(Y,U,V)
Histogram Peak ??peak(Hist(I))
Filters Geometry constraints
Region Growing
Size, shape, expected location Calibrate
Dot product to 1D Intensity space. Prototype
Peak detected in histogram. Constraint
CMVision connected components
7A Tactic/Skill Example
- ChaseBall for chasing and kicking balls
Sequence complete
Ball not seen in last t seconds
GotoBall Drive to kick location
Kick Playback trained skill
SearchforBall Predict and spin around
Skill State Machine
Observed ball
Ball visible and in kick zone
Motion Control GoTo ltx,y,?gt
Motion Playback
Robot Control Layer
Segway RMP
Segway Manager
8Skill Recording/Playback
- Developing skills is time consuming and
non-trivial - Performance of a skill is highly dependent upon
robot and environment dynamics - We have developed a skill recording mechanism to
ease skill development
Tele-operation User interface
Segway Manager
Segway Manager
Record Tactic
Motion Recorder
Motion Playback
Recording phase
Playback phase
9Pickup Segway Soccer
- Cross between Ultimate Frisbee and soccer
- Two teams, two players (Segway RMP or human)
- Simple field markings and human referee
We hope to demonstrate a 2vs2 game at RoboCup
2004, Portugal
- We have developed framework and infrastructure
for Segway soccer - Hardware framework and kicking mechanisms
- Control architecture
- Basic perception, tactics, skills and motion
control - Future work will focus on
- Extending infrastructure support for development
- Building repertoire of tactics and skills
- Enhancing skill training mechanisms