Title: Advanced Tools for Protein
1Advanced Tools for Protein Structure
Adva Yeheskel Bioinformatics Unit, 001 Sherman
Bldg. Faculty of Life Science, TAU Tel x
6840 E-mail suezadva_at_tauex.tau.ac.il Bioinfo.
Unit webpage http//bioinfo.tau.ac.il/
2Proteins Workshops Series
3Molecular Visualization
Before the invention of computer graphics,
trained artists were employed for hand-drawing
understandable picture of a protein
Irving Geis (1908 1997)
Slide from Matan Kalman.
4Molecular Visualization
Before the invention of computer graphics,
trained artists were employed for hand-drawing
understandable picture of a protein
Jane Richardson
Slide from Matan Kalman.
5PDB - DataBank of Protein Structures
PDB tutorial http//www.rcsb.org/pdbstatic/tutori