Title: Measuring Parity Violation in M
1Measuring Parity Violation in Møller Scattering
First Results from E158
- Imran Younus
- Syracuse University
- NuFact 2003
- New York, June 09 2003
- Motivation
- The experiment
How to measure 100 ppb
asymmetries - Data
- Preliminary results
3Beyond the Standard Model
- High Energy Colliders
- Rare or Forbidden Processes
- Symmetry Violations
- Electroweak One-Loop Effects
Complementary Approaches
- Precise predictions at level of 0.1
- Indirect access to TeV scale physics
4Summary of Electroweak Data
5World Electroweak Data
6Electroweak Physics Away from Z pole
- Push to lower or higher energies, away from the
Z resonance
E158 Electron-electron parity violation at low Q
7Fixed Target Møller Scattering
Purely leptonic reaction gee 1 - 4sin2?W
8E158 Physics Impact
- Unique window of opportunity
- Complementary to collider searches
9Parity Violation in Møller Scattering
- Scatter polarized 50 GeV electrons
- off unpolarized atomic electrons
- Measure
- Small tree-level asymmetry
- At tree level,
- Raw asymmetry about 130 ppb
- Goal is to measure it with precision of 8 (10
ppb) - Most precise measurement of sin2qW at low Q2 with
10Running of sin2qW
11E158 Collaboration
Caltech Syracuse Princeton Jefferson
Lab SLAC UC Berkeley CEA Saclay UMass
Amherst Smith College U. of Virginia
60 physicists, 7 Ph.D. students
12Parity-Violating Asymmetry
Measure pulse-pair flux asymmetry
Correct for difference in R/L beam properties
charge, position, angle, energy R-L differences
coefficients determined experimentally
Physics asymmetry
beam polarization
13Key Ingredients
- High beam polarization and current
- Largest LH2 target in the world
- Spectrometer optimized for Møller kinematics
- Stringent control of helicity-dependent
14Liquid Hydrogen Target
Refrigeration Capacity 1 kW Operating
Temperature 20 K Length
1.5 m Flow Rate 5
m/s Vertical Motion 6 inches
15Beam Diagnostics
Energy dithering region
17Detector Concept
18MOLLER Detector
electron flux
19Profile Detector
- 4 Quartz Cherenkov detectors with PMT readout
- insertable pre-radiators
- insertable shutter in front of PMTs
- Radial and azimuthal scans
- collimator alignment, spectrometer tuning
- background determination
- Q2 measurement
20(No Transcript)
21Scattered Flux Profile
Møller peak scan data vs Monte Carlo
Møller scattering kinematics ltQ2gt 0.0266
GeV-2 ltygt 0.6
Data Monte Carlo
- 2 mm geometry
- 1 energy scale
- Radiative tail
- lt1 background
22MOLLER Statistics and Fluctuations
23Physics Runs
Energy days _at_120Hz Peta-Electron spills Average Charge Production Efficiency
Run I 45.6 GeV 19.2 67K 125M 5.5 x 1011 63
Run I 48.8 GeV 14.8 37K 105M 3.5 x 1011 69
Run II 45.6 GeV 15.2 56K 113M 5.2 x 1011 72
Run II 48.8 GeV 19.0 63K 153M 4.3 x 1011 78
Efficiency is avg. delivered rate normalized to
1020 Electrons on Target
Run I April 23 1200 May 28 0000 (this
result) Run II October 10 0800 November 13
Run 2 Run 1
- Run I with PEPII, Run II dedicated
- One g-2 flip in each run
- ?/2 flip roughly once in two days
- Asymmetry inverter flip once a week
- Run I data divided into 24 slugs
24Raw Asymmetry Statistics
Asymmetry pulls per pulse pair
Asymmetry pulls per run
25ep Detector Data
26EP Sample Summary
Preliminary (raw asymmetries)
ARAW(45 GeV) -1.36 0.05 ppm (stat.
only) ARAW(48 GeV) -1.70 0.08 ppm (stat. only)
- Ratio of asymmetries
- APV(48 GeV) /APV(45 GeV) 1.25 0.08 (stat)
0.03 (syst) - Consistent with expectations for inelastic ep
asymmetry, - but hard to interpret in terms of
fundamental parameters - 3510 ppb correction to Møller asymmetry in Run
I, below - 20 ppb for Run II
27Corrections and Backgrounds
- Conservative Run I systematic error estimates
working to reduce - Run I systematic error from 24 to less than 15
ppb - Run II corrections will be of order 25 ppb
28Normalization Errors
29Møller Asymmetry vs Slug
30Grand Averages
APV(e-e- at Q2 0.027 GeV2) -151.9 ? 29.0
(stat) ? 32.5 (syst) parts per billion (preliminar
Significance of parity violation in Møller
scattering 3.6 ?
31The Weak Mixing Angle
- sin2?eff(Q20.027 GeV2) 0.2371 0.0025 (stat)
0.0027 (syst) - (preliminary)
- Standard Model prediction 0.2386 0.0006
Convert to for comparison
with other experiments
32Implications and Outlook
- Parity is violated in Møller scattering
- Limit on ?LL at the level of 3-4 TeV (90 C.L.)
- Limits on extra Zs at the level of 400-500 GeV
- Limit on lepton-flavor violating coupling 0.02
These numbers are currently on par with collider
- First measurement of Parity Violation in Møller
Scattering - Preliminary result on APV -151.9 29.0 32.5
ppb - sin2?eff 0.2371 0.0025 0.0027 (preliminary)
- Experiment poised to achieve proposal goals
- E158 Run II data are being analyzed, will double
statistics - Planning a final physics Run III July-August 2003