Title: Skyview Annual Shareholders Meeting
1Skyview Annual Shareholders Meeting
Presented by Giovanna RogowSeptember 25, 2008
22007 - 2008 Board of Directors
- President Giovanna Rogow
- Vice President John Spinelli
- Treasurer Eva Becker
- Secretary Lynn Easterling
- Ceasar Cabral
- Gary Fluker
- Joan Kuzniar
- Michael OBrien
- Rebekah Saltzman
David Condliffe Gerry Gordon Susan
Hinkson Ramona Perez
- Annual Review
- Q A
- Meet the Candidates
- Election of the Board of Directors.
42008 Achievements
- Governance
- Skyclub New Management and renovation
- New Laundry Rooms
- Basements Updated
- Zip Cars
52008 Achievements
- Shareholder Involvement
- Web Site Development
- Parent Committee
- Dog Committee
- The Board members contributed many hours.
- Blue Woods Management is a key contributor.
6Certified Auditors
- Neil Kaufman, Partner
- Newman Newman and Kaufman LLP
- 2007 Financial Summary
- Debt per unit 43,000
7Accountants Reviewby Neil Kauffman
8(No Transcript)
9Treasurers Reportby Eva Becker
- 2.20 per gallon for current budget
- actual cost exceeded this estimate
- fuel surcharge was raised to .19 per share per
month in August - Unsure of market price for fuel for the coming
years budget which is done in November
10- 2000/2003 Catwalks and Terrace Waterproofing 3,11
7,000Â - 2002/2003 Elevator Modernization 1,865,000
- 2003/2004 Brick Work/Pointing 1,095,000Â
- 2004/2006 Hallway Renovations 2,050,000
- 2005/2007 Garage Renovation 6,900,000
- -------------- Total Cost
15,027,000 Balance of 2nd
Mortgage 3,065,242 - Balance owed on line of credit 3,861,761
- ---------------------
- Total MCI debt 6,927,003
- Annual Capital improvements fund totals
1,200,000 - Funded from shareholders reserves
8,099,997 -
112007 2008 MCI Committee
John Spinelli, Eva Becker, Ceasar Cabral,
Rebekah Saltzman
- 2007 2008 Accomplishments
- Garage
- Lobby
- Lobby heating systems
- New Laundry rooms
12MCI Committee
- 2008 2009 Expectations
- Lobby design
- Party room renovations
13Sky Club Committee
Michael OBrien, Joan Kuzniar, Eva Becker,
Giovanna Rogow, John Spinelli Gerry Gordon,
Ramona Perez
- Accomplishments
- Arranged contract for new Management Bilancio
- Redesign of Sky Club layout
- Increased overall space for gym
- Enhanced Studio space
- Purchased and installed new gym equipment
- Equipment is new and more reliable
- Accessible for wider shareholder participation
- Implemented expanded health club services
- More Gym classes
- Initiated Tennis Clinics and Swim Classes
14Sky Club Committee
- 2008 2009 Initiatives
- Document Policies and Standard Operating
Procedures - Investigate new revenue streams
- Continue weekly review of Sky Club issues with
Blue Woods and Bilancio - Consider further improvements to physical
- plant
- Expand current services based on shareholder
- input RFP for SkyClub Cafe
152008 Green Committee
Rebekah Saltzman Ceasar Cabral
- 2007 2008 Accomplishments
- NYSERDA, New York State Energy Research and
Development Authority, evaluation - Light bulb conversion to High Efficiency
- Recycling bins in the mail room and on the pool
deck - 2 Zipcars on the property
162008 Green Committee
- 2008 2009 Initiatives
- Reduce energy consumption
- individual radiator thermostats
- Exploring alternative forms of energy
- Co-Generation, Wind Power, Solar Power, and Green
Roof - Offer additional recycling programs on the
property and raise awareness
17Management Summary
- Accomplishments
- Status Ongoing Projects
- Outlook for coming year
18Questions and Answers