Title: Doctoral studies at K'U'Leuven from a European perspective
1Doctoral studies at K.U.Leuvenfrom a European
- Guido Langouche
- Zagreb, 19 September 2006
- Doctoral studies at K.U.Leuven
- facts and figures
- framework of doctoral studies at K.U.Leuven
- doctoral programme goals, structure, strengths
- Joining new European developments
- graduate/doctoral schools
- generic skills training
- outlook towards the labour market
3Facts and Figures
- bachelor master students
- PhDs delivered
- junior senior researchers
- at Flemish universities
4bachelor master studentsper Flemish university
5PhDs deliveredby Flemish universities
6Junior and senior researchersat Flemish
7What do we learn from these facts and figures ?
- every Flemish professor
- supervises on the average 2,5 doctoral students
- delivers on the average 1 Ph.D. every 2 years
- (numbers much higher in positive sciences)
- number of Ph.D.s per year doubled in 5 years
time - (due to research-output driven university
financing system) - but number of professors remained constant !
- K.U.Leuven numbers above Flemish average
8Framework of doctoral studies at K.U.Leuven
- Traditional procedure
- individual student approaches professor asking
for admission - apprenticeship-model - no formal taught
programme research only - faculty/department imposes minimum quality
standards based on previous study results or
entrance test - entrance test to doctoral studies (often after
predoctoral year) mainly for international
students about 1/3 of all doctoral degrees at
K.U.Leuven awarded to international students - majority of doctoral students obtain research or
teaching fellowship (many types) - duration of doctoral studies minimum 4 years
average 5 years
9Framework of doctoral studies at K.U.Leuven
- Traditional person-to-person process
- gradually complemented by centrally imposed
taught elements, quality control mechanisms, - First step since 1995 doctoral students subject
to organised doctoral programme - imposed at most Flemish universities
- because of extra government funding
- Most recent step in 2006 official introduction
of doctoral schools at K.U.Leuven -
10K.U.Leuven doctoral programme goals
- Main goals of imposed doctoral programme
- improve quality to broaden and to deepen the
knowledge of the doctoral student within her or
his research domain - ensuring that the entire process of doctoral
research proceeds efficiently - but also
- to prepare the doctoral student optimally for her
or his professional career
11K.U.Leuven doctoral programme structure
- the doctoral programme
- comprises between 1500 and 1800 study hours
- (60 credit points)
- mandatory
- consists of core items and additional items
- doctoral committee on level of each faculty
controls individual credit collection
12K.U.Leuven doctoral programme core programme
- core credits to be obtained by
- publishing at least one international publication
during the course of the programme - teaching seminars on one's own research or on
some other, more general topic (e.g. methodology) - active participation in international conferences
(paper/poster session) - active participation in seminars or courses
specifically organized for doctoral students - regular reporting on the research project's
progress to a individual supervisory committee
13K.U.Leuven doctoral programme additional
- additional credits to be obtained by
- national publications
- master thesis guidance
- didactics for bachelor and master students
- generic skills training
- ... other forms to be determined by each faculty
14K.U.Leuven doctoral programme strenghts
- The emphasis of the doctoral programmes is on
research training - PhD students are members of a research group and
PhD programmes are mainly integrated within the
research groups - Regular follow-up of PhD students
- avoids neglection by supervisor
- Flexibility
- PhD students can choose and attend courses in
function of their research interests
15K.U.Leuven doctoral programme more about
- The PhD courses and PhD seminars are meeting
places for PhD students - a good mix with international students
- Active participation of PhD students
- discussion lunches with external speakers,
discussion of research papers, presentation of
own data - example the engineering faculties of the Flemish
universities organize a PhD symposium where
doctoral students present in poster sessions
their PhD research to their fellow researchers
and people of industry
- Doctoral studies at K.U.Leuven
- facts and figures
- framework of doctoral studies at K.U.Leuven
- doctoral programme goals, structure, strength
- Joining new European developments
- graduate/doctoral schools
- generic skills training
- outlook towards the labour market
17From doctoral programme to graduate/doctoral
- 2006 creation of 3 doctoral schools at KULeuven
- biomedical sciences
- natural and applied sciences
- arts and humanities
- Extension of doctoral programme concept
- better organisation of access criteria and
selection - counting of credits replaced by approval of
individual package - more attention for transferable skills across
disciplines - more transparency in available grants
- more attention for international visibility of
doctoral programmes -
18Generic Skills training
- Transferable skills courses organized on a
general level - Some examples
- academic English
- introduction to electronic databases
- writing for the general public
- writing research proposals from idea to
successful project - didactic training for doctoral students
19Generic Skills training(1) Academic English
- courses offer practice in both academic writing
and presentation skills - three separate programmes
- biomedical sciences
- natural and applied sciences
- arts and humanities
- open to doctoral students from the second year
onwards - small groups 15 participants
- 1 semester (9 weeks, 2h)
20Generic Skills training (2) Introduction to
electronic databases
- to help doctoral students to find their way
within the 300 databases and 14000 e-journals
owned by the university library - organized by the university library
- 2h seminar
- sessions organized per faculty or group of
faculties -
21Generic Skills training (3) Writing for the
general public
- To help doctoral students to write and to speak
about their research in a way understandable for
a general public - 2x2 hours
- 2h theoretical seminar on writing tips and
communication with the press - 2h practical seminar discussion and evaluation of
the popular summaries on the research of the
22Generic Skills training (3) writing for the
general public
- The doctoral student has to submit a summary of
his/her research via the PhD portal - 8 weeks before the doctoral defence
- The summary for the general public is used for
the announcement of the doctoral defence to the
general public and to the Flemish press
23(No Transcript)
24 Generic Skills training (4) Writing a research
- 2x2 hours
- 2h General introduction
- Objectives
- Detailed description of the proposal
- Valorisation
- Project management
- Budget
- 2h Assignment
- - elaboration of a scheme of a research proposal
- - discussion and evaluation of the assignment
25Generic Skills training (5) Didactic training
- Sessions on
- How to evaluate research papers, a master thesis,
- How to give feedback
- How to give practica, a seminar,
26Generic skills trainingon the level of the
faculties and departments
- 'broadening' seminars
- organised by a faculty, department, group of
departments, research institution - e.g. Ethics and Public Policy (philosophy)
- Seminars/workshops on methodology (pedagogy)
- Industrial Policy (Faculty of Engineering)
- Ethical aspects of nanotechnology (Imec)
- The Erasmus Mundus Lecture Series on
Nanotechnology in Modern Society
27Outlook towards the job marketInfosessions on
career opportunities
- Infosession for doctoral students finishing their
Phd and postdoctoral researchers - First time in May and September 2006
- General overview of career opportunities for
doctors outside academia (with personal
28Outlook towards the job marketPublication of
PhD competency profile
- What is a PhD compentence profile ?
- An official K.U.Leuven document, containing
- Explicitation of the skills and competencies a
PhD should gain during the doctoral process - competencies needed to succeed in the doctoral
research process - competencies needed to succeed in the further
professional career - Explicitation of the surplus value of a doctoral
29Outlook towards the job marketPublication of
PhD competency profile
- Why the need for a competency profile ?
- 1. For the doctoral student
- Acts as a guideline for ones professional
development - during the doctoral process what to do and what
skills to gain as a doctoral student? - for the further professional career
- helpful for the formulation of curriculum vitae
and letters of application
30Outlook towards the job marketPublication of
PhD competency profile
- Why the need for a competency profile ?
- 2. For the supervisors
- It makes the responsibilities of supervisor,
research group, doctoral school more visible -
31Outlook towards the job marketPublication of
PhD competency profile
- Why the need for a competency profile ?
- 3. Outside academia it functions as a quality
label -
- An appropriate overview of the research skills,
generic skills, knowledge, competencies should
enhance the career opportunities of PhDs
32Outlook towards the job marketPublication of
PhD competency profile
- Whats in the PhD competency profile ?
- Intellectual Competencies
- Knowledge
- Analytical thinking and critical judgement
- Creativity and innovation skills
- Interdisciplinary thinking
33Outlook towards the job marketPublication of
PhD competency profile
- 2. Relationship Competencies
- People skills and collaboration
- Oral and written communication
- to scientific peers (experts)
- to the general public
- Networking
- Leadership skills
34Outlook towards the job marketPublication of
PhD competency profile
- 3. Personal competencies
- Motivation and initiative
- Managing workload
- Self Confidence and assertivity
- Perseverance
- Autonomous worker/learner
35Outlook towards the job marketPublication of
PhD competency profile
- 4. Technical competencies
- Data collection, database management
- Statistical analysis
- Methodological skills
- Languages
36 Conclusion
- Ph.D. students
- are the most important asset
- of a research university
- they deserve the best care we can offer !