Title: XML and Web Services Security Provisions
1XML and Web Services Security Provisions
- Andrew Mulroney
- Delbert Harry
2Web Services Security Defined
- Web-Services Security Quality of Protection
- How actors are to be authenticated, using what
mechanisms and with what parameter value ranges, - Which XML elements are to be encrypted, for what
individual recipients, recipient roles or keys,
using what algorithms and key sizes, - Which XML elements are to be integrity protected,
using what mechanisms, with which algorithms and
key sizes, and - What additional qualifications the service
consumer must demonstrate in order to
successfully access the API".
3Web Services Security Defined
- Need to provide end-to-end protection at
communication and application layers. - Elements
- Privacy (retention period, intended usage,
further disclosure), - Trust (initial parameters of the signature
validation procedure, including those keys or
authorities that are trusted directly, policy
identifiers, maximum trust path length), and - Non-repudiation (requirements for notarization
and time-stamping).
4- What Menaces do Web Services face?
- Message alteration
- Attachment alteration
- Confidentiality
- Falsified messages
- Man in the middle
- Principal spoofing
- Repudiation
- Forged claims
- Replay of message parts
- Replay
- Denial of service - amplifier
5Is SSL sufficient?
- For some applications
- Yes . . . When only transport level protection is
needed. - As Infrastructure
- No
- SSL Only supports data in transit, not in storage
- SSL does not support multi-party transactions
- SSL is all or nothing
- Messages are opaque to firewalls
- SSL does not support non-Repudiation
6Is SSL sufficient?
Commerce Site
Credit Company
7What is SAML / What is WS-Security?
- SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language).
- SAML was developed by OASIS (Organization for the
Advancement of Structured Information Standards),
and is being supported by Liberty Alliance. SAML
does not directly provide message integrity or
confidentiality it relies on XML Signature to
protect integrity and on SSL/TLS for
confidentiality. Single Sign On (SSO) can assert
authorization across multiple services. - WS-Security
- Developed by the Web Services Interoperability
Organization (IBM, Microsoft and Verisign)
enhances SOAP with methods to protect message
integrity and confidentiality and to exchange
security information. WS-Security specifically
protects a single SOAP exchange.
8- SOAP Message Level Security
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Authentication
- Builds on XML Standards
- XML Signature Encryption
9XML Encryption
XML Encryption defines a protocol for encrypting
portions of a SOAP transmission,
including canonicalization identifying the node
to encrypt, perhaps with XPATH producing an
encrypted version of the node substituting the
encrypted node for the plaintext node you could
perform all the XML manipulation yourself in
.net, this is the only alternative open to
you however, in Java there are toolkits to do
both encryption and signatures, e.g., open source
Apache WSS4J (a subproject of WS-FX) commercial
IBM WSDK as one example
- XML Encryption defines a protocol for encrypting
portions of a SOAP transmission, including
canonicalization - identifying the node to encrypt, perhaps with
XPATH - produce an encrypted version of the node
- substituting the encrypted node for the plaintext
node you could perform all the XML manipulation
yourself - .NET Must code manually
- Java there are toolkits to do both encryption
and signatures, e.g., - qopen source Apache WSS4J (a subproject of
WS-FX) - commercial IBM WSDK as one example
10XML Encryption
lt?xml version1.0?gt ltPaymentInfo
ltNamegtCapn Crunch lt/Namegt lt/PaymentInfogt
ltEncryptionData typehttp//www.w3c.org/2001/
04/xmlencElement xmlnshttp//www.w3c.org/2
001/04/xmlencgt ltCipherDatagt
ltCipherValuegt A23B45C56 lt/CipherValuegt
lt/CipherDatagt lt/EncryptionDatagt
11XML Signature
- XML Signature (xml-dsig) allows us to add
signing information to an XML document - compute a digest on a block of XML data
- add the digest to a SOAP header element
- optionally include our certificate, to aid the
receiver in validating the digest
12XML Signature
- ltenvHeadergt
- ltSignature xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/0
9/xmldsig"gt - ltSignedInfogt
- Â ltCanonicalizationMethod
20010315" /gt - Â ltSignatureMethod
ha1" /gt - ltReference URI""gt
- ltTransformsgt
- Â ltTransform
20010315" /gt - Â lt/Transformsgt
- Â ltDigestMethod
/gt - Â ltDigestValuegtRjmqTulOiJrIu/GD
C7CNUEAw9Alt/DigestValuegt - Â lt/Referencegt
- lt/SignedInfogt
- Â ltSignatureValuegtoYtzba8fXmi5TTeqmR2XQV
VSpP0wDUAdyKKBr0SCnETkgO7kgxhCeWTZSr - hxJwAFMdW818HJaIAe14GP
reValuegt - ltKeyInfogt
- ltKeyValue xmlns"http//www.w3.org
/2000/09/xmldsig"gt - ltRSAKeyValuegt
- Â ltModulusgtu0zEjEw9hPw5NmLTT
13- XML based Framework
- set of XML vocabularies for
- Authentication Assertion
- Attribute Assertion
- AuthZ decision Assertion
- Session Assertion (Future)
- Credential Assertion (Future)
14- A standard message exchange protocol
- Clarity in orchestrating how you ask for and get
the information you need - How the messages ride on and in transport
protocols - For better interoperability
- Definition standard way of exchanging security
related data across heterogeneous, distributed
systems crossing domain (geographical, namespace,
temporal, spatial, organizational,) boundaries
15SAML Assertions
- Assertions are declarations of fact, according
to someone - SAML assertions are compounds of one or more of
three kinds of statement about subject (human
or program) - Authentication
- Attribute
- Authorization decision
- You can extend SAML to make your own kinds of
assertions and statements - Assertions can be digitally signed
16- ltAssertiongt
- ltConditions
- NotBefore"1730 23-MAY-2005"
- NotOnOrAfter"1800 23-MAY-2005"/gt
- ltAuthorizationDecisionStatement
- Resourcelove.doc"
- Decision"Permit"gt
- ltSubjectgt
- ltNameIdentifiergt
- Capn Crunch
- lt/NameIdentifiergt
- lt/Subjectgt
- ltActiongtDecryptlt/Actiongt
- lt/AuthorizationDecisionStatementgt
- ltSignaturegt
- 5E8C811270A26F615D1F6BFF899BAB46898CF546
- ltSignaturegt
- lt/Assertiongt
17SAML and ebXML
- The SAML Protocol defines 2 primary entities
- Service Provider An entity that provides
services to Principals - Identity Provider A type of service provider
that creates, maintains, and manages identity
information for Principals - An ebXML Registry can function as a SAML Service
Provider - Allows the registry to utilize an Identity
Provider to perform client authentication on its
behalf - Avoids duplication of Identity Provider user
database within registry
18Weaknesses SAML
- Security of SAML conversation is not a
stand-alone application depends on a trust
model, typically PKI. - Does not address privacy policies.
- Does not define any technology or approaches for
Authentication. - Only makes assertions about credentials does not
authenticate or authorize users.
19Weaknesses WS-Security
- Does not discuss how proof-of-possession must be
implemented. - Does not discuss how subject confirmations must
be implemented. - Not approved as a standard as of yet, there are
not commercial web-services that use this
specification as of yet.
20Weaknesses Integration
- Implementation Management of relationships to
interrelated specs ( SAML, WS-Trust etc. ), may
be highly complex, hence difficult to - Threats
- Vendor rivalries
- Limited industry for extensions
21- Is Web Services security then exactly as secure
as the encryption mechanisms employed on the