Title: SCAQMD Localized Significance Thresholds Staff Proposal for Discussion
1SCAQMD Localized Significance Thresholds
Staff Proposalfor Discussion
2Localized Significance Thresholds - Background
- EJ Initiative 4 Establish Stakeholder Working
Group to revise Handbook - Stakeholder Working Group identified localized
significance thresholds (LSTs) as a topic to
include in the Handbook - Developed concept of LST Lookup Tables
- February 1, 2002 Governing Board directed staff
to continue developing LST - September 13, 2002 Governing Board adopted EJ
Enhancements Enhancement I-4 directs staff to
continue developing LSTs
3Intent of Localized Significance Thresholds
- Provides another indicator of A.Q. significance
for CEQA analysis - Similar to Rule 1401/212 guidance, users will
have the option of using conservative screening
tables or performing project-specific modeling
(Tier I) - Users of criteria pollutant screening tables
would need less resources
4Significance Threshold - Approaches
5Localized Significance Thresholds - Methodology
- AAQS Exceedance Approach for Attainment
Pollutants - NO2 CO - Emissions contribution from the project added to
ambient concentrations - Localized thresholds in mass daily emissions
developed by SRA, size of emissions source,
receptor distance
6Localized Significance Thresholds - Methodology
- CO Basis
- Highest 1-hr 8-hr CO background conc. over
3-year rolling average (1999-2001) - Single table developed from the lower emissions
allowed by either the 1- or 8-hr conc.
7Localized Significance Thresholds - Methodology
- NOx Basis
- Highest 1-hr NOx background conc. over a 3- year
rolling average (1999-2001) - Gradual NOx to NO2 conversion
8Localized Significance Thresholds - Methodology
- PM10 - Construction
- Applicable primarily to fugitive dust activities
- Would encompass PM10 from all emission sources
dust and combustion - Significance threshold consistent with Rule 403
- Back calculates mass emission that cause an
exceedance of Rule 403-equivalent threshold of
10.4 µg/m3 (24-hour average)
9Localized Significance Thresholds - Methodology
- PM10 - Operation
- Significance threshold consistent with Rule 1303
modeling requirement of 2.5 µg/m3 - Back calculates mass emissions that cause an
exceedance of 2.5 µg/m3 - Applies to all emission sources
10Localized Significance Thresholds - Conclusion
- Staff proposal for LSTs would implement EJ
enhancement I-4 - Tiered approach to assess localized impacts
- Lead agencies can use LSTs or perform
site-specific modeling
11Localized Significance Thresholds Conclusion
- Using LST Tables
- Requires less resources
- Can use mass emission estimate results
- More conservative
- Site specific modeling
- Requires more resources
- More flexibility
- More precise results