Title: CHEVRON Opportunity
1SEG Global Member Questionnaire Provisional
Results Tallied by Pamela Terekhova SEG
GAC Discussed at the ExCom meeting, May 4, 2007
2main conclusions
- Global membership
- online access to geophysical
- knowledge
- advancing to active or associate
- members is not high priority
3questionnaire respondents
- 135 members from 26 countries
- 75 from China, India, Indonesia,
- and Nigeria
- job classification
- education 25
- oil gas companies 24
- service companies 17
4global membership benefits
- TLE/Geophysics 71
- Networking 40
- Conferences and workshops 40
- SEG books 36
- Continuing education 36
5additional aspirations .
- Buy SEG publications at discounted prices
- Online continuous education
- Hard copy of TLE and Geophysics
- Sponsorship to attend conferences
- Hold meetings in 3rd world countries
- Provide intl job opportunities
6perceive global membership as 2nd class or
lesser status membership
- No 64 (86)
- Yes 16 (22)
- No idea 3 (4)
- It is the best society in the world
- I have ever trusted and enjoyed.
7plan to renew global membership next year, if the
5 renewal fee is not covered by a sponsor
- YES 50 (80)
- Dont know how to do it
- Rather have SEG pay for it
- This would be inconvenient
- May be 14 (19)
- NO 4 (6)
- Cant afford it
- Inconvenient
- How can I send money?
8transferring your membership status to associate
or active
- Yes 15 (20)
- If I can send money to SEG
- If my company will pay
- With very small fees
- May be 16 (22)
- No 17 (23)
- Cant afford it
- Cant get money to SEG
- Cost of sending money is too high
- Just want online access
9visiting SEG website
- Daily 16 (21)
- Every week 32 (43)
- Every month 35 (47)
10attending DISC or RL
- Yes 19 (26)
- No 72 (97)
- Never happens in Thailand
- SEG will not come to Nigeria
- Due to logistics, cost, and locations
- Make it available online
- Too expensive to travel
- Global Membership is still needed for
- supporting members in underdeveloped countries
- facilitating the payments where no credit cards
or cheap bank transfers are available - The voting right is perceived as a Nice-to-Have,
but not as the main priority - The POLLING of membership should be a key
priority at present, being perceived as a more
effective way to actively participate to the SEG