Title: Celebrate the Gift
1 St. Matthews 2009 Stewardship Campaign
2We come together as Christs church to
celebrate the many blessings that have flowed
and still flow
from His hands
3and, as Christs community called Saint
to be His hands in this place
4that the love and blessingsof Christ might flow
through our hands
to bless His children.
5What an honor!
What a gift!
What a responsibility!
6We are entrusted as stewardsof such a beautiful
placeto come togetheras Christs church,
with loving pastoral leadershipand dedicated
that we may dedicate ourselves to ministry and
7that the love of Jesus Christ may flow
from His hands,
through our hands
to bless all Gods children.
8from His hands,
through our hands
9Our goal this year isfor 400 members and friends
to pledgetheir financial supportto St.
Matthews for 2010.
10Your pledgemakes the differencein how St.
Matthews spreads its mission and ministryin our
communityand in the world.
11Pledging enables the church to plan
Imagine the challenges to your family if you had
no realistic idea of how much you would earn in
the coming year.
12If you give, but dont pledgetry pledging
It helps our church create a realistic and
sustainable budget.
13Pledges support St. Matthews mission,
worship,Christian education, music,and youth
14Pledges help fundthe staffing,
administrative,and general operational needsof
the churchfor the coming year.
15Please bring yourYellow Pledge Cardwith you to
one of the services during the weekend of
October 24-25th.
16Your Pledge Makes the Difference!