Title: Business Intelligence using Neural Networks
1Business Intelligence using Neural Networks
Finding fast solutions using top level research
results presented by Ulrich Winter
2What are Neural Networks?
- The human brain is working using the principle of
neural networks - Neurons are the cells of our nerves
connected with lots of other cells forming a
complex network - The structure of this network creates the ability
of the foundation of intelligence
3What can we do with Neural Networks?
- Create intelligent systems
- Determine classifications
- Create prognosis
- Recognize patterns
- Create fast queries intuitive without programming
4Fast queries without programming
Recent huge amount of programming
SELECT SUM(umsatz)alter, geschlecht, berufsgruppe
FROM datenbestand WHERE alter gt 10 AND alter
lt 22 AND geschlecht 1 AND berufsgruppe
gt 612 AND berufsgruppe lt 700 HAVING risiko gt 0.99
- Now using NeuronX
- Direct Communication using dialogs and views
5Two examples
- A typical dataset may contain the following
attributes in a database of client profiles or
aerodynamic test results in a Wind Tunnel
- thickness
- wing type
- angle
- resistance
- downforce
- The system NeuronX imports a random sample or
the entire dataset from a database or filesystem
and learns the connection between the properties
- thickness
- wing type
- angle
- and the properties
- resistance
- downforce
Insert the profile of a potential client
age sex profession
sales risk
insert many profiles
classification clusteranalysis
8Technical Results
Insert the profil of a wing to get a prognosis
for the efficiency or simply ask the system for
the best profile
thickness wing type angle
resistance downforce
insert many profiles
classification clusteranalysis
9Commercial Value of the system NeuronX
- fast and easy access to informations
- reliability
- reduction of costs
- learning online
- intuitive and easy to use
- reduce the need for training
10 Contact us, we are ready to support