Title: Overview
1(No Transcript)
- Public key cryptography
- Key pairs
- Certificates
- Groups and roles
- DN Lists
- Binding rights to resources
- Putting it all together GridSite
3Public key cryptography
- Security systems are usually based on secrets
- The Right People have them and others don't
- If I have a Key that fits your Lock, you let me
in - Numeric/symbolic keys/passwords widely used
- In public key cryptography, knowing the Lock does
not let you calculate the Key - I can tell you my numeric Lock
- If later I produce the matching Key, it's me
again - It's possible to do this with Challenges rather
than than the Keys and Locks themselves
4Using public keys
- A common use of public key crypto is ssh on Unix
systems - I generate a public and private key pair on my
desktop computer - I put the public key in my .ssh directory on a
remote computer - If I connect to the ssh server there with my
matching private key, it lets me in to my account - But I need to bootstrap this by first proving
my identity to each remote admin I want to deal
5Something better certificates
- One step better is to use a Certificate
- My X.509 Certificate My Public Key signed by
a trusted Certification Authority - I prove my identity once to the CA and the CA
signs my Public Key - The remote admin gets the CA's Public Key somehow
- If I can present my Private Key, the remote
admin's server can verify the CA's signature on
my Public Key - So there's a chain of trust proving it's me
- (unless my Private Key is stolen!)
6Using certificates HTTPS
- Inserting a small number of CA's into the system
makes it much more scalable - So this is what we need for the Grid, and for the
Web before it - e-Commerce websites already use this to prove
their identity to customers - Don't want to give Credit Card number to bad
sites - HTTPS also lets users prove identity to servers
- This is hardly used, but in Mozilla, IE, NS
already - GridSite exploits this to authenticate users
7UK e-Science CA
- This is based at RAL and issues Certificates to
people in the UK Grid/e-Science community - http//ca.grid-support.ac.uk/
- They adhere to a policy on how this is done
- eg using photographic ID
- eg the machine with the Private Key lives in a
safe - They issue user certificates
- /CUK/OeScience/OUManchester/LHEP/CNAndrew
McNab - And server certificates
- /CUK/OeScience/OUManchester/LHEP/CNwww.gridpp
8Other CAs
- We have a list of other Certification Authorities
- http//www.gridpp.ac.uk/gridsite/calist.html
- There are a couple of dozen ones for other EU and
North American academic communities - Use common standards for CA operations
- There are commercial ones (Verisign etc) which
charge a few tens of dollars for basic user certs - There are also free CAs of varying value
- Globus.org run a CA with no user verification
- Cacert.org runs a CA with community verification
9From individuals to groups
- One of the key Grid concepts is the Virtual
Organisation, composed on the Net/Web/Grid
rather than in physical space - Also, when authorizing people to access
resources, often want to be able to manage them
as a group - So we need ways of specifying Groups or VOs, and
to securely decide whether someone is in that
group. - Two main ways of doing this
- DN Lists (pull)
- Attribute Certificates (push)
10Authorization pull DN Lists
- The name on a Certificate is the Distinguished
Named or DN - So a DN List is a list of people's certificate
names - The simplest way of defining a group is to list a
set of DNs - This is now widely used in deployed Grids
- Globus uses a manually edited file grid-mapfile
- EDG publishes lists via LDAP protocol
- GridSite uses HTTPS or LDAP to publish lists
- Each site must pull the current list periodically
11Authorization push VOMS
- The opposite way is for users to have another
certificate which proves they are in the group - There is an IETF RFC for these Attribute Certs
- EDG's VOMS service is run by a VO
- VO managers define group memberships
- Users contact VOMS to get a short lived AC
- When users connect to a resource, they present
their Authentication Cert and Attribute Cert(s) - This avoids the need for sites to pull DN Lists
- But needs special client software to support ACs
12Delegation GSI Proxies
- Another problem we face is with remote jobs or
agents - How can they prove they are acting on our behalf
and fetch files they need? - We do this using Globus GSI Proxies
- A shortlived certificate signed by user using
their longlived certificate from the CA - Grid services like fileservers accept these proxy
certificates as if they were talking to the user
13Binding policies to resources
- So we have ways to
- Identify individuals and their jobs/agents
- Get lists of group members
- Prove to a resource we're in a group
- Now need a way for resource owners to associate
rules about who can do what - We do this with a Policy or Access Control List /
Language - At the moment, we're using an XML Grid Access
Control Language (GACL) to do this
14Grid Access Control Language
ltgacl version0.0.1gt ltentrygt
ltpersongt ltdngt/OGrid/CNAndrewlt/
dngt lt/persongt
lt/entrygt lt/gaclgt
15Grid Access Control Language
Entry container for credentials and permissions
Credential ANDd inside this entry if more than
one present
ltgacl version0.0.1gt ltentrygt
ltpersongt ltdngt/OGrid/CNAndrewlt/
dngt lt/persongt
lt/entrygt lt/gaclgt
Permissions deny wins over allow
If multiple entries, resulting permissions
are ORd
16Applying this to an HTTPS server
- GridSite 1.0.0 released on 14 December
- In production on www.gridpp.ac.uk
- Includes
- libgridsite Grid ACL access control HTTP /
X.509 / GSI / VOMS utilities - gridsite-admin.cgi user editing of pages, groups
etc - mod_gridsite support for GACL / GSI / VOMS
inside Apache - Plus support for HTTP PUT and DELETE of files
- Toolkit approach works with other tools (eg PHP)
17Tools for site managers
- GridSite CGI utility lets you
- edit pages and groups in your browser
- create directories
- upload or delete files
- edit GACL policies
18Apache as fileserver features
- With mod_gridsite installed, can now
- Do HTTP(S) GET/PUT/DELETE and directory listings
without a CGI binary - So no context switch from server to CGI
- Full support for GACL access control built in
- Makes Apache more like an FTP or scp server, but
with a better authorization model - htcp command line tool vs globus-url-copy, scp
etc - htcp uses HTTP(S) servers and GSI VOMS etc
- multistream HTTP, recursion etc being added
19Lightweight VOs
- GridSite supports lightweight VO management
- eg the groups published from www.gridpp.ac.uk
- This implements the GACL concept of a DN List
- A list of certifcate names, identified by an
HTTPS, voms-httpd or LDAP URL. - Lightweight they're stored as plain text
files - Easy to edit, populate from scripts etc
- Not meant to compete with database-backed
services - But does have gateways to produce VOMS certs etc
- Aim to support small VOs, individuals, subgroups
20libgridsite toolkit
- Core functions of GridSite pulled out into a
library - Currently only C and C-to-C API
- Will provide Java and OO C API
- Part of the rationale for the original libgacl
was to insulate us from Policy Language
developments - XACML from WS community is likely to become
endorsed by GGF etc - We aim to provide a smooth transition (no
change?) for users of the API - More functionality to be added parallel HTTP etc.
- Shorthand for making GridSite an Open Source
project, with significant external involvement - We noticed that most of the users installed the
software without first asking for help/support - We're trying to encourage this
- Source and binary distributions
- User, Admin, Install guides, man pages etc
- Publically available source code CVS Bugtrack
- Public announcement and discussion mailing lists
- Pointers to free/cheap/lightweight X.509 CAs
- Grid Security is largely based around Public Key
Crypto and X.509 Certificates - Push and pull technologies for group membership,
and for binding policies to resources have been
added - Through GridSite, GridPP has implemented this for
the Apache HTTP(S) server - But the components are available in reusable
toolkit form for other services - See http//www.gridpp.ac.uk/gridsite/ for more...