Title: Keeping Kids Safe
- The Michigan 4-H Youth Development Youth-Adult
Overnight Housing Policy - (Updated 9/09)
2Keeping Kids Safe! Why develop a policy?
3Why develop a policy?
- We want to do all we can to help ensure the
safety and well-being of both youth and adults
involved with Michigan 4-H programs
4-H Guiding Principle 2 Youth are physically and
emotionally safe.
4Why develop a policy?
- We want to reflect recom-mendations from
- Long-Term 4-H Use of Kettunen Center Committee
- MSU Office of Risk Management and Insurance
- MSU Office of General Counsel
- MSU Agriculture and Natural Resources Office of
Human Resources - We want to align with recom-mendations from
research on child sexual abuse
5Understanding child abuse and neglect . . .
- Child abuse means that a childs body or mind is
being injured. - Neglect means failing to give a child what he or
she needs. - Sexual abuse includes having sexual contact with
a child.
6Understanding child abuse and neglect . . .
- In 2006 in Michigan there were 16,104
sub-stantiated cases of child abuse and neglect
involving 27,148 victims. - Of these cases, 1,227 kids were victims of sexual
7Understanding child sexual abuse . . .
- Extrafamilial sexual abuse of children is thought
to be significantly under-reported. - In one study, 20 of extrafamilial offenders said
they accessed children via an organized activity.
8Understanding child sexual abuse . . .
- What do offenders say . . .
- The last person youd expect
- Sexual offenders working with or doing voluntary
work with kids exploit the trust that comes with
their role - Access to unsupervised areas should be restricted
or monitored
9- Child sexual abuse should be seen as a virus
that flourishes in secrecy and isolation. The
best treatment for inoculating communities and
protecting children is open communication. - C. van Dam, 2006
10Our response . . .
- Development of the Michigan 4-H Youth
Development Youth-Adult Overnight Housing Policy
11Core Component of Policy
- Youth can be housed with unrelated adult
chaperones aged 21 and over at overnight 4-H
events as long as the youth-adult ratio is at
least two youth to one adult and the adults have
been through the MSU Extension Child Well-Being
Volunteer Selection Process.
12- Applies to any Michigan 4-H sponsored state-,
regional-, multicounty-, county- or club-level
overnight event where adults are housed with or
share bathrooms with unrelated youth (such as
workshops, events, fairs, exchanges, overnight
trips, lock-ins and camps). - Mandatory implementation date
- January 1, 2008
13The Youth-Adult Housing Policy . . .
- Requires parents/guardians to sign a 4-H
Overnight Housing Parent/ Guardian Permission
Form indicating their understanding that their
child may be sharing lodging with an unrelated
adult (who has been through the MSU Extension
Child Well-Being Volunteer Selection Process) and
with at least one other youth
14The Youth-Adult Housing Policy . . .
- Addresses other aspects of overnight housing
situations (including lodging with related
adults, special needs situations and housing
older-younger youth together) - Provides resources for supporting chaperones in
their role
15The Youth-Adult Housing Policy . . .
- Applies to 4-H club overnights volunteers
should work with 4-H staff to ensure the correct
paperwork is submitted - Can be accessed in its entirety at the Michigan
4-H web site where many frequently asked
questions have been included
16We all have a role to play in keeping kids
physically and emotionally safe . . .
- On the organizational level Get to know the
policy and abide by it! - On the personal level Recognize the signs of
abuse and neglect and know what to do with this
17Lets work together to keep kids safe!