Title: Overview of Hemoglobin-based Oxygen Carriers (HBOCs)
1Overview of Hemoglobin-based Oxygen Carriers
- Abdu I. Alayash, Ph.D.
- Laboratory of Biochemistry and Vascular Biology,
BPAC Meeting, December 14, 2006
2Oxygen Therapeutics, Blood Substitutes
PFC Emulsion
Conjugated Tetramer
Encapsulated Hb
3HBOC Associated Pre-Clinical and Clinical Side
- Vasoactivity/hypertension
- Gastrointestinal side effects
- Pancreatic and liver enzyme elevation
- Oxidative stress
- Cardiac involvement
- Proinflammatory responses
- Neurotoxicity
(Mackenzie C.F. and Bucci E. Hosp. Med. 65582,
4HBOCs Challenges Outside RBCs
- (A) Nature of chemical modification
- non-site specificity ? conformational heme
instability - (B) Vascular/oxidative effects of free Hb
- a) consumes NO ? vasoconstriction/hypertension
- b) generates/reacts with ROS ? vascular injury
ROS Reactive Oxygen Species
5Oxyglobin (HBOC-301) Biochemical and
Physiological Properties of an FDA Approved HBOC
for Veterinary Medicine
6Molecular Size Distribution of HBOC-301 and its
Buehler et al., Anal Chem 773466, 2005
7Oxygen Equilibrium Curves (OECs) for HBOC-301 and
its Fractions
Buehler et al., Anal Chem 773466, 2005
8HBOCs Challenges Outside RBCs
- (A) Nature of chemical modification
- non-site specificity ? conformational heme
instability - (B) Vascular/oxidative effects of free Hb
- a) consumes NO ? vasoconstriction/hypertension
- b) generates/reacts with ROS ? vascular injury
ROS Reactive Oxygen Species
9Cell-free Hb and The Vasculature
(Alayash, A., Nature Rev. Drug Disc. 3152-159,
10HBOC-301 Associated Hypertension after 50
Exchange Transfusion
11HBOC Associated Oxidative Vascular Injury
Baldwin et al. , AJP 283H1292, 2002 Baldwin et
al, AJP 284H81, 2003 and Baldwin et al., JAP
96893, 2004
12HBOCs General Summary
- Most HBOCs are vasoactive, in part due to the
scavenging of vascular NO. The proximity of HBOCs
or its fractions to NO vascular sources may
determine the degree of response. - HBOCs that can withstand initial NO/oxidative
insult due to heme stability and/or in the
presence of endogenous reductants may deliver