Title: Support for high performance UDPTCP applications
1Support for high performance UDP/TCP applications
- More and more demonstration and trials on
high-performance applications - Application-specific stream or data
- Consume large network bandwidth
- Heavily rely on network support
- What can NOC do to support for it?
- If there is a lambda path
- lucky!
- RTT is still an issue
- Otherwise
- Measurement and monitoring
- Network performance measurement tool
- Application-specific measurement tools
- End to end performance guarantee
- Inter-AS routing adjustment
- Agreement on enabling application-related ACLs
3Where are the bottlenecks?
4Possible Paths
5Case study
In KR It is not via the CERNET KR path It is
not via the CERNET APAN KR path It is not via
the CERNET TEIN2 KR path It is not via the
CERNET TEIN2 JP KR path It is via the
CERNET APAN Abilene KR path And the return
path may be totally different
6The Ideas
- Use measurement tools to
- Help users to do self-service
- Separate the network problems from the end system
problems - Find the network segments which cause the problem
7SASM Framework
8The operation modes of basic tools
9Server discovery and registration
10From Arlington to TEIN2 Beijing server
using WALN Not good
using RJ45 Good
11TCP transfer speed
12The TCP measurement Tool
13The testing steps
- Default test
- The default TCP transfer speed for the e2e peer
- Window size test
- Check the client window
- Parallel session test
- Check the server window
- Physical speed limit
- Comparison with ping and UDP (dvping) tests
- Check packet loss (ping and dvping)
- Check RTT (ping and dvping)
- Check throughput (dvping)
14Comparison with UDP (dvping)
- Compare with UDP (dvping)
- Check RTT, packet loss and the physical speed
15(No Transcript)
16Summary of the TEIN2 NOC measurement servers
U Unicast M - Multicast
17TEIN2 Measurement Server Locations
18SASM Framework
19A Document
Login tein2 passwd tein2
20eVLBI example
- Application specific tools
- dvping (UDP)
- iperf (TCP/UDP)
- Distributed servers alone the path
- Scalable Application Specific Measurement (SASM)
- Open traffic monitoring
- Netflow
- Applications
- TCP vs. UDP
- International collaboration