Title: Doing Statistical Analysis in Excel
1Doing Statistical Analysisin Excel
- Mark J. Kittleson, PhD, FAAHBkittle_at_siu.edu
2A very simple analysisone can do is to suma
column of numbers.In this case, letssum the
numbers fromC2 to C11.So, highlight C12,then
click this icon.Then hit enter
Note that this line hasthe commands of summation
3The sum weight of all of these menis a total of
4If one wants an averageheight of these
illustriousmen, then click the sum icon,then in
the line barclick /x where xis the number
of subjects you have. In thiscase it is 10.
5Based on this actionthe average height (in
inches) is 70.9.
6If one didnt want todo a cumulative weightbut
rather the averageof the 10 individualshighligh
t C13, click the sum iconand /10
7There are more sophisicatedstatistics one can
do. First,pull down the tool menuand drag
down to data analysis
8This is the menu that comes up. There are
various statisticsthat one can run. One of the
most common is descriptivestatistics. Scroll
down, highlight it and hit OK.
9You will now get this box. It willask you what
set of data do youwant to analyze. Click this
10Now taking your cursor, highlight the datayou
want analyzed. In this example, we areanalyzing
data from B2 to B11. After highlightingdata,
click that red/blue button again.
11Youll come back to this boxnow click OK
12On a separate sheet you willhave this
information appear.For example, the mean is
70.9the median is 70.5 the mode is 75.
13Another common statistics is correlations.
Rememberthat correlations can only be run with
continuousvariables. Again, pull down the
tools menu andhighlight data analysis.
Youll get this box. Click correlation, then
hit OK
14Again, click the red/blue box.then highlight all
of thedata you want to correlate. In this case
we aresee if the items in column B(2-11)
correlate to itemsin column C (2-11). Then
click OK
15This is what you obtain. Thecorrelation is
-.23whichmeans that the taller you are,the
more likely you will weigh less
16This was created by Kele Ding,MD, PhD, now at
Idaho State University
Another very useful statistic is the Chi
Square.This can be used for both nominal and
ordinaldata. Again, an Excel file has been
createdspecifically to run a Chi Square test.
17Lets add two more variablesones political
persuasion and whetherthey like ice cream.
Lets copy andpaste them into the chi square
18Theretheyve been addedAfter you have them in,
youcan click chi square test
19Here are the resultsthe criticalitem is the
probability issuetypically anything less than
.05 isconsidered significant
20Another key statistic is the t test. The t
testis a way to determine differences between
two groupsof scores. In columns D and E we have
two groups of scores. Lets see if theres a
21First, pull down the tool menuthen click
t-test pairedsample for meansthen click OK.
22First selectvariable 1were using IQage 20
(D2-11)versus IQ Age 40(E2-11). Firstclick
this box
23Highlight the cellsin this case D2-D11.Then
click the red/blue box
24Now click the variable 2 red/bluebox
25For variable two, highlightcells
E2-E11thenclick the red/blue box
26Now click OKyouare now seeing if theIQs at Age
20 aresignificantly different than when they
are 40.
27A lot of data is foundheremost
importantly Look at the probabilityof one
tailit is .17far above theacceptable .05. So
what wecan conclude is that thereis not a
significant differencein IQs between the two age
28The next statistic is the ANOVAthis is for
seeing the difference in means in three or more
29Lets see if theres a differencein IQ among the
three groups Select Anovasingle factorthen
click OK.
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32As with the t-testthese are the resultsone is
comparing the averages IQ of 20, 40 and60 (92.7,
77.8, 73.6 respectively). TheANOVA revealed no
significant difference.
33The final statistic is a simple rank and
34Once this box comes up, click the red/blue
buttonand highlight what you want to
analyzethenclick OK.
35What you have now is aranking of the scores