Title: Formal Methods for Service Composition
1Formal Methods for Service Composition
Monday, November 24
(joint work with Maurice ter Beek and Stefania
- Background
- WS composition approaches
- Syntactic WS composition
- Semantic WS composition
- WS composition characteristics
- Connectivity, correctness and QoS
- Compare standardization approaches w.r.t.
characteristics - Formal methods for WS composition
- Automata, Petri nets and process algebras
- Compare formal methods w.r.t. characteristics
- UMC Approach
- Conclusions
- Service-Oriented Computing (SOC)
- An emerging cross-disciplinary paradigm for
distributed computing - Changes the way in which software applications
are designed, architected (SOA), delivered and
consumed - Web Services (WSs)
- Autonomous, platform-independent computational
elements, possibly managed by different
organizations - Described, published, discovered, orchestrated
and programmed to build networks of collaborating
applications, distributed both within and across
organizational boundaries
- We survey and compare WS composition approaches
(both industrial and academic)
4Syntactic WS Composition Approaches
- WS Orchestration (like BPEL4WS)
- Combines available WSs by adding a central
coordinator - This orchestrator is responsible for invoking and
combining WSs - WS Choreography (like WS-CDL)
- No central coordinator
- Complex tasks defined by conversations of the
participating WSs - Composition of peer-to-peer interactions among
the collaborating WSs
- Both XML-based
- BPEL coordination/composition of WSs
(WSDL-based) - Processes model the flow of WSs by connecting
activities that communicate with external WS
providers - WS-CDL choreography description of WSs
- Interactions describe the information exchange by
specifying participants, information and channel - Exception handling and compensations supported
through exception and finalizer work units - Contrary to BPEL, WS-CDL describes a global view
of the behavior of the message exchanges of all
WSs (rather than behavior defined from viewpoint
of one WS)
6Semantic WS Composition Approaches
- Aim the automation of WS discovery, invocation,
composition, interoperation and execution
monitoring - Describe WSs by explicit, machine-understandable
semantics - Often rely on ontologies to formalize the domain
concepts shared among WSs (like OWL-S and WSMO) - The Internet is seen as a globally linked
database in which web pages are marked with
semantic annotations
- Both ontology-based
- defines a WS ontology with four main elements
service concept, service profile, service model
and service grounding - no clear distinction between choreography and
orchestration - WSMO
- defines a model to describe semantic WSs with
four main elements ontologies, WSs, goals and
mediators - conceptual design in WSMF, annotations in WSML,
execution environment WSMX for dynamic
discovery/selection/invocation - OWL-S more mature in certain aspects
(choreography), while WSMO provides a more
complete conceptual model
8WS Composition Characteristics I
- Connectivity
- Reliability
- The ability to deliver responses continuously in
time - The ability to correctly deliver messages between
two endpoints - Accessibility
- The percentage of responses per WS request
- Exception handling/Compensations
- What happens in case of an error and how to undo
the already completed activities - The ability to manage compensations of WS
invocations (in case of a failure)
9WS Composition Characteristics II
- Correctness
- Safety/Liveness
- Assertions that some bad event never happens in
the course of a computation - Assertions that some event does eventually happen
in the course of a computation - Security/Trust
- The ability of a WS (composition) to provide
proper authentication, authorization,
confidentiality and data encryption - The assurance that a WS (composition) will
perform as expected despite possible
environmental disruptions, human and operators
errors, hostile attacks and design and
implementation errors
10WS Composition Characteristics III
- Quality of Service (QoS)
- Accuracy
- The error rate of a WS, measured as the number of
errors generated by a WS in a certain time
interval - Availability
- The probability that a WS is available at any
given time, measured as the percentage of time a
WS is available over an extended time period - Performance
- Measured as the success rate of WS requests
- Maximum time needed to complete a request
(response time) - Number of completed requests over a period of
time (throughput) - Time needed by a WS to process a request
11Comparison of Standardization Approaches
- Neither of these approaches offer any direct
support for the verification of WS compositions
at design time - This is where formal methods come into play !
12Formal Methods for WS Composition I
- Automata
- Well-known model underlying formal specifications
- I/O automata, timed automata, team automata, etc.
- Their formal basis allows for automatic tool
support - Exemplary approaches (see paper for references)
- Frameworks to analyze and verify properties of WS
compositions of BPEL processes - Translations from BPEL to Promela (finite
automata) to use the SPIN model checker to verify
LTL properties - Translations from WS-CDL to timed automata to use
the UPPAAL model checker to verify (timed) CTL
13Formal Methods for WS Composition II
- Petri nets
- Well-known framework for modeling concurrent
systems - Their ease of conceptual modeling (graphical
notation) has made Petri nets the model of choice
in many applications - Their formal basis allows for automatic tool
support - Exemplary approaches (see paper for references)
- Mapping of all BPEL control-flow constructs into
labeled Petri nets (including the
dead-path-elimination technique) - Open-source tools BPEL2PNML and WofBPEL
automatically transform BPEL processes in Petri
nets and analyze them (including reachability
14Formal Methods for WS Composition III
- Process Algebras
- Precise and well-studied set of formalisms
- CCS, p-calculus (which inspired BPEL to a certain
extent), LOTOS, etc. - Their formal basis allows automatic verification
of behavioral properties - Rich theory on bisimulation analysis for
equivalence testing (to verify substitutivity and
redundancy in WS compositions) - Exemplary approaches (see paper for references)
- Specify and compose WSs in CCS to use Concurrency
Workbench to validate correctness properties - Translations from BPEL to LOTOS to use CADP
model-checking toolbox to verify temporal
15Comparing Formal Methods
- Paper provides a reference for WS composition
designers and developers willing to use formal
methods and tools
16Behavioural Correctness of WSs Composition by UMC
(Finance Case Study)
17WSs Behaviour - UML State Machines
18UMC Classes An Example
Class AuthenticationService is Signals // FROM
Portal authentication(USERToken,PWDToken,CUSTCu
stomer) Vars userToken myPortal
Portal actual_customer Customer State top
s1 Transitions --CUSTOMER AUTHENTICATION-- s1-gts1
authentication(USER,PWD,CUST) /
actual_customerCUST userUSER
s1-gts1 authentication(USER,PWD,CUST) /
actual_customerCUST userUSER
mer) end AuthenticationService
19UCTL Properties some examples
- Each time that the Customer asks for a
- credit, the system provides a response
- RECEIVE OFFER the customer receives a credit
order - BALANCE NOT VALID the customer's balance is not
valid - UPDATE DATA the system asks to the customer to
update some data - NEGATIVE RESPONSE the system processes all data
and provides a negative response.
20UCTL Properties some examples
- A Customer can not receive an offer if the
Supervisor did not give - a positive assessment.
A Customer receives a negative answer from the
Credit Portal only if he/she receives one of the
following negative notifications - Negative
Supervisor Evaluation - Negative Employee
Evaluation - Negative Balance Evaluation
- Most standardization approaches to WS composition
lack - Support to verify the (behavioral) correctness of
WS compositions - Support to perform quantitative analysis of QoS
aspects - Formal Methods and tools allow one to simulate
and verify the behavior of ones model at design
time - Thus enable the detection and correction of
errors as early as possible and in any case
before implementation ! - The use of formal methods can increase the
confidence in the correctness of ones (WS
composition) design