Title: Apollo Gold Mining Limited
1Apollo Gold Mining Limited March 2003
An Emerging Gold Producer
2The Assets
- 326 sq. km of land holding in the highly
prospective Laverton Tectonic Zone - Laverton Processing Plant capacity 1 Mtpa
- Resource 10.6 Mt _at_ 1.9 g/t 647,000 ounces
- In Pit Resource 1.6 Mt _at_ 2.3 g/t 117,000 oz
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4The Strategy
- Cash flow is a priority
- Sponsor Laverton Region Gold Alliance
- Leverage Ownership of Mill through JVs and Toll
Processing Arrangements - Growth by exploration success and increasing Mill
5The Apollo Mission
- Single Commodity Gold
- Single Region Laverton
- Single Focus Generate Cash
6Short Term Goals
- Commence development drilling 10 March 2003
- Complete Project Verification Study - mid 2003
- Establish in-pit resources for 5 years of Gold
Production _at_ 40,000-45,000 oz pa mid 2003 - Pour Gold within 12 months
- Commence deep drilling programme mid 2004
7LTZ is Elephant Country !
- gt 23 million oz discovered in the region e.g.
Granny Smith/Wallaby/Sunrise - Under cover limited application of geophysics
limited exploration since 1997 - Active exploration programme commenced for
shallow targets and resource extensions - JV negotiations have commenced with other gold
companies in the region looking for major
deposits - Deep drilling to commence mid-2004
8Potential Reserve 300-400,000 oz
- Existing Pits 117,000 oz 2.5 yrs
- Drilling outside Optimised Pits
- Immediate Targets
- Sunshine/Craiggiemore 20,000 oz 0.4 yrs
- Grouse/Vat/Scotland Yet 40,000 oz 0.8 yrs
- Admiral Hill 60,000 oz 1.3 yrs
- Burtville Blue Moon 60,000 oz 1.3 yrs
- Current Total Resource 10.56 mt_at_1.91 g/t for
647,000 ozs
Further Drilling Required adjacent to Syenite
- 6 km strike
- 8 km N of plant
- Existing Resource 0.8 Mt _at_ 1.9 g/t
Potential Resource Extension
Poorly Tested Zone
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12Potential Mining Plan First 2½ Years
- Tonnes treated 1.6 million
- Grade - g/t 2.3
- Contained Ounces 117,000
- Recovery 92
- Recovered Ounces 108,000
- Throughput tonnes p.a 600,000
- Gold Produced oz p.a 40-45,000
13Potential Gross Revenues First 2½ Years
- Gold Price A575
- Revenue A60-65 M
- Operating Costs A28/t A40-45 M
- Environment Rehab (net) A1 M
- Development Costs A4 -5M
- Net Surplus A9 -12 M
- EBITDA p.a A3 - 5 M
- Independent Geologist estimated costs at A28./t
14The Future
- Project Verification Study completed mid-2003
- Gold Production to Start within 1 Year
- Self-funded Exploration after 1 Year
- Toll Treatment Capability
- Significant Exploration Upside
- Capitalisation A15 per ounce (US9)
- 40,000 ounces p.a. within 12 months
- No debt. Unhedged
- Prospectivity of LTZ (Sunrise, Wallaby )
- Potential 80,000 ounces p.a. within 2 years
Apollo Gold Mining Limited March 2003
An Emerging Gold Producer
By Dudley J Kingsnorth Chief Executive
OfficerEmail djk_at_apollogold.com.au