Title: Hugo Sinzheimer Institute University of Amsterdam
1Hugo Sinzheimer InstituteUniversity of Amsterdam
- Early Interventions through
- Work-based Programs
- Work First Benchmark 2007
- The Netherlands
- Julie Castonguay
- J.Castonguay_at_uva.nl
- WAPES and AMS Benchmarking Thematic Day
- European Strategies on Early Interventions
- Vienna, 5-6 May 2008
2Trends in labour market policies in EU welfare
- From. passive labour market policy
- Benefits for income replacement,
- Unemployment Insurance and Social Assistance
- To. Active Labour Market Policies (ALMP)
- Education and Training for the unemployed
- Human Capital approach
- To. Activating labour market policies
- Incentives to take-up employment
- Mandatory participation in programs
- Focus on active participation of claimants in
their efforts to find a job
3Definition Work First
- What do we mean with work-based programs and with
Work First in the Dutch context? - A strategic policy, implemented from the start of
the claim for social assistance, - focused on prevention, enforcement of rights and
duties, diagnose through work-test, - where the objective is the return to work as soon
as possible, - making use of three types of instruments
work-activities, employability-activities, and
4Work First strategy
t1 ? t2
5Context Reform of Social Security in 2002/2004
- SUWI (2002) on the implementation structure of
social security - WWB (2004) on Social Assistance
- ? Major changes privatization and
decentralization - Effectiveness increased focus on impacts of
programs - Efficiency competition between private providers
- Client-oriented service provision choice is
6Context Exit rates after two years in Social
Assistance (2003)
Total claimants 390 040 No exit within 2
years 275 960 (71) Exit to work 31 230 (8)
Source CBS, 2005, Uitstroom naar werk.
7Context Exit rates after two years in
Unemployment Insurance (2003)
Total claimants 161 130 No exit within two
years 51 650 (32) Exit to work 51 250 (32)
Source CBS, 2005, Uitstroom naar werk.
8Context Odds of finding a job Social
Assistance, with/without (early) intervention
No intervention Early intervention Intervention
after 6 months Intervention after 12 months
(source SEO 2006)
9The rise of Work First in the Netherlands
- From Suitable Work to Generally accepted work
- New financial incentives for municipalities,
towards increasing outflow and decreasing inflow - Possibility to make use of private providers
- Evidence that early-intervention works
- Evidence that work-based employment programs
works, mostly influenced by US, UK and Danish
programs. - ? Situation in 2005, 80 of municipalities say
they have implemented some form of Work First.
But, no centralised collection of data/evidence
of success/failures.
10Work First Benchmark 2007
- Commissioned by Divosa, the association of the
directors of social affairs departments in Dutch
municipalities. - 49 Work First projects participate in the
benchmark, from 78 municipalities - Objectives of the benchmark
- Asses the degree of variation between the
projects - Asses the performance of the projects
- Find out the determinants of success
- Allow projects to compare their design and their
results with each other, and learn from
11Policy choices within Work First
- Target group all claimants, only young
unemployed, only new claimants (early
intervention only) - Sanctions partial reduction or complete
withdrawal of benefit - Type of work-environment regular labour market
or simulated work-place - Number of hours in work-activities, and type and
number of hours for employability-activities - Rewards work-for-benefit, or regular salary
- Service provider municipality,
sheltered-workplace or private provider
12Results of Work First
- On average, the impact of the 49 Work First
projects was - Inflow prevention 33
- Outflow to work 45
13Impact Work First Target group by claim-length
14Impact Work FirstTarget group by age
15Impact Work First Type of Sanction
16Impact Work First Type of Work-environment
17Impact Work First Type of Reward
18Make or buy? Head-contractor of Work First
Head-contractor of Work First (in )
19Impact Work First Type of Head-contractor
20Impact Work First
- For a high level of inflow prevention
- Young unemployed and new claimants for target
group - Simulated working-environment
- Municipality as head-contractor of project
- Only benefits as a reward
- Withdrawal of benefit as sanction policy
- For a high level of outflow to work
- Young unemployed and new claimants for target
group - Real working-environment
- Municipality or Private provider as
head-contractor of project - Temporary reduction in benefit as sanction policy
21Negative effects of Work First
- Focusing only on work, not taking into account
salary or job security, can lead to working
poor - It can also lead to a revolving-door effect,
where individuals alternate periods of (low paid
and insecure) work with claiming social
assistance benefits.
- Decentralization created a laboratory for
different kinds of approach to Work First - The short-term results are good, little is known
now about impacts on the long-term - Balancing focus on work with an aim at increasing
employability is crucial for the long-term. - Balance between carrots and sticks, sanctions and