Title: Introduction to Value At Risk VaR
1Introduction to Value At Risk VaR
- FIN285 Lecture 5
- Fall 2003
- Readings Dowd Chapter 2
2Value-at-Risk (VaR)
- Probabilistic worst case
- Almost perfect storm
- 1/100 year flood level
3VaR Advantages
- Risk -gt Single number
- Firm wide summary
- Handles futures, options, and other complications
- Relatively model free
- Easy to explain
- Deviations from normal distributions
4Value at Risk (VaR)History
- Financial firms in the late 80s used it for
their trading portfolios - J. P. Morgan RiskMetrics, 1994
- Currently becoming
- Wide spread risk summary
- Regulatory
5Value at Risk Methods
- Methods
- Delta Normal
- Historical
- Monte-carlo
- Bootstrap
- Definitions
- Parameters
- Regulation
- Limitations
- Expected tail loss (ETL)
7Defining VaR
- Mark to market (value portfolio)
- 100
- Identify and measure risk
- Normal mean 0, std. 10 over 1 month
- Set time horizon of interest
- 1 month
- Set confidence level 95
8Portfolio value today 100, Normal returns (mean
0, std 10 per month), time horizon 1 month,
95 VaR 16.5
0.05 Percentile 83.5
9VaR Definitions in Words
- Measure initial portfolio value (100)
- For 95 confidence level, find 5th percentile
level of portfolio values (83.5) - The amount of this loss (16.5) is the VaR
- What does this say?
- With probability 0.95 your losses will be less
than 16.5
10Increasing the Confidence Level
- Increase level to 99
- Portfolio value 76.5
- VaR 100-76.5 23.5
- With probability 0.99, your losses will be less
than 23.5 - Increasing confidence level, increases VaR
11Choosing VaR Parameters
- Holding period
- Risk environment (depends)
- Portfolio constancy/liquidity (short)
- Data quantity (short)
- Confidence level
- Estimate of extreme tails (high)
- Min return
- Data quantity (low)
- Definitions
- Parameters
- Regulation
- Limitations
- Expected tail loss (ETL)
- International bank capital requirements
- Basle accord (1996 amendment)
- Internal models
- Capital requirement k(Average VaR over the
last 60 days)k is between 3 and 4 - VaR parameters
- 99 confidence
- 10 day holding period
14More Thoughts on Regulation and VaR (see box 2.2)
- Somewhat consistent approach (but arbitrary)
- Variability across firms (trusting banks to get
risk management right) - Might banks be able to figure out how to get
around this regulation? - Does this make capital markets more or less
- Definitions
- Parameters
- Regulation
- Limitations
- Expected tail loss (ETL)
16VaR Limitations
- Uniformative about extreme tails
- Bad portfolio decisions
- Might add high expected return, but high loss
with low probability securities - Might discourage diversification
- Basically (VaR/Expect return) calculations still
not well understood - VaR is not Sub-additive
17Not Subadditive
- Sub-additive risk
- VaR doesn't meet this requirement
- Mean/variance does
18Why is This a Problem?
- Simple adding of risks underestimates risk
- Over aggressive behavior
- Financial firm might do better (in terms of
capital requirement regulation) if it split
itself up - Also, individual investors might split up their
trading accounts to get better margin requirement
- Definitions
- Parameters
- Regulation
- Limitations
- Expected tail loss (ETL)
20Expected Tail Loss
- Expected loss, given that loss is greater than VaR
21Portfolio value today 100, Normal returns (mean
0, std 10 per month), time horizon 1 month,
95 VaR 16.5, Expected Tail 79.2, ETL 20.8
0.05 Percentile 83.5
22Matlab Code for Expected Tail Loss
23ETL versus VaR
- Advantages
- Better information on possible tail losses
- Some better properties (sub-additive)
- Disadvantages
- Sensitive to outliers
- Difficult to estimate (for high confidence
numbers) - More difficult to explain
24Normal Distributions
- Many VaR calculations can be done using tables
- Find percentile value for confidence level for
normal, mean 0, std 1 using standard tables - For 0.05 level, this is 1.64
- Critical return (R) std(percentile value)
0.1(-1.64) -0.164 - W W(1R) 100(1-0.164) 83.6
- VaR Loss W W 100-83.6 16.4
25Normal DistributionsNonzero Mean (Absolute VaR)
- Assume std 0.10, mean 0.05
- Critical return (R)
- mean std(percentile value)
- 0.050.1(-1.64) -0.114
- W W(1R) 100(1-0.114) 88.6
- VaR Loss W W 100-88.6 11.4
- This is known as Absolute VaR
- Absolute dollar loss
26Normal DistributionsNonzero Mean (Relative VaR)
- Assume std 0.10, mean 0.05
- Critical return (R)
- mean std(percentile value)
- 0.050.1(-1.64) -0.114
- W W(1R) 100(1-0.114) 88.6
- Relative VaR is measured relative to expected
wealth in the future - VaR Loss E(W) W 100(1.05)-88.6 16.4
- This is known as Relative VaR
27Absolute versus Relative VaR
- Absolute
- Measure total loss possible against todays
wealth - Relative
- Measure loss against expected increases in
todays wealth. - If portfolio is expected to grow by 10 percent,
measure loss relative to this growth - If means are positive, then relative VaR will be
larger (more conservative) - If means are near zero (short horizons) then they
are the same
28Normal Distributions in Practice
- Assume returns are normal
- Estimate mean and std using data
- Then get VaR using tables or monte-carlo
29Historical VaR
- Use past data to build histograms
- Method
- Gather historical prices/returns
- Use this data to predict possible moves in the
portfolio over desired horizon of interest
30Easy Example
- Portfolio
- 100 in the Dow Industrials
- Perfect index tracking
- Problem
- What is the 5 and 1 VaR for 1 day in the
31DataDow Industrials
- dow.dat (data section on the web site)
- File
- Column 1 Matlab date (days past 0/0/0)
- Column 2 Dow Level
- Column 3 NYSE Trading Volume (1000s of shares)
32Matlab and Data Files
- All data in matrix format
- Mostly numerical
- Two formats
- Matlab format filename.mat
- ASCII formats
- Space separated
- Excel (csv, common separated)
33Loading and Saving
- Load data
- load dow.dat
- Data is in matrix dow
- Save data
- save -ascii filename dow
- Matlab
- save filename dow
34Example Load and plot dow data
- Matlab pltdow.m
- Dates
- Matlab datestr function
35Back to our problem
- Find 1 day returns, and apply to our 100
portfolio - Matlab dnormdvar.m
- Methods used
- Delta normal (tables)
- Historical
- Note difference
- Computing VaR
- Interpreting VaR
- Time Scaling
- Regulation and VaR
- Jorion 3, 5.2.5-5.2.6
- Estimation errors
37Interpreting VAR
- Benchmark measure
- Compare risks across markets in company
- Flag risks appearing over time
- Potential loss measure
- Worst loss
- Equity capital
- Computing VaR
- Interpreting VaR
- Time Scaling
- Regulation and VaR
- Jorion 3, 5.2.5-5.2.6
- Estimation errors
39Time Scaling
- VaR calculations can be made beyond 1 period in
the future - Time scaling
- Analytic
- Monte-carlo
40Scale Factors and Analytics (Jorion)
- Reminder
- Let r(t) be a random return (independent over
41Scale Factors and Analytics
42Scaling in Words
- Mean scales with T
- Std. scales with sqrt(T)
- Reminder needs independence
43Three Methods
- Approximate scaling
- Exact (log normal) scaling
- Bootstrap/monte-carlo
- Assume that long horizon returns are the sum of
the short horizon returns
45Computing VaR
- Mark to market (value portfolio)
- 100
- Identify and measure risk factor variability
- Normal mean 0, std. 0.1 over 1 month
- Set time horizon
- 6 months (before 1 month)
- Std sqrt(6)0.10.245
- Set confidence level
- 5
466 Month VaR
- Many VaR calculations can be done using tables
- Find percentile value for confidence level for
normal, mean 0, std 1 using standard tables - For 0.05 level, this is 1.64
- Critical return (R) std(percentile value)
sqrt(6)0.1(-1.64) -0.40 - W W(1R) 100(1-0.40) 60
- VaR Loss W W 100-60 40
47Exact Methods
- Assume that prices are a geometric random walk
with normal increments
48Value of Portfolio at T
49Critical Return
- Let R be the alpha critical value for the T
period log return - Now define the future wealth level at the alpha
level by
50Computing VaR
- Mark to market (value portfolio)
- 100
- Identify and measure risk factor variability.
Assume log returns are distributed - Normal mean 0, std. 0.1 over 1 month
- Set time horizon
- 6 months (before 1 month)
- Std sqrt(6)0.10.245
- Set confidence level
- 5
516 Month VaR Exact(approximate numbers)
- Find percentile value for confidence level for
normal, mean 0, std 1 using standard tables - For 0.05 level, this is 1.64
- Critical return (R) std(percentile value)
sqrt(6)0.1(-1.64) -0.40 - W W(1R) 100exp(-0.40) 67 (60)
- VaR Loss W W 100-67 33 (40)
52Bootstrap Methods
- If the 1 period return distribution is unknown,
and you dont want to hope the central limit
theorem is working at T periods, then a bootstrap
might be a good way to go - Resample 1 period returns, T at a time, and build
a histogram for the T period returns - Use this to find the alpha critical value for
53Examples From Data
- Matlab
- hist10d.m
- hist10dln.m
- Computing VaR
- Interpreting VaR
- Time Scaling
- Regulation and VaR
- Jorion 3, 5.2.5-5.2.6
- Estimation errors
55Regulation and Basel Capital Accord
- 1988
- Minimum capital requirements
- Agreed minimum for signing central banks
- Why?
- Avoid global systemic risk
56The Early Basel Formulas
- Capital back must be at least 8 of risk
weighted assets - Risk weighting increases arbitrarily across asset
- Ignores risk mitigation (hedging) methods
- Ignores diversification effects
- Ignores term structure effects
- Too few risk classes
- Ignores market risk
58Standardized Model (1993)
- More classes
- New formulaic risk measures
- Problems
- Still arbitrary formulas and classes
- Misses diversification effects
- Ignores internal risk management methods
59Internal Models Approach1995
- Radical Change
- Core component (VaR)
- 10 trading day VaR
- 99 percent confidence
- Max ( last 60 days VaR, todays VaR)
- Use at least 1 year of historical data
- Scale factor (3 or more)
- Plus factor if banks numbers look unreliable
60Scale Adjustment
- Find 99 quantile return for 10 day period
- R
- Adjust this by a factor of 3
- 3R
- Why 3?
- Trying to eliminate failures
61An Example Using the Delta-Normal Approximation
- Estimate distribution of 1 day returns
- Normal, mean 0, std 0.01
- Find the 10 day std.
- sqrt(10)0.01 0.032
- Mean 010 0
- Get the 99 return level from tables
- 2.330.032 0.075
62An Example Using the Delta-Normal Approximation
- Get the 99 return level from tables
- 2.330.032 -0.075
- Critical R (k)0.075 (3)-0.075 -0.225
- 22.5 loss Basel requires cushion for
- 100 portfolio -gt Capital required 22.5
- All is standard VaR except for k
- Computing VaR
- Interpreting VaR
- Time Scaling
- Regulation and VaR
- Jorion 3, 5.2.5-5.2.6
- Estimation errors
64Estimation Errors
- Value at Risk is only an estimate
- What are its confidence bands?
- Methods
- Analytics (Jorion 5)
- Monte-carlo
65Precision of Mean and Std Estimators (Jorion page
66Quantile Std. Errors
67Normal Quantile Estimates
- Note mean more precise than std
- Can use as input into VaR estimates to get
confidence bounds - We wont do this.
- Monte-carlo methods
- mcdow2.m
- Computing VaR
- Interpreting VaR
- Time Scaling
- Regulation and VaR
- Jorion 3, 5.2.5-5.2.6
- Estimation errors