Title: Reablement as part of whole service reconfiguration
1Reablement as part of whole service
- Bruce McLernon
- Carmarthenshire County Council
- Carmarthenshire County Council is on a
journey. - Two years ago we had the worst delayed discharge
figures in Wales. - We spend more than the Welsh average proportion
of our budget on older people, and less than most
on procurement compared to residential and
domiciliary services. - We have increasing pressures on our budget.
- These pressures will not go away our older and
disabled population is projected to grow. - We also had the challenge of the Joint Review.
- Therefore we need to both improve outcomes
for older people and the value for money of the
investment in our services - .
3Population and Geography
Population Tywi, Teifi, Taf 64,765
65 13,096 Aman Gwendraeth 57,674 65
11,364 Llanelli 56,533
65 11,348
4Developing a strategy for older people
- We have worked with SSIA over the last year to
pull together a number of strands of work. - Joint Commissioning Strategy
- Domiciliary care commissioning strategy
- Accommodation Strategy
- ..and we are re-structuring
- to deliver these
5Joint Commissioning Strategy
- Covers all community, social and supported
housing services for older people. - Is based on developing better, more cost
effective services that improve outcomes for
older people. - Key planks are domiciliary services, intermediate
care and - accommodation
6Intermediate Care Services
- Canllaw Community Intermediate Care Teams
- Transition Beds in Local Authority Homes
- Units in sheltered accommodation
- Acute Response Team
- Chronic Disease Management Team
- Day Hospitals
- Social Day Care and Clubs
- Community Nursing Services
- Community Hospital and Rehabilitation Services in
three localities. - Home Care reablement
7Domiciliary Care Strategy Development a Process
of Engagement
- Worked with commissioners in the context of the
drivers and challenges reablement became obvious - Worked with Home Care they had been keen to
integrate with Canllaw and were largely managing
our information, activity and thus budgets and so
are ready to go - Worked with care managers they are key to
informing expectations as well as assessment and
care planning and are key drivers or inhibitors - Work with politicians scrutiny/ all
- Engagement with trade unions
8Development activities
- Auditing care management files need, risk,
reablement and independent living, DPs,
application of eligiblity - Reviewing existing packages
- Re-design the allocation process
- Finalise unit costs
- Agree the model of domiciliary care
- Agree the financial and activity models
- Agree the staffing structure to go with the model
- Undertake change management support for home
care, care management and commissioning staff - Review contracts and develop tendering processes
- Review the contracts monitoring process
9Domiciliary Care Model
10Implementing the strategy e.g. of work with
commissioners and care managers
Commissioning the components
Working together to keep people at home
- What are the key types of care that need to be
commissioned? - What do they look like?
- How can we do this and when?
- Actions to implement the revised allocations
- What services need to be in place across the
system? - How do we develop them together?
- Pick one and set out the actions to make it happen
Assessment models and practice
- What are the options for our teams if everyone
goes through the rapid response/ assessment/
reablement and brokerage process? - How do we make assessment focus on supporting
peoples strengths and abilities rather than
deficits? - What training/ coaching/ monitoring is needed?
- How do we need to change our practise to make a
reablement approach reality? - What would a county wide reablement service look
like if everyone went through it for 2 6 weeks? - How do we make it happen?
11Implementing the strategy e.g. of work with
- How do we do our bit to implement the strategy?
- What are the building blocks we need in the
Business Plan? - What are the key things that need to happen?
- How do we do it over three years?
12A structure to deliver
- Integrated strategic head of older peoples
services - Engaged around 100 managers and staff in
identifying issues and options - Integrated commissioning and contracting unit
- Re-balancing area and county wide functions
local accountability - Introducing strategic and operational
commissioning, brokerage and business support - Introducing rapid response, assessment and