Title: Changing School Culture to Impact Student Achievement
1Changing School Cultureto Impact Student
- Tahoe Elementary
- Sacramento City Unified School District
- Katie Curry
- Michelle Karns
- Rick Mooradian
- Jennifer Voorhees
We believe in providing a Safe and
caring environment Home/school
connections Instruction that meets
student needs Neighborhood/community
involvement where Everyone wins
2Tahoe Elementary
- 388 Students
- 38 Hispanic
- 24 African American
- 22 White
- 12 Asian
- 4 Other/Declined to State
- 23 English Learners
- School wide Title I
- 88 Free and Reduced Lunch
- Reading 1st School (top 11)
- CSR/HPSG Grant 2004/2005
- Michelle Karns
- Randy Lindsey
- Program Improvement School (2004-2006)
- (Out in 2007)
3The Numbers
4More Numbers
5At one time, you may have heard this in the halls
or at the meetings at Tahoe
- The kids are not prepared for school.
- The families arent doing their part.
- Thats not my kid. Hes not in my class.
- I dont look at color.
- I just cant handle this kid.
- He doesnt even try.
- You dont understand
- His parents dont even care.
- These kids cant do this.
- Hes Special Ed.
6Changing School Culture to Impact Student
Teachers Personal Consciousness
Teacher Efficacy
Quality Relationships
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Visitors say they can feel it when they are on
10When love and skill work together, expect a
masterpiece. -John Ruskin (1819-1900)
English Writer