Message Passing Interface - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Message Passing Interface


The goal of the Message Passing Interface is to provide a widely used standard ... by the Center for Research on Parallel Computing, Williamsburg, Virginia. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Message Passing Interface

Message Passing Interface
Message Passing Interface (MPI)
  • Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a
    specification designed for parallel applications.
  • The goal of the Message Passing Interface is to
    provide a widely used standard for writing
    message passing programs. The interface attempts
    to be
  • practical
  • portable
  • efficient
  • flexible
  • A message-passing library specification is
  • message-passing model
  • not a compiler specification
  • not a specific product

Message Passing Interface
  • MPI is designed to provide access to advanced
    parallel hardware for
  • end users
  • library writers
  • tool developers
  • Message Passing is now mature as programming
  • well understood
  • efficient match to hardware
  • many applications
  • Interface specifications have been defined for C
    and Fortran programs.

History of MPI
  • April, 1992
  • Workshop on Standards for Message Passing in a
    Distributed Memory Environment, sponsored by the
    Center for Research on Parallel Computing,
    Williamsburg, Virginia.
  • The basic features essential to a standard
    message passing interface were discussed, and a
    working group established to continue the
    standardization process. Preliminary draft
    proposal developed subsequently.
  • November 1992
  • Working group meets in Minneapolis. Oak Ridge
    National Laboratory (ORNL) presented a MPI draft
    proposal (MPI1).
  • Group adopts procedures and organization to form
    the MPI Forum. MPIF eventually comprised of about
    175 individuals from 40 organizations including
    parallel computer vendors, software writers,
    academia and application scientists.

History of MPI
  • November 1993 Supercomputing 93 conference -
    draft MPI standard presented.
  • Final version of draft released in May, 1994 -
    available on the WWW at http//
  • MPI-2 picked up where the first MPI specification
    left off, and addresses topics which go beyond
    the first MPI specification.

Reasons for Using MPI
  • Standardization - MPI is the only message passing
    library which can be considered a standard. It is
    supported on virtually all HPC platforms.
  • Portability - There is no need to modify your
    source code when you port your application to a
    different platform that supports (and is
    compliant with) the MPI standard.
  • Performance Opportunities - Vendor
    implementations should be able to exploit native
    hardware features to optimize performance.
  • Functionality - Over 115 routines are defined.
  • Availability - A variety of implementations are
    available, both vendor and public domain.

Types of Parallel Programming
  • Flynns taxonomy (hardware oriented)
  • SISD Single Instruction, Single Data
  • SIMD Single Instruction, Multiple Data
  • MISD Multiple Instruction, Single Data
  • MIMD Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data
  • A programmer-oriented taxonomy
  • Data-parallel Same operations on different data
  • Task-parallel Different programs, different
  • MIMD Different programs, different data
  • SPMD Same program, different data
  • Dataflow Pipelined parallelism
  • MPI is for SPMD/MIMD.

MPI Programming
  • Writing MPI programs
  • Compiling and linking
  • Running MPI programs
  • More information
  • Using MPI by William Gropp, Ewing Lusk, and
    Anthony Skjellum,
  • Designing and Building Parallel Programs by Ian
  • A Tutorial/User's Guide for MPI by Peter Pacheco
  • The MPI standard and other information is
    available at http// Also the
    source for several implementations.

Simple MPI C Program (hello.c)
  • include ltmpi.hgt
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • int main(int argc, char argv )
  • MPI_Init(argc, argv)
  • printf("Hello world\n")
  • MPI_Finalize()
  • return 0
  • Complie hello.c mpicc o hello helllo.c
  • include ltmpi.hgt provides basic MPI definitions
    and types
  • MPI_Init starts MPI
  • MPI_Finalize exits MPI
  • Note that all non-MPI routines are local thus
    the printf run on each process

Simple MPI C Program (
  • include ltiostream.hgt
  • include ltmpi.hgt
  • Int main(int argc, char argv)
  • int rank, size
  • MPIInit(argc, argv)
  • cout ltlt "Hello world" ltlt endl
  • MPIFinalize()
  • return 0
  • Compile mpiCC o hello

Starting and Exiting MPI
  • Starting MPI
  • int MPI_Init(int argc, char argv)
  • void MPIInit(int argc, char argv)
  • Exiting MPI
  • int MPI_Finalize(void)
  • void MPIFinalize()

Running MPI Programs
  • On many platforms MPI programs can be started
    with mpirun.
  • mpirun -np ltnpgt hello
  • mpirun is not part of the standard, but some
    version of it is common with several MPI
  • Two of the first questions asked in a parallel
    program are as follows
  • How many processes are there?
  • Who am I?
  • How many is answered with MPI_COMM_SIZE
  • Who am I is answered with
  • The rank is a number between zero and (SIZE -1).

Second MPI C Program
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • include "mpi.h"
  • int main(int argc, char argv)
  • int rank, size
  • MPI_Init(argc, argv)
  • MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank)
  • MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, size)
  • printf("Hello world! I am d of
  • MPI_Finalize()
  • return 0

Second MPI C Program
  • include ltiostream.hgt
  • include ltmpi.hgt
  • int main(int argc, char argv)
  • MPIInit(argc, argv)
  • int rank MPICOMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
  • int size MPICOMM_WORLD.Get_size()
  • cout ltlt "Hello world! I am " ltlt rank ltlt " of
    "ltlt size ltlt endl
  • MPIFinalize()
  • return 0

Second MPI C Program
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • include "mpi.h"
  • int main(int argc, char argv)
  • int rank, size
  • MPI_Init(argc, argv)
  • MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank)
  • MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, size)
  • printf("Hello world! I am d of
  • MPI_Finalize()
  • return 0

  • Communication in MPI takes place with respect to
    communicators (more about communicators later).
  • The MPI_COMM_WORLD communicator is created when
    MPI is started and contains all MPI processes.
  • MPI_COMM_WORLD is a useful default communicator
    many applications do not need to use any other.
  • mpirun -np ltnumber of processesgt ltprogram name
    and argumentsgt

MPI C Data Type
MPI C Data Type C Data Type
MPI_CHAR MPI_SHORT MPI_INT MPI_LONG MPI_UNSIGNED_CHAR MPI_UNSIGNED_SHORT MPI_UNSIGNED_INT MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG MPI_FLOAT MPI_DOUBLE MPI_LONG_DOUBLE MPI_BYTE MPI_PACKED signed char signed short int signed int signed long int unsigned char unsigned short int unsigned int unsigned long int float double long double
MPI C Data Types
MPI C data type C data type
MPICHAR MPISHORT MPIINT MPILONG MPIUNSIGNEDCHAR MPIUNSIGNEDSHORT MPIUNSIGNED MPIUNSIGNEDLONG MPIFLOAT MPIDOUBLE MPILONGDOUBLE MPIBYTE MPIPACKED signed char signed short int signed int signed long int unsigned char unsigned short int unsigned int unsigned long int float double long double
MPI Basic Functions
  • MPI_Init set up an MPI program.
  • MPI_Comm_size get the number of processes
    participating in the program.
  • MPI_Comm_rank determine which of those
    processes corresponds to the one calling the
  • MPI_Send send messages.
  • MPI_Recv receive messages.
  • MPI_Finalize stop participating in a parallel

MPI Basic Functions
  • MPI_Init(int argc, char argv)
  • Takes the command line arguments to a program,
  • checks for any MPI options, and
  • passes remaining command line arguments to the
    main program.
  • MPI_Comm_size( MPI_Comm comm, int size )
  • Determines the size of a given MPI Communicator.
  • A communicator is a set of processes that work
  • For typical programs this is the default
    MPI_COMM_WORLD, which is the communicator for all
    processes available to an MPI program.

MPI Basic Functions
  • MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_Comm comm, int rank )
  • Determine the rank of the current process within
    a communicator.
  • Typically, if a MPI program is being run on N
    processes, the communicator would be
    MPI_COMM_WORLD, and the rank would be an integer
    from 0 to N-1.
  • MPI_Send( void buf, int count, MPI_Datatype
    datatype, int dest, int tag, MPI_Comm comm )
  • Send the contents of buf, which contains count
    elements of type datatype to a process of rank
    dest in the communicator comm, flagged with the
    message tag. Typically, the communicator is

MPI Basic Functions
  • MPI_Recv( void buf, int count, MPI_Datatype
    datatype, int source, int tag, MPI_Comm comm,
    MPI_Status status )
  • Read into buf, which contains count elements of
    type datatype from process source in communicator
    comm if a message is sent flagged with tag. Also
    receive information about the transfer into
  • MPI_Finalize()
  • Handles anything that the current MPI protocol
    will need to do before exiting a program.
  • Typically should be the final or near final line
    of a program.

MPI Functions
  • MPI_Bcast Broadcasts a message from the process
    with rank "root" to all other processes of the
  • int MPI_Bcast ( void buffer, int count,
    MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, MPI_Comm comm)
  • Input/output Parameters
  • buffer starting address of buffer (choice)
  • count number of entries in buffer (integer)
  • datatype data type of buffer (handle)
  • root rank of broadcast root (integer)
  • comm communicator (handle)

MPI Functions
  • MPI_Reduce Reduces values on all processes to a
    single value
  • int MPI_Reduce ( void sendbuf, void recvbuf,
    int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, MPI_Op op, int
    root, MPI_Comm comm)
  • Input/output Parameters
  • sendbuf address of send buffer (choice)
  • count number of elements in send buffer (integer)
  • datatype data type of elements of send buffer
  • op reduce operation (handle)
  • root rank of root process (integer)
  • comm communicator (handle)

MPI Reduce Operation
MPI Name Operation
MPI_MAX MPI_MIN MPI_PROD MPI_SUM Maximum Minimum Product Sum
MPI_LAND MPI_LOR MPI_LXOR Logical and Logical or Logical exclusive or (xor)
MPI_BAND MPI_BOR MPI_BXOR Bitwise and Bitwise or Bitwise xor
MPI_MAXLOC MPI_MINLOC Maximum value and location Minimum value and location
MPI Example Programs
  • Master/Worker (greeting.c, master-worker.c,
    ring.c) A (master) process waits for the
    message sent by other (worker) processes.
  • Integration (integrate.c) Evaluates the
    trapezoidal rule estimate for an integral of
  • p Calculation (pi.c) Each process calculates
    part of p and summarize in the master process.
  • Matrix Multiplication (matrix-multiply.c,
    matrix.c) Each worker process calculates some
    rows of matrix multiplication and sends the
    result back to the master process.

MPI Example Programs
  • Exponential (exponent.c) Evaluates e for a
    series of cases. This is essentially the sum of
    products of (1 - exp() ).
  • Statistics (statistics.c) Tabulates statistics
    of a set of test scores.
  • Tridiagnonal system (tridiagonal.c) Solves the
    tridiagonal system Tx y.
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