Title: MS CRM License Registration Process
1MS CRM License Registration Process
2Ways to Register MS CRM licenses
- Customers can register themselves
- They should go to http//www.microsoft.com/Busine
ssSolutions/MBSRegistration - Customer must specify name of CSA in order for
CSA to receive their fee - CSA must have passed all certification
- Partners can register on behalf of their
Customers at - http//www.microsoft.com/BusinessSolutions/MBSRegi
3How to Register MS CRM Licenses
4Go to http//www.microsoft.com/BusinessSolutions/
IMPORTANT! Choose the correct option
If you dont choose the correct option you could
be setting up a new account and registration keys
provided would wipe out license information
contained in old registration key on the old
customer account!
5You and your customer must know which program MS
CRM was purchased under
- Customer has to provide company and profile
details followed by purchase details - FPP Customer enters PID key, customer data and
name of CSA - Open License Customer enters Authorization and
License number, customer data and name of CSA - Open Value, Select, EA Customer enters agreement
number, customer data and name of CSA
6Ensure the Correct Program is selected Enter
relevant details
7Setup Company Profile
8Setup Company Profile cont
Certified CSA Info MUST be entered here in order
for CSA to receive Fee
9Obtain Registration Keys
10Registration Complete!
11Complete details on CSA found on
- https//members.microsoft.com/partner/solutions/bu