Title: Today
1Lecture 5
- Today
- Project comments
- Unix
- Iterator for output
- Homework
- Project Two is due at 9pm, Sept. 17 (Wednesday)
2Class Exercises
- Write hello world using the GNU C compiler
- Write a program (using GNU C) that declares a
template class for a dynamic linked list and then
adds five integers to an integer instantiation of
the list
3Project 2
- Iterators for CSTreeltTgt
4Project Description
- Already have a templated CSTree class
- Constructor
- add()
- Create templated iterators for CSTreeltTgt
- CSTreeIterator_INORDER
- CSTreeIterator_PREORDER
- CSTreeIterator_POSTORDER
5Iterator methods
- Constructor
- Initialize iterator -- set current to first
element - bool more()
- return false if no more elements
- int get (T v)
- return current data (return type wont be int)
- int set (T v)
- return current data (return type wont be int)
- bool next()
- return false if cannot advance
- void reset()
- go back to beginning (re-initialize)
6Binary Tree Traversals
7Iterator Logic
- Preorder (N L R)
- Initpush root node
- while top is node loop
- current pop
- push current.right
- push current.left
- push current.data
- end loop
- return pop
- Inorder (L N R)
- Initpush root node
- while top is node loop
- current pop
- push current.right
- push current.data
- push current.left
- end loop
- return pop
8More Iterator Logic
- Postorder (L R N)
- Initpush root node
- while top is node loop
- current pop
- push current.data
- push current.right
- push current.left
- end loop
- return pop
- LevelOrder
- Initnq root node
- while front is node loop
- current dq
- nq current.data
- nq current.left
- nq current.right
- end loop
- return dq
9Files on the web
- CSTreeIterator.cpp
- Sample main
- CSTreeIterator.h
- Stubs
10Project Comments
- Must run on Unix with GNU C
- May require small changes
- Best programming style works on both
- General format
- Template classes for Iterators (4)
- One File For Compilation
- CSTreeIterator.h
11Moving files to/from Unix
- Moving files between a PC and Unix
- Use ftp(file transfer protocol)
- PC must be connected to the network
- C\gtftp bama.ua.edu
- Connected to bama.ua.edu.
- 220-
- 220- Use of this system (lines suppressed here)
- 220 bama.ua.edu FTP server .
- User (bama.ua.edu(none)) cordes
- 331 Password required for cordes.
- Password ltenter password heregt
- 230 User cordes logged in.
- ftpgt put hello.C
- 200 PORT command successful.
- 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for
hello.C. - 226 Transfer complete.
- ftp 85 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds
85000.00Kbytes/sec. - ftpgt quit
12Moving files to/from Unix (cont)
- Other ftp commands
- dir, lists all the files on the remote system
- cd xxx, changes directory on the remote
system(also have lcd to change local directory) - get xxx, gets a file from the remote system
- binary, toggles to binary mode (non-ASCII files)
- mput .cpp, copies all your cpp files to remote
sys(also have mget to retrieve files) - help, gives list of commands
13Windows version
- Most pcs have a windows version of ftp
- Start
- Programs
- WS_FTP (usually)
- Beside host name/Address type bama.ua.edu
- Enter your ID and password in appropriate spots
- Click OK
- This is a much easier way to ftp, however, be
familiar with Unix version as well
14Class Exercises (short)
- Find a C file on your local PC
- Copy it to your account on bama.ua.edu
- Copy a file from your bama account to your local
15Unix File Permissions
- Each file in Unix has three levels of security
- What the user can do to it
- What people in the users group can do to it
- What everyone else can do with it
- The ls command can display security
- /fs/cordes ls -l
- total 10
- drwxr-xr-x 2 cordes facstaff 512 Aug 30 1050
cs325 - drwx------ 2 cordes facstaff 512 Aug 30 0510
foo - -rw-r--r-- 1 cordes facstaff 81 Sep 3 0820
hello.C - drwx------ 2 cordes facstaff 512 Aug 30 0937
mail - drwxr-xr-x 2 cordes facstaff 024 Mar 21 1999
networks - ls l shows files and directories and gives extra
information such as permissions, userid, group,
last modified date
16Unix File Permissions (cont)
- /fs/cordes ls -l
- total 10
- drwxr-xr-x 2 cordes facstaff 512 Aug 30 1050
cs325 - drwx------ 2 cordes facstaff 512 Aug 30 0510
foo - -rw-r--r-- 1 cordes facstaff 81 Sep 3 0820
hello.C - drwx------ 2 cordes facstaff 512 Aug 30 0937
mail - drwxr-xr-x 2 cordes facstaff 024 Mar 21 1999
permissions user group last-mod-date filename
17Unix File Permissions (cont)
- -rw-r--r-- 1 cordes facstaff 81 Sep 3 0820
hello.C - - r w r - - r - -
- indicates this is a regular file, not a
directory - r w indicates the user can read write this
file - r indicates the group can read this file
- r indicates that others can read this file
18Changing Permissions
- chmod ltpermissionsgt filename
- Permissions consist of who /- what
- Who is u (user), g (group), o (others)
- What is r (read), w (write), x (execute)
- gives permission
- - takes permission
- Examples
- chmod u-w hello.C (user cannot write)
- chmod gor hello.C (group others can read)
- chmod ar hello.C (a is short for u, g, o)
- man chmod talks about changing permissions in
terms of octal numbers
19Class Exercises
- Type ls l in your home directory. Explain
what permissions are set for each file. - The file .plan in your home directory can tell
information about you (what you do). In order
for others to read this file, they need to be
able to execute your home directory (.) and also
read your .plan file. Set it up so that other
people can finger userid and see your .plan. - Note the finger command may be disabled
20Unix requirements for 325
- Basic manipulation of your files on Unix
- Create sub-directories for organization, etc
- Edit and compile C files
- Some projects are done on Unix
- Move files between PCs and Unix
21Unix Directories
- mkdir
- Creates directory
- rmdir
- Removes directory (must be empty)
22Unix apropos
- apropos keyword
- Searches on keyword for relevant info
- Useful when you cannot use man (looking for
command) - man
- man keyword
23Class Exercises
- Teams new to Unix
- Editors how do you
- Copy a line
- Delete a line
- Give the command to
- Rename hello.cpp to hello.C
- Copy (to your home dir) hello.cpp from
/st3/yessi001/cs325 - Mail hello.cpp to yourself
- Teams that know Unix
- Give a one-line command (you can use pipes) to
- Find the home directory of the user cordes
- Print your last name in hex (and octal)
- Print the first name of all the users on the
system with the last name Smith - Convert the contents of hello.C to uppercase
24More practice with iterators
- Can use iterators to build output operators for a
given data structure - Dont need to know anything about internal
representation to output the data structure - Can define an overloaded output operator and then
use the iterator within that function to print
out the data structure - ostream operatorltlt(ostream os, const
Stackltintgt theStack) - // need code here to print out the stack
- return os
25Output operator
- Notes
- This operator is not a friend of Node, Stack, or
StackIter - We are simply using an instance of the StackIter
class to traverse the list and print. - We will not directly access any private data
members of any class, we will access them via
public class methods - Lets look at the code using the iterator
- template ltclass Tgt
- ostream operatorltlt(ostream os, const StackltTgt
theStack) - StackIterltTgt it (theStack)
- while (!it.done())
- os ltlt it.get() ltlt
- it.next()
- return os
26Useful string functions
- The operator concatenates two strings
- Compare strings using lt, lt, , gt, gt
- strn references char n, so does str.at(n)
- Str.length() returns the length of the string
- str.find(substring) finds substring
- str.find(char) finds character
- find( ) returns stringnpos if not found
- int fooa.find('z')
- if (foo stringnpos) not found
27Class Exercises
- The file (TBA) on bama.ua.edu contains a List
class (using templates). Add an output operator
for list using the iterator class so that you
can print out the list.
28Object-Oriented Programming
- 3 major ideas in object-oriented programming
- Encapsulation (hiding/protecting data)
- Generalization (templates)
- Inheritance (well learn about today)
29Classes Inheritance
- Want efficient techniques to develop code
- Method 1 Templatesdefine a class generically,
can plug in any type of data that you want - Method 2 Inheritancetake an existing class and
add to it - Inheritance builds off of what already exists
- Dont build from scratch
- Find something similar, expand on it
- Examples
- Window
- Account
- What types of things do we obtain from our
parents? - Attributes
- Behaviors
- What is a class composed of in general?
- Data (attributes, data members)
- Operations upon that data (behaviors, member
functions, methods) - When a class inherits from another class, it
inherits the attributes and behaviors (data
members and methods) from its parent class
- Can define attributes and behaviors for a general
class, then inherit and refine those attributes
and behaviors to fit a more specific case. - Existing class (yours or not yours) may do most
of what you want, but you want to extend it
without having to redo what has already been done - Parent general
- Child - specific
32Inheritance Basic terminology
- Inheritance extension of an existing class to
provide necessary functionality and promote reuse - Base Class existing class to be reused (parent)
- Derived Class class that inherits attributes and
behaviors of some base class (child, subclass) - A derived class can also become a base class of
another derived class
- Has a
- Deals with construction
- This room has a door
- A List has a Node pointer
- Is a (Inheritance)
- A square is a rectangle
- An equilateral triangle is a triangle
- A lab is a room
- A savings account is a bank account
34Natural Hierarchies
Equilateral Triangle
35Class Exercises
- Think of derived classes (specialized,
extensions) for the following draw hierarchy.
Decide what data members and methods would be in
base classes and the extra data members and
methods should be added to derived classes - class person (in a university setting)
- class account (financial)
- class list (single-linked list)
36private, public w/ inheritance
- Public any public member of the base class can
be seen by a derived class - Private any private member of the base class
cannot be seen by a derived class - Need Public so derived class can see members
(else inheritance isnt inheritance) - Need Private else we lose the idea of
encapsulation - So
- Note member may refer to either data members or
member functions (methods)
37protected section
- There can also be a protected section in a base
class. - This section can be seen by a derived class with
the is a property - This section cannot be seen by other classes
with a has a property
38Basic Syntax more to come
- class BaseClass
- //members methods
- class DerivedClasspublic BaseClass
- //extra members methods
39Classes Inheriance
- Want efficient techniques to develop code
- Method 1 Templatesdefine a class generically,
can plug in any type of data that you want - Method 2 Inheritancetake an existing class and
add to it - Inheritance builds off of what already exists
- Dont build from scratch
- Find something similar, expand on it
40Consider a class Pair
- Stores two integers
- Methods for
- Setting values
- Retrieving values
- Friend operator for output
- class Pair
- int x
- int y
- public
- Pair( ) x(0), y(0)
- Pair(int a, int b) x(a), y(b)
- void setX(int a) x a
- void setY(int a) y a
- int getX(void) return x
- int getY(void) return y
- friend ostream operatorltlt (ostream,
const Pair)
41Now want to build a new class
- Triple stores three integers
- Need methods to set values
- Need methods to retrieve values
- Need friend operator for output
- Dont want to repeat code unnecessarily
- Solution build off of (inherit from) Pair
class - Simply add additional functionality to that class
- Terminology
- Base class (original class)
- Derived class (augments, specializes base class)
42Building the class Triple
- class Pair
- protected
- int x
- int y
- public
- Pair( ) x(0), y(0)
- Pair(int a, int b) x(a), y(b)
- void setX(int a) x a
- void setY(int a) y a
- int getX(void) return x
- int getY(void) return y
- friend ostream operatorltlt (ostream,
const Pair)
- class Triple public Pair
- int z
- public
- Triple( ) z(0)
- Triple(int a, int b, int c)
- Pair(a, b), z(c)
- void setZ(int a) z a
- int getZ(void) return z
- friend ostream operatorltlt
- (ostream, const Triple)
43What Happened?
- Started with Pair to create Triple
- Added word protected to Pair
- Needed for visibility (explain shortly)
- Class Triple built on top of Pair
- public Pair implies we are building off of Pair
- Inherited functions getX, getY, setX, setY
- Just needed to define setZ, getZ
- Needed to define new output operator
- Old one does not work for triple
- //outside of class
- Pair one
- Triple two
- Triple three(3,4,5)
45Class Exercises
- The file on the web site has the Pair and Triple
classes in them. Build on this to define a new
class Quadruplet that contains four integers. - Use all three of these classes in a main program
(set values, print them out).
46Derived classes
- Inherit from the base class
- Members
- Methods
- Extends the base class in some way
- Additional members
- Additional methods
- Both additional members additional methods
47Public, Private Protected
- Up until now, only mentioned public private
parts to a class - public visible to users (outside world)
- private cannot be seen (except by friends)
- C actually has three levels of protection
- private only the class (and friends) can see
- protected class subclass (and friends) can see
- public everyone can see
48Class Exercises
- Change the protected data in Pair and Triple to
private. - What happens?
- Can I still declare objects of type Triple and
Quadruplet? - What methods still work for Triple?
- setX, setY, setZ, getX, getY, getZ
- What methods still work for Quadruuplet?
49Constructors and Inheritance
- Since a derived class builds off its base class
- To instantiate an object in a derived class
- Initialize base-class members (base constructor)
- Initialize derived-class members (derived
constructor) - Derived class constructor always calls the
constructor of its base class first - If no constructor exists for derived class,
default system constructor for derived class
calls base-class default constructor
50Class Exercises
- What is the output of the following program?
- void main(void) Pair aTriple bPair
c(1,2)Triple d(3,4,5)Triple e(6)
- class Pair
- protectedint x int y
- publicPair( ) x(0), y(0) cout ltlt "Pair 1"
ltlt endl Pair(int a, int b) x(a), y(b)
cout ltlt "Pair 2" ltlt endl -
- class Triple public Pair int z
- publicTriple( ) z(0) cout ltlt "Triple 1" ltlt
endl Triple(int a, int b, int c) Pair(a, b),
z(c) cout ltlt "Triple 2" ltlt endl Triple(int
a) Pair(), z(a) cout ltlt "Triple 3" ltlt endl
51Another inheritance example
- Dynamically-allocated linked list of integers
- Add integers to front of list
- Node class contains the actual data
- Extend this class to a doubly-linked list
- Have a set of forward links
- Have a set of backward links
522 pointers in our node class
- class Node
- int data
- Node next // forward pointer
- Node last // backwards pointer
- public
- Node( )
- Node(int e) data(e)
- friend class List
- friend class DoubleLinkList
53Base List Class (forward only)
- class List
- protected
- Node head
- public
- List() head(0)
- void add(int e) Node pnew Node(e)
p-gtnexthead headp - void Print(void) Node p head while (p)
cout ltlt p-gtdata ltlt " " pp-gtnext cout ltlt
54Derived List Class
- Allows you to traverse forward backward
- Change add routine (replace base version)
- Change print routine
- Prints forward
- Prints backward
- Dont declare any new methods, just re-define
existing methods to work in this context
55Derived List Class
- class DoubleLinkList public List
- protectedNode tail
- publicDoubleLinkList() tail(0) void
add(int e) void Print(void) Node p
head while (p) cout ltlt p-gtdata ltlt " "
pp-gtnext cout ltlt endl p tail while (p)
cout ltlt p-gtdata ltlt " " pp-gtlast cout ltlt
56Class Exercises
- Complete the derived list class from the previous
slide. The code is on the web site.