Tracker Integration and Installation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tracker Integration and Installation


Installation relies upon techniques developed for installation of the solenoid magnet. ... The I-beam and its jacks serve as a lifting fixture for this operation. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tracker Integration and Installation

  • Tracker Integration and Installation
  • W. E. Cooper
  • 6 December 1999

  • A tracker integration and installation group has
    been formed within the past month.
  • Manpower for design work on tracker integration
    and installation has been assumed to come
    primarily from the Central Fiber Tracker (CFT)
    and the Silicon Microstrip Tracker (SMT) groups,
    and the existing mechanical support staff.
  • The need to address issues specific to completion
    of the individual detectors has limited the
    effort available to address integration and
    installation issues.
  • A concerted effort by the new tracker integration
    and installation group has begun.

Tracker Region
Basic Tracker Installation Sequence at D0
  • Install CFT, make all readout and purge gas
    connections, and begin check-out
  • Install central silicon, connect cables, cooling,
    dry gas, monitoring, and interlocks and begin
  • Install H-disks, connect cables, cooling, dry
    gas, monitoring, and interlocks and begin
  • Perform full system checks

Tracker Installation Considerations
  • Safety
  • Procedures must be developed and documented.
  • JHAs must be written.
  • Personnel must receive the appropriate training
    to properly perform their work.
  • ORCs must be obtained before each critical
    operation is initiated.
  • Steps at D0 before CFT arrival
  • Preliminary surveys are completed.
  • The CFT gas system and associated lines are
    installed and tested.
  • Half of the VLPC readout cassettes are installed
    and tested.
  • CFT readout bundles
  • Bundles to the platform are installed after the
    CFT is in place. All CFT bundles on a given face
    of the Central Calorimeter must be in place
    before silicon cables are installed on that face.

Tracker Installation Considerations
  • Steps at D0 before silicon arrival
  • The silicon cables and readout electronics are
    installed and checked from adapter boards on the
    face of the central calorimeter onward towards
    the platform.
  • The silicon cooling system is installed.
  • The silicon dry gas system and associated lines
    are installed and tested.
  • Silicon steps at Lab C and Lab 3
  • The central silicon support cylinder is
    pre-aligned with the CFT at Lab 3. A
    reproducible connection is provided.
  • Central silicon modules are cabled, checked, and
    pre-aligned within the support cylinder at Lab C.
  • Reproducible H-disk mounts are pre-aligned with
    the CFT at Lab 3.
  • All silicon modules are fully tested.

Tracker Region Before and After CFT Installation
CFT Move and Installation at D0
  • CFT Move
  • The CFT remains on its nesting cart during the
    move to D0. A sheet metal enclosure and vinyl
    sheeting surround it.
  • CFT Installation at D0
  • Installation relies upon techniques developed for
    installation of the solenoid magnet.
  • An installation I-beam is lifted by crane and
    placed through the CFT.
  • Fixturing spanning between the 3 and 9 oclock
    support points is attached to each end of the
  • Carriages are placed between the fixturing and
    the I-beam and temporarily fastened to the beam.

CFT Installation Fixturing
CFT Installation Fixturing
Clearances When the Solenoid Was Installed
CFT Mechanical Installation
  • The I-beam, with the CFT as a counterweight, is
    lifted by crane, placed through the solenoid, and
    then supported from structures built up from the
    D0 center beam.
  • Hydraulic jacks under each end of the I-beam
    allow vertical positioning.
  • The CFT is rolled into position and lowered onto
    shim packs between brackets extending from the
    solenoid and brackets extending from the barrel 6
    to 7 CFT connecting ring.
  • Purge gas lines for the CFT are connected and
    purging is initiated.

CFT Installation
  • CFT alignment
  • A survey crew or survey equipment will be needed
    during the following alignment operations
  • Shim packs are adjusted to provide equal bearing
    on the four support locations and proper vertical
    and azimuthal alignment. The I-beam and its
    jacks serve as a lifting fixture for this
  • After the 3 and 9 oclock mounts have been
    adjusted, 6 oclock mounts, which position only
    horizontally, are adjusted. Position along the
    beam line is locked at only one end.
  • The carriage and I-beam are removed.
  • Both ends of the CFT are cabled with clear
    readout bundles.

CFT Installation
  • Checks associated with installation
  • Check-out with light pulsers commences as clear
    readout bundles are connected.
  • Check-out with cosmic rays commences when
    significant portions have been connected.

Central Silicon Transport to D0
  • Shipping container
  • A padded shipping container is used to transport
    the central silicon tracker and the beam pipe
    from Lab C. Internal framing is likely to be
  • The silicon, low mass cables, and beam pipe are
    bagged as a unit within the shipping container.
    A dry nitrogen atmosphere is provided.
  • Low mass cables
  • The cables have already been connected to HDIs
    and anchored to the support cylinder.
  • The 360 cables per end emerge in 18 bundles of 20
    cables each.
  • The bundle length beyond the end of the support
    cylinder is about 78. The total cable weight
    extending beyond each end is about 15 pounds.
  • Bundles are coiled into separate bags of perhaps
    9 bundles each.

Central Silicon Transport to D0
  • Cooling manifolds
  • Manifolds extend to the ends of the support
    cylinder, which holds them. They have been
    connected to modules and used during Lab C
  • Beam pipe
  • The 97 beryllium beam pipe will have previously
    been installed through the silicon.
  • It is supported by the end flanges of the silicon
    support cylinder. Its transverse motion is
    limited by internal dividers within the support
  • The beam pipe has been baked-out, leak checked,
    back-filled with nitrogen, and sealed.

Central Silicon Installation
Central Silicon Installation at D0
  • Transport at D0
  • A frame will be provided to lift the silicon
    support cylinder by its end flanges and support
    the bundles of low mass cables. The support
    cylinder, in turn, holds the beam pipe.
  • Preparation of installation fixturing
  • A 4 mm thick carbon-fiber cradle, extending
    approximately ?45o from 6 oclock, is installed
    through barrel 1 of the CFT. It rests on the CFT
    barrel 1 end rings and on an external stand built
    up from the D0 center beam.
  • A plastic sheet is placed upon the cradle to aid
    in moving the silicon tracker.

Central Silicon Installation
  • Mechanical Installation
  • The silicon tracker is lifted from its shipping
    container and placed upon the installation
  • Low mass cable bundles are transferred from the
    lifting frame to the plastic sheet on the
    installation cradle as silicon installation
  • The plastic sheet on the installation cradle is
    drawn through the CFT carrying the central
    silicon and beam pipe with it.
  • The weight of low mass cable bundles is
    transferred to brackets on the CC face once the
    silicon support cylinder nears its final
    longitudinal position.
  • Upper half rings are pinned and screwed between
    the end flanges of the silicon support cylinder
    and the end rings of CFT barrel 1. The
    installation cradle is used as a lifting fixture
    during this operation.

Central Silicon Installation
  • The installation cradle is lowered and removed.
    (Radial clearance 3 mm).
  • Lower half rings are pinned and screwed between
    the end flanges of the silicon support cylinder
    and the end rings of CFT barrel 1.

Central Silicon Installation
  • Connection of services
  • Silicon cooling connections are made at each end
    of the support cylinder. Lines are anchored from
    the inner surface of CFT barrel 3, the solenoid,
    and the CC face. Thermal insulation is added.
    Leak checking of the cooling system commences.
  • Dry gas lines to the central silicon region are
    connected and anchored from the inner surface of
    CFT barrel 3, the solenoid, and the CC face.
    Purging is initiated with dry air.
  • Lines for dewpoint and cooling system
    temperature, flow, and pressure sensors are
    connected, anchored, and checked. Sensors are
  • The monitoring and interlock system is checked.
  • When these checks have been completed, flow of
    coolant, with the coolant temperature limited so
    that it is above the dewpoint, is begun.

Silicon Installation
  • Beam pipe
  • A dry nitrogen purge is established through the
    beam pipe as soon as the pipe is in its installed
    position. The purge must be properly vented.
  • Low mass cables
  • Low mass cables are dressed along the inner
    surface of CFT barrel 3 and anchored to the
  • Connecting of low mass cables to adapter boards
    is begun on one face of the CC and progresses to
    the other.
  • The cables are dressed and anchored to the CC
    face as they are installed.
  • HDIs are individually powered and checked as
    their cables are connected.
  • F-disk radiation monitors
  • Cables for radiation monitors on the F-disks are
    connected, anchored, and checked.

Central Silicon Installation
  • Central silicon check
  • Temporary dry gas enclosures are installed in the
    H-disk region.
  • Monitoring and interlocks are checked again.
  • The coolant temperature is lowered to a
    temperature conservatively above the observed
    dewpoint of the central silicon region.
  • The full central silicon system is powered and
    checked before H-disks are installed.

H-disks Installed, ECS Moved onto Centerbeam
H-disk Installation
  • Preparations for H-disk installation
  • Power is removed from the central silicon.
  • The coolant temperature is raised until it is
    conservatively above the ambient dewpoint.
  • Coolant flow is halted.
  • The temporary dry gas enclosures are removed from
    the H-disk region.
  • H-disk installation
  • H-disks are individually installed with the aid
    of a handheld installation fixture.
  • Kinematic mount halves are joined to their mates
    previously installed on the inner surface of CFT
    barrel 3.
  • H-disk cables, cooling lines, and dry gas purge
    lines are connected, anchored, and checked.
  • Coolant flow is resumed once all H-disks have
    been installed and connected.
  • Each H-disk is powered and checked.

Silicon Installation
  • Completion of installation
  • Cables for radiation monitors on the H-disks are
    connected, anchored, and checked.
  • Dry gas enclosures are completed.
  • Sensors, monitors, and interlocks are rechecked.
  • Cooldown to operating temperature and final
    check-out begin.

Beam Pipe Connected, ECs Closed
CFT Alignment Prior to Installation
  • Survey balls mounted on the barrel 6 to 7
    connecting rings at each end of the CFT provide a
    reference system.
  • Individual barrels are aligned relative to each
    other during nesting and their positions are
    measured relative to the survey balls.
  • The survey balls provide the primary reference
  • The alignment process relies heavily upon the Lab
    3 LK coordinate measuring machine (CMM).
  • Custom touch probe extensions may be needed for
    some alignment processes.

Central Silicon to CFT Alignment
  • Work at Lab 3
  • The silicon support cylinder (without silicon) is
    aligned within CFT barrel 1 in Lab 3 after all
    CFT barrels have been nested.
  • The work relies heavily upon the Lab 3 LK CMM.
  • The reference system for module installation is
    established by balls at the ends of the support
  • Silicon modules and cables are not present, but
    weights are used to simulate the deflections they
    would produce.
  • Transverse alignment tolerance between the
    silicon support cylinder and the CFT ? 50 ?m.
  • Reproducibility of alignment is set by pinning.

Silicon Module Installation in the Support
  • Module installation and alignment in Lab C
  • The silicon support cylinder is returned to Lab C
    and positioned on the LK CMM for module
  • Weights to simulate those of cables and modules
    are installed in the support cylinder. Weights
    are removed as modules are installed.
  • Module installation progresses from z 0
  • Separable, adjustable kinematic mounts at 3, 6,
    and 9 oclock are connected as modules are
  • The kinematic mounts are adjusted to align each
    module with respect to the support cylinder to ?
    10 ?m. Alignment is performed with the aid of
    the Lab C LK CMM.

Silicon Module Installation at Lab C
  • Connections, checks, and services
  • Cooling lines and temporary cables are connected
    as modules are installed.
  • An initial readout check is made as each module
    installed with cooling limited to the ambient
  • The cover of the support cylinder is installed
    after all modules are in place.
  • Final readout cables are installed, connected,
    and anchored.
  • Individual modules are checked again as final
    cables are installed.
  • When all cables are in place, module alignment is
    re-measured and adjusted.
  • A temporary dry gas enclosure is installed and
    modules are checked at operating temperature.

H-disk Alignment
  • H-disk mounts and Lab 3 work
  • Mounts rely upon three balls in slots to
    establish reproducibility. A single screw holds
    each separable mount assembly together.
  • Reproducibility of the separable mounts is ? 3
  • Leaf springs constrain in two directions and
    allow motion in the third.
  • Mounts are brought into CFT barrel 3 using an
    installation plate and a six axis adjustment
  • The Lab 3 CMM provides positioning information.
  • The mounts are epoxied into place. Then they are
    disconnected so that one mount half can remain on
    CFT barrel 3 and the other can be removed along
    with the installation plate.

H-disk Alignment
  • H-disk installation at D0
  • Final installation at D0 is performed with the
    aid of a hand-held lifting plate.
  • Each disk is lifted into position and fastened
    with individual screws at 3, 6, and 9 oclock.
  • Then the lifting plate is removed and a fourth
    screw, which aids in z-positioning only, is added
    at 12 oclock.

Manpower for Tracker Integration and Installation
  • Manpower remains to be identified by name.
    Effort listed is based upon resource needs of the
    D0 schedule.

Tech Effort for Tracker Integration and
  • A group responsible for tracker integration and
    installation has been formed.
  • Much progress has been made to understand the
    steps for installing the CFT and silicon.
  • Manpower remains to be identified in detail.
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