Title: Continental Scientific Drilling
1Continental Scientific Drilling for
Plio-Pleistocene Paleoclimate
J. M. Russell Geological Sciences Brown
University, Providence RI Denver, CO 4 June
2009 Outline
- Temporal and spatial resolution in
paleoclimatology - Drilling to investigate
- Millennial-scale variability
- Glacial-interglacial climate change on the
continents - The Pliocene
2(No Transcript)
3Iconic records of past climate document orbital,
millennial, and decadal variations
Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005 NorthGrip members,
2004 Mann et al., 2008
- Changes in the amplitude
- of climate variability
- Many (but not all) changes
- correlate to changes in
- atmospheric CO2
4Spatial variations in projected temperature and
precipitation under rising CO2
IPCC 2007
5Many iconic records lack spatial
resolution Need for new records to understand
synoptic paleoclimatology
6Sediment records define spatial patterns of
Holocene climate
Mid-Holocene lake level - present (6 kyr -
0) Wanner et al. 2008
7Spatial and Temporal Resolution of Paleoclimate
8The Value of Multiple Proxies
Mineralogy Sediments
Lake Level Water Balance
Aquatic Fossils
Winds, productivity Lake pH, salinity
Past Landscapes Land-climate feedbacks
Organic Geochem
TEX86 Temperature D/H ratios of waxes (Convection)
9Continental drilling for paleoclimate Regional
and spatial patterns of continental climatic
and environmental change (PAGES PEP,
Timestreams I-III)
Colman, ed., 1996
10NSF Paleo-Perspectives on Climate Change Emphases
- What were the regional responses of coupled
climate systems like ENSO, monsoons, and the
North Atlantic Oscillation during past climate
changes? (CCSP Questions 4.2, 4.3, 4.4) -
- What does the geologic record tell us about past
climate sensitivity, variability, and change
under different boundary conditions, large, rapid
changes in forcing, or past climate states?
(CCSP 4.1, 4.2, 4.3., 4.4) - Low- to High-latitude network to investigate
- Abrupt, millennial scale changes during MIS III
- Glacial-interglacial climate changes on the
continents - The Pliocene
11Abrupt, millennial-scale warming in Greenland
- Global footprint and mechanism of transmission
12Global footprint of MIS 3 millennial variations
Lynch-Stieglitz, 2004
13Transmission Mechanisms (Clement and Peterson,
- Coupled ocean-atmospheric dynamics cause
southward shift of ITCZ and El Niño-like
Pacific - Southward migration of all major climate belts
mid-latitude jet captures tropical storm tracks
(NAO pattern) -
14A global network of continental records for MIS 3?
The regional responses of climate systems such
as ENSO and the NAO during abrupt climate
15Continental Drilling Contributions
Petén Itzá High rainfall Strong summer monsoon
Malawi Weak winter monsoon Wet?
Hodell et al. 2008
Brown et al. 2007
16Continental climate across Pleistocene
What were the regional responses of coupled
climate systems during past climate changes,
large, rapid changes in forcing or under
different boundary condition?
Continental Temperature? Precipitation? Vegetati
17- This picture confirmed by numerous 20 kyr
records of African lake level that show dry LGM
18Late Pleistocene African climate The view from
Lake Malawi
Cohen et al., 2007 Scholz et al. 2007
G. K. Gilbert
- Great Salt Lake
- Shoreline dating shows wet LGM climate
(Currey and Oviatt, 1985 Oviatt,
1999 Broecker et al., 1998) - Storm track deflection by ice sheet
Oviatt, 1999
20Results of GSL drilling GLAD 1
Balch et al., 2005
- The last glacial termination is not archetypical.
- What are the regional (high- to low-latitude)
responses to ice sheets, orbits, and GHGs?
21The Pliocene
Continental climate and environments under very
different climate state high temperature,
reduced ice sheets, high CO2
22The Pliocene A permanent El Niño
Wara et al. 2005 Lawrence et al., 2006 Fedorov
et al., 2007
23Poleward Expansion of the Warm Pool in the
Pliocene Brierly et al., 2009
Pliocene Tropical SSTs vary at 41K pacing
(Lawrence et al., 2006)
24The Pliocene
- How did regional climates
- vary during recent prolonged
- warm interval?
- Climate variability under permanent
El Niño? (need for laminated seds) - High- to low latitude effects of an
expanded tropical warm pool? - Temporal evolution of climate (Pliocene to
present) in relation to the Pacific SST gradient?
(need for long, continuous record) - Do continental temperatures exhibit a dominant
periodicity at 41K during the Pliocene and early
- Sediments in continental basins offer high
spatio-temporal resolution records of
Plio-Pleistocene climate - The Plio-Pleistocene contains a wide array of
climate experiments varying ice sheets,
greenhouse gases, abrupt and gradual changes - The outcome of these experiments on the
continental climate is largely unknown, although
such knowledge can provide key insight into
mechanisms of climate change. - The answers are accessible only through
continental scientific drilling.