Title: HCP2004 - Future
1HCP2004 - Future
LHC Status and Upgrades Dan Green US CMS
Program Manager Fermilab June 18, 2004
- LHC Accelerator
- ATLAS, CMS Detectors
- Preparing for the Physics
- SLHC Upgrades and Reach
3LHC Schedule
CERN dashboard. Blue is the planned schedule.
Red is just in time. There is no reason to
assume that the CERN schedule will not be met.
The CERN Directorate stresses the schedule.
Collisions in April 2007. Physics run (10 fb -1)
starting in late 2007, early 2008.
4Dipole Installation
Jan., 2004
5US LHC - IR Quad
US involved in next generation (SLHC) low ? quads
6LHC Detector Innovations
- LHC challenges have led to dramatic detector
progress - LA accordion for high speed operation
- PbWO4 fast crystal calorimetry, radiation
resistant. - Muon Toroids precision momentum over an
enormous volume. - All silicon tracking 200 m2
- Silicon pixels at p-p colliders for b tagging.
- DSM electronics radiation hard
- Optical data transfers fast, hermetic.
7ATLAS Detector Assembly
- Solenoid in front of LAr Barrel Calorimeter ready
for integration, test in Mar 04
- Tile Barrel Calorimeter assembled on the surface
and ready for installation
- Barrel Toroid assembly at CERN
- Silicon tracker macro assembly at RAL
8ATLAS Underground Assembly
- First Calorimeter detector module moved
- Support system ready for detector installation
- UX15 infrastructure and detector support system
9The SPS H8 beam
Slice tests for both ATLAS and CMS in CERN test
10CMS 1st Coil Module at CERN-SX5
Worlds largest electro-magnet. 4T field.
Calorimetry is inside.
11HCAL HB and HE SX5
Scintillator brass. Use HPD and QIE. Operating
inside a 4T field.
Back-flange 18 Brackets 3 Layers of absorber
12Endcap Muon Chambers
Endcap return yoke and CSC now taking cosmic ray
data in SX5
13SX5 and Pit-head Cover
cover complete first closing test later this
month. SX5 Jura wall removal this summer
14LHC Significance
LHC will be the first jump in C.M. energy and
luminosity in about 20 years. This is a
qualitative change discovery level Physics.
15US LHC Construction Projects
The 531 M investment in US LHC construction has
been wisely used. The Projects are on schedule
(for 2005 completion) and on budget. Next step
is to use the time before 2007 to prepare for the
physics commissioning and preops in SX5 more
slice tests.
16Preparing for the Physics
- Test beam work continues calibration, low
momentum - Optical alignment, construction constants
databases - Trigger and DAQ studies at low and high
luminosity. - Initial physics run studies with 10 fb-1 - LHC
Symposium. - Grid Computing hierarchical structure, Tier 0
Tier 1 and Tier 2. - Core Computing and Software
- Data Challenges incremental, DC04 25
17Computing Challenge
LHC experiments will be an order of magnitude
increase in CPU.
18Evolution of LHC luminosity
When do you upgrade the LHC and expts?
19Mass Reach vs L - SLHC
VLHC LHC Tevatron
At 1032 reach is already 2 TeV
In general mass reach is increased by 1.5 TeV
for Z, heavy SUSY squarks or gluinos or extra
dimension mass scales. A 20 measurement of the
HHH coupling is possible for Higgs masses lt 200
GeV. However, to realize these improvements we
need to maintain the capabilities of the LHC
5 TeV
1 TeV
barrel y
Heavy States decay at wide angles. For example Z
of 1 and 5 TeV decaying into light pairs.
Therefore, for these states we will concentrate
on wide angle detectors.
21Higgs Self Coupling
Baur, Plehn, Rainwater
HH ? W W- W W- ? ?? ?jj ???jj
Find the Higgs? If the H mass is known, then the
SM H potential is completely known ? HH
prediction. If H is found, measure
self-couplings, but ultimately SLHC is needed.
The plan is for 10x increase in luminosity
2013. Given the needed RD time, work on the new
detectors needed for the SLHC must start very
22Detector Environment
Bunch spacing reduced 2x. Interactions/crossing
increased 5 x. Pileup noise increased by 2.2x if
crossings are time resolvable. Tenfold L increase
comes from dt, ?, and p/bunch.
23Heavy Ion Program
In heavy ion (HI) runs the particle density is
5000 for Pb-Pb. Good study for detector
headroom w.r.t. SLHC.
24HI Tracker Study
h lt 0.7
The CMS tracker has sufficient headroom to
operate in the HI environment.
25Tracker Ionizing Dose
- The ionizing dose due to charged particles is
- The dose depends only on luminosity, r, and
exposure time ?. - For example, at r 20 cm, the dose is 3 Mrad/yr
ignoring loopers, interactions, . ? naïve
26Tracker ID vs. Radius
Define 3 regions. With 10x increase in L, need a
3x change in radius to preserve an existing
27Crossing ID CMS HB Pulse Shape
100 GeV electrons. 25ns bins. Average pulse
shape, phased 1ns to LHC clock. Bunch ID at 12.5
nsec OK
28HI - Jet Reconstruction
Jet energy resolution
29ECAL Shower Dose
- The dose in ECAL is due to photon showers and
is - In the barrel, SD is . In the
endcap, SD - At r 1.2 m, for Pb with Ec 7.4 MeV, the dose
at y0 is 3.3 Mrad/yr, at y1.5 it is 7.8
Mrad/yr. -
30HCAL and ECAL Dose
ecal hcal
Barrel doses are not a problem. For the endcaps
a technology change may be needed for 2 lt y lt 3
for the CMS HCAL. Switch to quartz fiber as in HF?
31HCAL - Coverage
VBF and tag jets are important for calorimetry.
Reduced forward coverage to compensate for 10x L
is not too damaging to tag jet efficiency, SD
1/?3 e3?
32Muons and Shielding
There is factor 5 in headroom at design L. With
added shielding, dose rates can be kept constant
if angular coverage goes from ylt2.4 to ylt2.
33L1 Trigger at 1035 ?
- Muons are clean. Issue of low momentum muons
from b jets. Jets are clean. ECAL jets are
mostly garbage ? need tracker to make big L1
improvements. - Rutherford scattering 1/PT3 at low momentum
- Simply scale thresholds? Or migrate Tracking into
L1 trigger at the SLHC.
L 1034 L 1035
? 20 GeV 40 GeV
? ? 5 7.5
J 250 540
JMET 11370 170100
34Summary and Conclusions
- LHC experiments are designed for discovery at the
new energy frontier - The detectors are nearing completion and
commissioning has begun - Higgs is assured of discovery if it exists.
- SUSY is assured if it exists as a solution of
the Hierarchy Problem. - Discoveries will come early because energy
matters. The experiments must be ready on day
one. - It is not just the quick discovery. With the
SLHC the program (new spectroscopy ?) at the
energy frontier will span decades.
35Quads at CERN - Tests
36ATLAS Endcap Toroids
Both ECT vacuum vessels are ready at CERN in Hall
191 to receive the cold masses They have been
prepared as far as possible with the installation
of the - Multi layer insulation - Heat shields
Heat shields (at pre-assembly in factory)
ECT MLI installation
ECT vacuum vessel
37ATLAS Toroids
After the heat shields, the coils are wrapped
with multi layer insulation foils (MLI) and
finally put into the cryostats MLI wrapping is
proceeding well, and two coils are ready for
cryostating, and two more are worked on
currently However serious non-conformities have
been found on welds of the cryostat vessels when
preparing the final cryostat welding step ?
repairs needed which are now ongoing
(The first vessel repair has been finished on 4th
A coil wrapped completely with MLI
Welding repairs on the vacuum vessel
38ATLAS Inner Detector
The barrel support structure, supporting the
barrel SCT and TRT, has been delivered to CERN
on schedule in March 2004, well in time for the
start of the integration The large clean room
integration facility near the surface building
(SR1) is built, and it is being equipped with
cables, electronics and controls The first
integration activities starting now are for the
barrel and end-cap TRT
Barrel Inner Detector support structure for the
TRT and SCT (during optical survey)
39ATLAS Calorimetry
The barrel EM calorimeter is installed in the
cryostat, and after insertion of the solenoid,
the cold vessel has been closed and welded The
warm vessel has been closed as well, and the cool
down of the whole barrel cryostat has started in
mid-April The tests of the barrel EM (and
solenoid) are scheduled until September, followed
by installation in the pit in October 2004
LAr barrel EM calorimeter after insertion into
the cryostat
Solenoid just before insertion into the cryostat
The lower part of the barrel Tile Calorimeter has
been completed on the C-side truck,
awaiting now the barrel LAr EM calorimeter and
the solenoid in their cryostat after the system
cold test underway in Hall 180 The transfer and
installation is expected for October 2004,
followed by the completion of the Tile
Calorimeter barrel before the end of the year
Lower part of the barrel Tile Calorimeter
41The CMS Collaboration
Slovak Republic
China, PR
China (Taiwan)
1976 Physicists and Engineers 36 Countries
153 Institutions
April, 05 2004/gm http//cmsdoc.cern.ch/pictures/c
42 CMS - USC 55
Delivery estimated for 1 June 2004. Can be
accommodated in v34.0 leading to ready for crates
on 15 Jul 2005. 3 shifts running underground
with up to 200 workers Contractors are anxious
to finish pt 5 work asap.
13 April 2004 USC55 Cavern
43CMS - Experimental Caverns
Experiment UXC55 ready July 04
Service USC55 ready Jan 04
44CMS Si Tracker
- All TIB layers completed L1, L2, L3 and L4
(F/B). - Surveyed TIB layers L1B and L4F/B.
- Layer 3 Proto ready for module integration.
Layer 3 Proto ready
Layer 41 Backward
Layer 43 Forward
45Higgs Production
gg WW
46H Production from WW
Use the EW radiation of a W by a quark. The
effective W approximation analogous to the WW
approximation. Need good jet coverage to low PT
and small angles. Cross section depends only on
the Higgs coupling to W, Z isolate gHWW.
SM H leads to collinear and low mass lepton
pairs. qqH is most useful for H masses gt 120 GeV.
48LHC - SM Higgs
5?, 10 fb-1 1 expt. for 1 year at 1/10 design L
The LHC detectors are designed to find the SM
Higgs. Low mass is covered by ??, ttH(bb),
qqH(WW,??). A low mass Higgs has many
accessible decay modes ? couplings measured.
49Higgs Quantum Numbers
- If the 2 photon mode is observed then H is not
a vector (Yangs theorem). - If the H is the SM Higgs then the leptons are
collinear in a WW decay. - If the ZZ decay is seen then a P state has
decay planes aligned P - has
planes orthogonal .
50WW -gt Z Z Angular Distribution
If there is a SM H then the distribution is very
F/B peaked. If not, then the cross section may
have a dramatic ( 80 x) increase and the angular
distribution may become isotropic e.g. pure
quartic. Need SLHC to push to ZZ masses gt 1 TeV.
51SUSY ?
- Why SUSY?
- GUT Mass scale, unification of forces
- Improved Weinberg angle prediction
- p decay rate slowed
- Neutrino mass (seesaw)
- Mass hierarchy Planck/EW stabilized
- String connections connect to gravity
MMSM has SM light h and mass degenerate H,A.
LSP is neutralino. Squarks and gluinos are heavy.
52WMAP and Other Constraints
LEP2 Higgs mass g-2 WMAP LSP is neutral
53SUSY Cross Sections at LHC
Squarks and gluinos are most copious (strong
production). Cascade decay to LSP ( ) ?
study jets and missing energy. E.g. 600 GeV
squark. Dramatic event signatures and large cross
section mean we will discover SUSY quickly, if it
54Squark and Gluino Mass Reach
The LHC energy jump is important in that it opens
a large part of SUSY parameter space, and one
populated by dark matter candidates - ?h20.11,
very quickly.
55Sparticle Cascades
Use SUSY cascades to the stable LSP to sort out
the new spectroscopy. Decay chain used is
Then And Final state is
56Sparticle Masses
An example of the kind of analysis done, from 1
year at 1/10th design luminosity.
2-body decay edge in Mll
10 fb-1
57Reconstruction of Heavy States
58Early Physics Reach q
If the calorimetry is understood, resonances up
to a few TeV in mass are accessible early in the
LHC run. (R. Harris)
59Composites - DY
Search for lepton composites in D-Y production of
dilepton pairs. At masses above the Z there is no
known resonant state. Reach is 20 TeV. Early
reach is 5 TeV for 10 fb-1.
60Extra Dimensions
- Number (D) of space-time dimensions ? form of
force observed - EM F1/r2 because D31
- For flatlanders confined to live in D21
dimensions, EM is perceived to be a F1/r force
Inspired by string theory which naturally
incorporates SUSY and which requires extra
dimensions to be self consistent. The extra
dimensions required by strings may be at the
Plank scale or at the TeV scale, In the latter
case there is no hierarchy problem.
61TeV Scale Extra Dimension
Black hole production ? Democratic Hawking
evaporation ? copious Higgs production. Study
with full CMS simulation.
KK excitations of the ?, Z in D-Y LHC at 600
fb-1 has a reach to 6 TeV. SLHC would push
out 30 further.
62Black Hole Production at CMS
If the extra dimensions are TeV scale, then
black holes should be produced at the LHC. Black
holes decay immediately (? 10-26 s) by Hawking
radiation (democratic evaporation) large
multiplicity, small missing E, jets/leptons 5.
A black hole event with MBH 8
TeV Spectacular signature !
63HI Measurements in CMS
- Excellent detector for high pT probes
- High rates and large cross sections
- quarkonia (J/? ,?) and heavy quarks (bb)
- high pT jets, including detailed studies of jet
fragmentation - high energy photons, Z0
- Correlations
- jet-g
- jet-Z0
- multijets
- Global event characterization
- Energy flow in wide rapidity range
- Charged particle multiplicity
- Centrality
- CMS can use highest luminosities available at LHC
both in AA and pA modes - DAQ and Trigger uniquely suited to dual-mode
64Heavy Ion Physics in CMS
- Study properties of hot nuclear matter, plasma of
quarks and gluons - Use high pT jets and quarkonia as probes of the
medium - Jet quenching, a new QCD process
- Production and survival of quarkonia J/? ,?
- Study as a function of nuclear geometry
- Compare to pp minimum bias physics at the start
of LHC
65Jet Quenching at RHIC/CMS
66Mass Reach and L
- The number of Z detected in leptonic decays is
- For , if N
100 is discovery level then M 5.3 TeV is the
mass reach in 1 year (M4 -gt 5.3 TeV). - The leptons will be sharply limited to low y or
large angles (barrel).
67HI Tracking
- Match Reconstructed tracks to MC input on a hit
by hit basis. - (Event sample dn/dy 3000 one 100GeV
h lt 0.7
dpT/pT lt 1
68The Algorithm HI Tracking
- Adapted from default pp reconstruction.
- Based on Kalman Filter (ORCA_6_3_0)
- Modifications to the pp Algorithm
- Trajectory Seed Generation
- Three pixel hit combinations compatible with
primary event vertex - Trajectory Building
- Special error assignment to merged hits
- Trajectory cleaning
- Allow only one track per trajectory seed
- Trajectory Smoothing
- Final fit with split stereo layers
- Code is currently frozen and prepared for release
69Scientific Effort on ATLAS
There is a large US ATLAS collaboration at
present. The US ATLAS effort will ramp up by a
factor 2 by FY07 in anticipation of first LHC
beam. Both US LHC Collaborations are committed
to doing the Physics.
70HI, dN/dy 5000
- Charged particle spectra can be reconstructed for
pTgt1GeV (loopers are lost) - Lower cutoff possible with reduced field