Title: Radiology Review Seminar
1Radiology Review Seminar
2Physically and Mentally Preparing for the
3The Night Before the Exam
- Stay close to the exam site
- Sleep in a comfortable hotel
- Dont talk about the exam
- Eat a light meal for dinner
- Avoid alcohol, coffee and dessert foods
- If traveling from out of town, bring a pillow
form home, a loud alarm clock and extra cash - Layout the clothes you will be wearing for the
exam (loose fitting, comfortable clothes) - Gather your exam entrance ticket and Photo ID.
4The Day of the Exam
- Dont work
- Eat light meals
- Bring gum, candy, Tylenol or aspirin
- Avoid sitting under an air or heating vent
- Bring a light sweater
- Synchronize your watch with the time keeping
device at the exam site - Pace yourself during the exam
- Pick the same letter for guessing
5Calculators and Calculations
- Do not bring a calculator with you to the exam.
If you need to calculate something, ask the on
site personnel for a calculator. - Perform each math calculation TWICE before
selecting an answer.
6Difficult Questions
- Do not spend more than two or three minutes on
any one question
- Your should judge your speed by trying to be on
question 100 at a point 1 ½ hours into the exam - Use your Mock Registry Exams as a guide for you
exam test taking speed
- You are encouraged to provide an answer for each
question on the ARRT exam - At the very minimum you stand a 25 chance of
selecting the correct answer - You are able to increase your probability for
success in selecting the correct answer if you
are able to eliminate one or two of the available
choices - When you are faced with having to guess at an
answer, choose one letter for all you guesses.
We suggest the letter C for suCCess!!!
9Test Taking Skills
- Answering Multiple choice questions
- The Structure of Questions
- Statement
- In the form of question including a distracter
- The Distracters
- Designed so there is a correct answer, a closely
related choice and two choices that are weakly
related to the topic
10Answering Multiple Choice Questions
- Read the entire questions and all the choices
before choosing an answer. - Look for key words (Triggers) that target
important information - Dont assume information unless it is stated
- A common error. We tend to base questions upon
our practical experience. We then loose site of
the underlying principle or concept the question
is based on.
11Answering Multiple Choice Questions
- Determine two choices that are the least likely
ones and eliminate them first - Choose the best answer from the remaining two
- What is the term used to identify an x-ray that
has undergone a change in direction upon
interacting with the atoms of an absorber? - A. incident photon
- B. secondary photon
- C. primary photon
- D. scattered photon
13Key words
14Eliminate two choices
- A. Incident photon
- C. Primary photon
15Choose the best answer from the remaining answer
- B. Secondary photons (photons that are emitted
from atoms of an absorber) - D. Scattered photon (photons that have undergone
a change in direction)
16Addressing Double-Multiple or Multiple-Multiple
- Evaluate each of the items as if you were being
asked a True / False question - After completion select the choice that fits your
True / False analysis
- What colors listed below are considered Primary
Colors? - 1. Red 3. Green
- 2. Yellow 4. Blue
- A. 1 and 2 only
- B. 2 and 3 only
- C. 1, 2, and 4 only
- D. 1, 2, 3, and 4
18Correct answer
19Addressing Select the Best Set of Exposure
Factors Questions
- Identify if you are being asked a photographic or
geometric question - Radiographic density are photographic questions
- Select the Set of exposure factors below that
will yield the image with the greatest
radiographic density - A. 79 kVp 500 mA .1 sec 36 1.5 mm Fs
- B. 90 kVp 350 mA .2 sec 40 1 mm FS
- C. 85 kVp 350 mA .25 sec. 72 2.5 mm FS
- D. 80 kVp 800 mA .0625 36 .5 mm FS
21Addressing Select the Best Set of Exposure
Factors Questions
- Scan the list of given factors and delete any
factors that are not related to the question - Focal Spot size can be eliminated because this is
a Geometric Factor that is not related to the
22Addressing Select the Best Set of Exposure
Factors Questions
- Scan each column heading and ask yourself what am
I looking form in this column - Greatest or least
- kVp greatest
- mA greatest mAs
- Time greatest mAs
- SID least
23Addressing Select the Best Set of Exposure
Factors Questions
- If one set of factors meets ALL your
requirements you may not need to go any farther.
However if you are unsure at this pint proceed to
the next steep
24Addressing Select the Best Set of Exposure
Factors Questions
- Calculate the given mAs for each set of factors
- A. 50
- B. 70
- C. 200
- D. 50
25Addressing Select the Best Set of Exposure
Factors Questions
- Go across each of the remaining columns and
assign a value for all of the variables - mAs example
- A. 1
- B. 2
- C. 3
- D. 1
26Addressing Select the Best Set of Exposure
Factors Questions
- After assigning each column a value add up each
column for A, B, C, etc. - The line with the greatest of least, depending on
what you are looking for, will be the selection.
- Distance
- A. 3
- B. 2
- C. 1
- D. 3
29Add each line
30Select the correct answer