Measures of Association - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Measures of Association


Ty = (23 x 3) (5 x 68) Goodman & Kruskal's Gamma. C = 23 ... Ty = (23 x 3) (5 x 68) = 409. Linearity and the Limits of Gama and Tau-b. Level of Interest in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Measures of Association

Measures of Association
  • Political Science 102
  • Introduction to Political Inquiry
  • Lecture 20

Why Use Measures of Association?
  • Cross-tabs and scatter plots are flexible tools
    for exploring relationships between variables
  • Chi-squared test evaluates statistical
  • Neither method provides a summary measure of the
  • What is the direction?
  • How strong is the relationship?
  • Measures of Association seek to provide this

Ordinal Linear Measures
  • Coefficient compares pairs of cases record them
    as concordant, discordant, or tied
  • Concordant case 1 is higher (or lower) than
    case 2 on both X and Y
  • Discordant case 1 is lower than case 2 on X,
    but higher than case 2 on Y (or vice versa)
  • Tied case 1 and case 2 are equal on either X,
    or Y, or both
  • Positive coefficient indicates more concordant
    than discordant pairs negative coefficient
    indicates more discordant pairs than condordant

Ordinal Linear Measures
  • Coefficients vary in how they weight and account
    for ties
  • Gamma ignores ties (may ignore much of the data)
  • Tau-b uses a weighted average of ties on X and Y
  • All of these coefficients focus on linear
    relationships (or at least monotonic)
  • Curvilinear and contingent relationships may be
    masked by these procedures

Goodman Kruskals Gamma
C Concordant pairs D Discordant pairs
C 23 x 68 1,564 D 5 x 3 15 Tx (23 x 5)
(3 x 68) Ty (23 x 3) (5 x 68)
Goodman Kruskals Gamma
C 23 x 68 1,564 D 5 x 3 15 Tx (23 x 5)
(3 x 68) 319 Ty (23 x 3) (5 x 68) 409
Kendalls Tau-B
C 23 x 68 1,564 D 5 x 3 15 Tx (23 x 5)
(3 x 68) 319 Ty (23 x 3) (5 x 68) 409
Linearity and the Limits of Gama and Tau-b
Level of Interest in Politics/Current
Ideology Events
Very Libe Liberal Moderate Conservat
Very Cons Total ---------------------------
---------- Not much interested 15
46 100 62 21 244
4.69 7.01
8.25 6.78 4.36 6.81
-------------------------------------- Somewhat
Interested 62 232 461
272 96 1,123
19.38 35.37 38.04 29.73
19.92 31.32 -----------------------------
-------- Very Much Interested 243
378 651 581 365 2,218
75.94 57.62
53.71 63.50 75.73 61.87
Total 320 656 1,212
915 482 3,585
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
100.00 100.00 Pearson chi2(8)
106.8563 Pr 0.000 gamma
0.0748 ASE 0.023 Kendall's tau-b
0.0466 ASE 0.014
Correlation Coefficients
  • For ratio data we can construct measures of
    association with more information about distance
    between categories
  • Gamma and tau-b make only ordinal comparisons
  • Analysts sought to construct summary statistic
    that would allow comparison of the strength of
    the relationship despite different units of
  • The correlation coefficient!

Origins of the Correlation Coefficient
  • Analysts wanted to summarize how much changes in
    X and Y are associated with one another
  • But X and Y are on different scales with
    different levels of variation
  • Step 1 Measure the association of variation in X
    and Y by subtracting out the mean level of each

The Origins of the Correlation Coefficient
  • This formula focuses on deviations in X and Y,
    but X and Y are still measured in different units
  • Solution Divide deviations in X and Y by their
    respective standard deviations
  • Puts deviations in units of standard deviations

Aspirations of the Correlation Coefficient
  • Aims to be a unit-free measure of association
    that allows comparison of degrees of association
    across variables measured in different units
  • It FAILS on all counts!
  • Cannot compare correlation of X and Y to Z and Y
    because X and Z have different standard
  • The goal of unit-free comparisons is
  • Cannot generalize correlations between the same
    variables across different samples because the
    standard deviations of the samples differ
  • Instead of being universally comparable,
    correlations are universally incommensurable!

What is the Solution?
  • DONT use correlation coefficients to make
    generalizable claims about the association
    between variables
  • Assess the strength of relationships by looking
  • Variation across categories in cross-tabs
  • Difference of means or proportions tests
  • Scatter plots
  • Rely on chi-squared and t-tests for statistical
  • Rely on regression analysis to summarize the
    strength of relationships between variables

The Sample Dependence of Correlation Coefficients
  • I created a dataset with these characteristics
  • X1 varies from 20 to 20 where sx 10
  • Y is defined as Y132X1e
  • E is a random error term such that eN(0,20)
  • Thus we KNOW the true relationship between X
    and Y
  • We can change the sample to see if correlations
    are generalizable

Correlation Coefficients Depend on the Sample
. corr y1 x1 (obs100) y1
x1 --------------------------- y1
1.0000 x1 0.6401 1.0000
Analysis of Full Sample
. corr y1 x1 if x1gt-10 x1lt10 (obs70)
y1 x1 ---------------------------
y1 1.0000 x1 0.4655 1.0000
Analysis of Restricted Variation in X
Correlation coefficient drops by 1/3 due to
arbitrary changes in the sample
Regression Coefficients Are Generalizable
. reg y1 x1 Source SS df
MS Number of obs
100 ---------------------------------------
F( 1, 98) 68.03 Model
30717.8966 1 30717.8966 Prob gt
F 0.0000 Residual 44248.6995 98
451.517342 R-squared
0.4098 ---------------------------------------
Adj R-squared 0.4037 Total
74966.5961 99 757.238344 Root
MSE 21.249 ------------------------------
y1 Coef. Std. Err. t
Pgtt 95 Conf. Interval ----------------
----------- x1 1.92611 .2335192
8.248 0.000 1.462699 2.389522 _cons
4.27945 2.130969 2.008 0.047
.0506116 8.508289 -----------------------------
Analyzing the Full Sample
Regression Coefficients Are Generalizable
. reg y1 x1 if x1gt-10 x1lt10 Source
SS df MS Number of
obs 70 -----------------------------------
---- F( 1, 68) 18.81
Model 8038.90856 1 8038.90856
Prob gt F 0.0000 Residual 29063.7331
68 427.407839 R-squared
0.2167 ---------------------------------------
Adj R-squared 0.2051 Total
37102.6416 69 537.719444 Root
MSE 20.674 ------------------------------
y1 Coef. Std. Err. t
Pgtt 95 Conf. Interval ----------------
----------- x1 1.971043 .4544842
4.337 0.000 1.064134 2.877952 _cons
5.884096 2.517394 2.337 0.022
.8607142 10.90748 -----------------------------
Analyzing the Restricted Sample
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