Title: Career and Technical Education
1Career and Technical Education
- CTE Teacher Licensure
- Program Approval
- Career Clusters
- Data Collection
2Carl D Perkins Act 2006
- Perkins 101 ---
- Primarily from the
- secondary perspective
- Although Postsecondary questions will be answered
or the source for the answer identified.
3Career and Technical Education Teacher Licensure
- What license(s) is/are acceptable for
- Federal Carl D. Perkins and
- Local Levy program dollars?
4Current CTE Licensure-Secondary
- Table C
- Column A - Program OE Code
- Column B - UFARS Code/Budget Reporting
- Column C - Program Name
- Column D - Course Codes
- Column E - Course Titles (generic)
- Columns F-K - Approved Licenses
- Column L - Career Cluster
- Columns M-O - Used for Data Coding
- Column P - Non-Traditional Program
- Identifier
5Table C Example
- A B C F-K
- Program Program Name Valid Licenses
- Code UFARS
140710 341 Administrative Support
Occupations 140050 140100 140200 140292 14050
0 140505 140710 140715 140731 D E Course
Course Generic Name Code 01 Keyboarding
I 02 Keyboarding II 03 Advanced
Keyboarding III 04 Advanced Keyboarding
IV 05 Business Communications/Applied
Communications I 06 Business
Communications/Applied Communications
II 07 Office Procedures/Skills for the
Electronic Office Column L Career
Cluster Columns M-O Used for Data Coding Column
P Non-Traditional Program Identifier
6Secondary Licensure
- Only teachers holding a valid CTE license are
approved for use of federal and local levy
dollars - New Standard Licensure as of
- September 1, 2002
- Community Expert, Variance, Waiver, Temporary
Limited Licensure (variance) (most are 3-year
7(No Transcript)
8Program Approval
- Using Rubrics for Program Approval and Continuous
Program Improvement
9Postsecondary Program Approval and Licensure
- Programs must meet the MnSCU policy and
procedures for program approval and teacher
10Secondary CTE Program Approval Renewal Process
- Minnesota Rules 3505.1100-2500
- FY2006-2007 New Program Approval Rubric Format
- Self rating from Minimal Standards to Exemplary
Standards - Review Community Involvement, Personnel, Program
Administration, Program Assessment, Program
Design, Resources, Support Services
11Program Approval Schedule
- FY09-10 South West Minnesota
- FY10-11 South East Minnesota
- FY11-12 West Metro
- FY12-13 Northern Minnesota
- FY13-14 Central Minnesota/East Metro
- Repeating FY14-15 South West Minnesota, Etc.
- OR New Program Added
- Courses need new syllabus
- Change in teachers need copy in file
12Program Approvalhttp//cfl.state.mn.us/mde/Acad
- Introduction Package
- Definitions
- Rubrics for all 7 program areas
- Community Involvement
- Personnel
- Program Administration
- Program Assessment
- Program Design
- Resources
- Support Services
- ED-00381-15 Replaces ED-00381-14
- Needs the signature of the Special Education
Director - Used for following Program OE Codes 000670,
000710, 000750, 000755, and 000790.
- Secondary Career and Technical Education Program
Approval Proposal for Youth with Disabilities - 000670 Career Accommodation
- 000710 Career and Technical Evaluation
- 000750 Work Experience Handicapped
- 000755 WE/Career Exploration Program
- 000790 Technical Tutor/Paraprofessional
- ED-02335-03 Replaces ED-02335-02
- This form is to be used for ALL career and
technical education programs EXCEPT the following
programs designed to serve students with
disabilities 000670, 000710, 000750, 000756,
and 000790.
- Secondary Career and Technical Education Program
Approval Proposal - For all programs except those using form
ED-00381-15 (previous slide) including
administrative and general codes - 000110 Local District Career and Technical
Education Administrator - 000745 Work Experience Disadvantaged
- 000756 WE/CEP Disadvantaged
- 001050 Employment Placement
17Program Approval resources needed with each form
- Appropriate PA Form w/Signatures
- Copy of teachers licenses
- Copy of the Advisory List with Business
Association - Sample of certificates/credentials offered
- Postsecondary articulated programs
- Due to MDE on or before December 1 for the year
of the cycle. If received after that date, the
program will NOT be approved until the next
fiscal year. Meaning dollars will NOT be able
to be used from Perkins and/or the Local Levy for
any aspect of the program for that year.
- Check only one of the appropriate rating boxes
based on self-assessment. Retain documentation in
your files. - Rating Scale from the Program Approval Rubrics
- MIN Minimum
- EME Emerging
- QUA Quality
- EXE - Exemplary
20Program Approval Seven Areas
- Community Involvement
- Personnel
- Program Administration
- Program Assessment
- Program Design
- Resources
- Support Services
- The state is in the process of re-establishing
the EDRS (Education Data Reporting System) for
all approved CTE programs (FY11 and beyond) - Funding will begin on current year expenses
beginning with Fall 2007- NEXT YEAR and beyond.
Prior MDE approval of budgets will be necessary
in Spring 2007 for the next funding year, etc.
22Funding General Information
- Work with your local Perkins administrator and
the Perkins Consortium director to ensure that
you are part of the approved plan. - Work begins yearly in the fall for the upcoming
year-New Consortium direction - Perkins plans are due to MDE in May with approval
sent out in June - July 1-June 30 funding cycle
23Minnesota Department of EducationAcademic
Standards and High School Improvement1500
Highway 36 WestRoseville MN 55113-4266
FAX 651 582-8492
- Dan Smith 651 582-8330 dan.smith_at_state.mn.us
- Supervisor
- Marlys Bucher 651 582-8315 marlys.bucher_at_state.m
n.us - Data/Perkins/Assessment Evaluation/Metro
Minnesota, - FACS, POS
- Al Hauge 651 582-8409 al.hauge_at_state.mn.us
- Career Development/Counseling/Work-Based
Learning, - NE Minnesota Perkins
- Michelle Kamenov 651 5828434 michelle.kamenov_at_sta
te.mn.us - Service Learning/Counseling Liaison
- Jean Kyle 651 582-8514 jean.kyle_at_state.mn.us
- Business/Marketing Ed/Central Minnesota
- Joel Larsen 651 582-8395 joel.Larsen_at_state.mn.us
- Agriculture Education/SE Minnesota
- Michael Mitchell 651 582-8513 michael.mitchell_at_s
tate.mn.us - Health Education/SE Minnesota
- Pam Schneider 651 582-8305 pam.schneider_at_state.m
n.us - Fiscal/Grants
- John Rapheal 651 582-8682 john.v.rapheal_at_state.m
24Minnesota State Colleges and UniversitiesWells
Fargo BuildingSuite 350St Paul MN FAX 651
- Joann Simser 651 282-5569 joann.simser_at_so.mnscu
.edu - System Director
- Vacancy
- Program Director Perkins
- Vacancy
- Programs of Study Operations
- Eva Scates-Winston 651 297-3792 eva.scates-winst
on_at_so.mnsuc.edu - Program Director, Perkins Equity Liaison
- Special Populations
- Rekha Dixit 651 649-5781 rekha.dixit_at_so.mnscu.e
du - Perkins Grant Accountant
- Florence Newton 651 296-39065 florence.newton_at_s
o.mnscu.edu - Perkins Administrative Specialist
- Contact your Regional Staff Perkins Coordinator
or the MnSCU Office Staff
26Web Sites for Resources
- General Information
- http//cfl.state.mn.us/mde/Academic_Excellence/Car
eer_Technical_Education/index.html - Table C Program and Course Codes
- http//cfl.state.mn.us/mde/Academic_Excellence/Car
27Web Site Resources
- Database of Approved Programs (04-10), Rubrics,
Work-Based Learning Manual, PA and other Forms,
Labor Laws, Standards and Measures, Frameworks - http//cfl.state.mn.us/mde/Academic_Excellence/Car
28Web Site Resources
- Transition Disabled Information
- http//cfl.state.mn.us/mde/Academic_Excellence/Car
29Minnesota Career Clusters
- http//www.cte.mnscu.edu/
- PERKINS IV documents and Local Applications
- Programs of Study
- Calendar of Events
- Partnership
- Minnesota Department of Education
- Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
30Minnesota Career Fields(six-segmented ring)
- Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources
- Arts, Humanities, Communications
- Business Management Administration
- Engineering, Manufacturing, Technologies
- Health Science Technology
- Human Services
31- MCIS Fields
- Agriculture Natural Resources
- Arts, Humanities, Communications
- Business Management, Administration
- Engineering, Manufacturing, Technology
- Health Service Technology
- Human Services
- MnCareers Fields
- Agriculture
- Business
- Engineering
- Health
- Human Services
- MDE Broad Career Areas
- Health Science Technology
- Business Marketing
- Trade Technology Education
- Agriculture, Food, Natural
- Resources
32Minnesota Career Fields, Clusters Pathways
Communications Information Systems
33(No Transcript)
34(No Transcript)
- Web site for the National project
- Multiple resources available
- Core Indicators for the
- Carl D Perkins 2006 Act.
37Perkins III Core Indicators
- 1S1 Academic Attainment (BST Data)
- 1S2 - Technical Skill Attainment
- 2S1 Completion/Graduation
- 3S1 Placement
- 4S1 Participation of Nontraditional
- 4S2 Completion of Nontraditional
38Perkins IV Core Indicators
- 1S1 Academic Attainment Reading/L. Arts
- 1S2 Academic Attainment Mathematics
- 2S1 Technical Skill Attainment
- 3S1 Secondary Completion (GED/Other)
- 4S1 Graduation Rates (NCLB)
- 5S1 Placement (PS, Work, Military)
- 6S1 Participation Nontraditional
- 6S2 Completion Nontraditional
39Data Fields
- Carl Perkins Data Elements
- Year
- School type, number, building number
- Course number/length in minutes
- Student data (MARSS Number), grade, etc
- MARSS Data Base
- Unique number, ethnicity, gender, other
- Valid Program/Course ID Table (Table C)
- BST/MCA Testing (2010)
40Data Fields
- 0702760107412345678910110904015004500PNN
- 07 Year
- 0276 District Number (Minnetonka)
- 01 School Type
- 074 School Building Number (High School)
- 1234567891011 Individual Student MARSS
- 090401 OE Program Code - Law Enforcement
Careers - 50 Course Code-Law Enforcement Careers I
- 05400 Minutes (60 minute class for 90
days-semester) - P Passed the course
- N Single Parent/Pregnant Teen
- N Displaced Homemaker
41Postsecondary Data Collection
- All data is collected through ISRS and BRIO and
reports generated for federal reporting at the
Office of the Chancellor. - BRIO and ISRS data is available via computer at
each college
- Marlys J. Bucher, Ph.D.
- Coordinator for Secondary Perkins
- CTE Program Assessment/Evaluation
- 1500 Highway 36 West
- Roseville MN 55113-4266
- marlys.bucher_at_state.mn.us
- (651) 582-8315 Phone
- (651) 582-8492 FAX
43(No Transcript)