Title: WebQuest
2What it is
An online lesson or unit format that provides a
clear structure and sequencing for student
- Research in nature
- Engage kids in doable and interesting task
- Support the learners thinking levels of
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation - Involves transformation of information
- Use predefined resources from the Internet and
other sources enabling students to focus on using
information rather than finding the information - Can be short-term or long-term in duration
4Elements of a WebQuest
- Introduction
- Task
- Resources
- Process
- Evaluation
- Conclusion
5Purpose of WebQuest
Provides Students access to
- Timely and authentic information
- Authentic Tasks
- Problems that invite creativity
- Ambiguity that invites clarification
6Twelve Kinds of Tasks
- Journalistic
- Design
- Consensus
- Creative Product
- Retelling
- Compilation
- Mystery
- Persuasion
- Self-knowledge
- Analytical
- Scientific
- Judgment
7Developing WebQuests requires the ability to
- Find good resources on a given topic of inquiry
- Have access to a web page to include the WebQuest
- Organize students to work effectively
8Picking a topic for a WebQuest consider the
- Expands on an existing lesson
- Draws from curriculum standards
- Has ample text and Web resources
- Requires understanding and the transformation of
9Coming to America WebQuest
10WebQuest Internet Sites
A Road Map for Designing WebQuests http//webquest
Building Blocks of a WebQuest http//www.spa3.k12.
11More WebQuest Internet Sites
Creating a WebQuest Its Easier than You
Think http//www.educationworld.com/a_tech/tech/te
Rubric for Evaluation Lessons http//webquest.sdsu
12WebQuest Samples
Arizona State University West http//www.west.asu.
WebQuest Direct http//www.webquestdirect.com.au/
Teacher First http//www.teachersfirst.com/webques