Title: Modelling advection with MOHID
1Modelling advection with MOHID
- What is advection?
- The importance of advection in coastal areas
- Methodology implemented in MOHID to simulate
advection - Code trip
- Test cases
- 1D and 2 D cyclic channel
- Symetric estuary
- Freshwater cylinder
- Density front
3What is advection ?
4The importance of advection in coastal waters
- Estuary mouths horizontal advection of
momentum - Coastal Upwelling vertical and horizontal
advection of heat - Baroclinic instabilities horizontal advection
of mass, of heat and of momentum
5Aveiro Mouth
6Upwelling in schematic coast
Schematic slope
7(No Transcript)
8Upwelling scenario more important because is
the scenario more common in summer
9Density front
Ajustamento geostrófico segundo um modelo
analítico baseado nas equações de gravidade
reduzida a) Instante inicial (velocidade
perpendicular à frente) b) instante em que é
atingido o equilíbrio velocidade paralela à
10Baroclinic instability
- Vorticidade potencial (explicação de oceanógrafo)
(fw)/H const.
- Balanço de forças (explicação de engenheiro)
11Modelling a density front with Mohid
12Modelling a density front with Mohid
13Some details
14Methodology implemented in Mohid to compute
Central Differences
2nd order upwind (1D Quick)
3th order upwind (1D Quickest)
15Problems related with higher order schemes
Vi-1gtgtVi Or Vi-1ltltVi
16Problems related with higher order schemes
- Lack of positivity production of ripples near
sharp gradients
17Total Variation Diminishing
- TVD schemes implemented in Mohid
- if rgt0
- MinMod ?min(1,r)
- Van Leer ?2r/(1r)
- MUSCL min(2,2r,(1r)/2)
- SuperBee max(min(1,2r),min(r, 2))
- PPM max(min(Aux,2/(1-Cr),2r/Cr))
- a 0.5 (1 - 2.abs(cr))/6
- b 0.5 - (1 - 2.abs(cr))/6
- Aux a b r
- Else
- ?0
- endif
A value for ? function of the spatial variability
of P is compute in a way that the problems
describe in the earlier slide
rlt0gt ?0 in all schemes
181D channel test - TVD
19Code Trip
- The nuclear subroutine is ComputeAdvectionFace
- The advective flux in each face can depend of the
property value in the follow compute points (i-2,
i-1, I, i1) - This subroutine compute for each face the
coefficients a, b, c and d
20Test cases
- Already tested
- 1D and 2 D cyclic channel
- Symetric estuary
- Need more testing
- Fresh water cylinder
- Density front
21Fresh Water Cylinder - Exercise
- Depth 20 m, 20 layers
- 30 km x 30 km, dx 1 km
- Latitude 52º N
- Cylinder of 10 m deep and 3 km of radius. Outside
the cylinder salinity is 34.85 psu Within the
cylinder the salinity and the density variability
is given by - Run period 144 h
- Bottom rugosity 0
- Null turbulent diffusion or minimal values to
avoid instabilities - A relaxation boundary condition for the water
level and salinity. Relax in the boundary the
water level to 0 and salinity to 34.85 psu. A
four-point-wide relaxation zone
- The TVD with a Superbee limitation looks to be so
far the best method. However, in extreme cases it
generates wiggles
23Future Work
- Introduce the cross-derivates in the Quick and
Quickest methods.
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study for a three-dimensional idealised test
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165-182. - Shchepetkin, A., J.C. McWilliams, 1998
Quasi-monotone advection schemes based on
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