Analysis of Variance Bidin Yatim, PhD Exeter, MSc Aston, BSc Nottingham Statistics Department Facult - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Analysis of Variance Bidin Yatim, PhD Exeter, MSc Aston, BSc Nottingham Statistics Department Facult


If the null hypothesis is true, we would expect all the sample means to be close ... Lets get our hand dirty... Using SPSS.... One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Analysis of Variance Bidin Yatim, PhD Exeter, MSc Aston, BSc Nottingham Statistics Department Facult

Analysis of VarianceBidin Yatim, PhD (Exeter),
MSc (Aston), BSc (Nottingham)Statistics
DepartmentFaculty of Quantitative Sciences
  • Data Analysis Using SPSS
  • Topic 6

  • Perform and interpret a one-factor independent
    measures ANOVA
  • Understand the necessary assumptions for a
    one-factor independent measures ANOVA
  • Perform and interpret post-hoc test for a
    one-factor independent measures ANOVA
  • Perform and interpret a one-factor repeated
    measures ANOVA
  • Understand the necessary assumptions for a
    one-factor repeated measures ANOVA

Research Problem
  • Does the temperature of the lecture hall affect
    the rate at which students fall asleep during
  • IV or Factor is Room Temperature
  • Three Levels 50, 70, 90 degrees
  • DV is Reaction Time
  • How many minutes after the start of lecture does
    the first student fall asleep?

Raw Data
  • Analysis of variance compares two or more
    populations of interval data.
  • Specifically, we are interested in determining
    whether differences exist between the population
  • The procedure works by analyzing the sample

One Way Analysis of Variance
  • The analysis of variance is a procedure that
    tests to determine whether differences exits
    between two or more population means.
  • To do this, the technique analyzes the sample

One Way Analysis of Variance Example 1
  • An apple juice manufacturer is planning to
    develop a new product -a liquid concentrate.
  • The marketing manager has to decide how to market
    the new product.
  • Three strategies are considered
  • Emphasize convenience of using the product.
  • Emphasize the quality of the product.
  • Emphasize the products low price.

One Way Analysis of Variance Example 1
  • An experiment was conducted as follows
  • In three cities an advertisement campaign was
    launched .
  • In each city only one of the three
    characteristics (convenience, quality, and price)
    was emphasized.
  • Weekly sales were recorded for 20 weeks following
    the beginning of the campaigns.

One Way Analysis of Variance
Weekly sales
Weekly sales
Weekly sales
One Way Analysis of Variance
  • Solution
  • The data are interval
  • The problem objective is to compare mean sales in
    three cities.
  • We hypothesize that the three population means
    are equal

Defining the Hypotheses
  • Solution

H0 m1 m2 m3 H1 At least two means differ
Independent samples are drawn from k populations
X11 x21 . . . Xn1,1
X12 x22 . . . Xn2,2
X1k x2k . . . Xnk,k
Sample size
Sample mean
X is the response variable. The variables
value are called responses.
  • In the context of this problem
  • Response variable weekly salesResponses
    actual sale valuesExperimental unit weeks in
    the three cities when we record sales
    figures.Factor the criterion by which we
    classify the populations (the treatments). In
    this problems the factor is the marketing
  • Factor levels the population (treatment)
    names. In this problem factor levels are the
    three marketing strategies.

The rationale of the name of Analysis of Variance
  • We are testing the different between means but
    why ANOVA?
  • Two types of variability are employed when
    testing for the equality of the population means
    Within Samples and Between Samples

One Way Analysis of Variance
Graphical demonstration Employing two types of
variability Within Samples and Between Samples
One Way Analysis of Variance
16 15 14
11 10 9
The sample means are the same as before, but the
larger within-sample variability makes it harder
to draw a conclusion about the population means.
A small variability within the samples makes it
easier to draw a conclusion about the population
Treatment 1
Treatment 2
Treatment 3
Rationale 1 Variability Between Sample
  • If the null hypothesis is true, we would expect
    all the sample means to be close to one another
    (and as a result, close to the grand mean).
  • If the alternative hypothesis is true, at least
    some of the sample means would differ.
  • Thus, we measure variability between sample means
    (and hence MSTr).

Rationale II Variability Within
  • Large variability within the samples weakens the
    ability of the sample means to represent their
    corresponding population means.
  • Therefore, even though sample means may markedly
    differ from one another, we have to consider the
    within samples variability (and hence MSE).

Test Statistics (F), Critical Value Rejection
And finally
the hypothesis test
The F test
Ho m1 m2 m3 H1 At least two means differ
Test statistic F MSTr/ MSE
Since 3.23 gt 3.15, there is sufficient evidence
to reject Ho in favor of H1, and argue that at
least one of the mean sales is different than
the others.
The F test p- value
  • Use SPSS to find the p-value
  • fx Statistical Table
    DIST(3.23,2,57) .0467

p Value P(Fgt3.23) .0467
Hey! Lets get our hand dirty Using SPSS.
One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS
  • Suppose we want to know whether students who have
    to work many hours outside school to support
    themselves find their grade suffering.
  • We examine this question by comparing the GPAs of
    students who work various hours outside school.
  • Lets examine this question using data in our
    Student file. FilegtOpengt Student

One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS
  • First examine the average GPA for each of the
    three work categories (0 hrs,1-19hrs,gt20hrs)-WorkC
  • GraphgtBoxplot then choose Simple and click
    Define. Select GPA as the variable and WorkCat
    for the Category Axis. Click
  • Option

After Clicking Options, click off Display
groups defined by missing value, and click
Continue then OK.
  • Youll get this

What is the Box-plot telling us?
  • Some variation across the groups
  • See median GPAs (dark line in the middle of box)
    differ slightly between groups. Thats natural.
    Probably because of sampling error.
  • So, should we attribute the observed difference
    to sampling error or they genuinely differ?
  • Neither box-plot nor the median offer decisive
    evidence. Hence we need ANOVA.

One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS
  • We are testing
  • H1 At least two means differ
  • Before attempting ANOVA, need to review the ANOVA
    assumptions. (i) Independent samples (ii)
    Normality (iii) Variances equality. We can test
    both (ii) (iii).
  • AnalyzegtDescriptive StatisticsgtExplore

AnalyzegtDescriptive StatisticsgtExplore
  • In the Explore dialog box, select GPAs as the
    dependent List variable, WorkCat as the Factor
    List variable and Plot as the Display. Next,
    click Plot
  • We are interested in a
  • normality test, select
  • Deselect this
  • select this only. Click Continue
    and OK. See next slide

The Output has several parts, let focus on the
tests of normality
  • The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test assesses whether
    there is significant departure from normality in
    the population distribution of the 3 groups. Null
    hypothesis Distributions are normal.
  • Look at the p-values, all are gt0.05. Hence no
    evidence of non-normality.

One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS
  • We still need to validate the homogeneity of
    variance assumption. We do this within ANOVA.
  • AnalyzegtCompare MeansgtOne-Way ANOVA
  • Dependent List variable
  • is GPA and Factor
  • variable is WorkCat

One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS
  • Click Option under Statistics, select
    Descriptive and Homogeneity of variance test.
    Click Continue OK
  • One-Way ANOVA output
  • Consists many parts.
  • Focus on hence do not
  • reject Ho Variances are equal.

Normality Homogeneity of variances assumptions
met hence
  • Let find out whether students who work various
    hours outside school differ in their GPAs.
  • The P-value of .000 is very small, hence we
    reject Ho and conclude that
  • the means GPAs are not all the same. Where are
    the differences? Hence Post-Hoc test

One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS Post-hoc
  • Before doing Post-hoc test, lets look at the
    group means, please comment.
  • Eyeballing group means cannot tell us decisively
    if significant differences exist.
  • Many options exist. Commonly used- Tukeys It
    tests compares all pairs of group means without
    increasing the probability of Type 1 Error.
  • AnalyzegtCompare MeansgtOne-Way ANOVA

One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS Post-hoc
  • The variables are still selected. Click
    Post-Hoc, select only Tukey then Continue and OK

One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS Post-hoc
  • The results of Tukey Test could be summarized as
  • Group 1-19hrs had better GPAs than 0hrs
  • Group 1-19hrs is comparable to 20hrs
  • Group 20hrs is comparable to 0hrs.

One Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS Exercise
  • FilegtOpengtGSS94
  • This is the extract from the 1994 General Social
  • One variable in the file groups respondent into
    four age categories.Do the mean number of tv
    hours vary by age group?

Analysis of Variance Experimental Designs
  • Several elements may distinguish between one
    experimental design and others.
  • Either independent or dependent samples used.
  • The number of factors.
  • Each characteristic investigated is called a
  • Each factor has several levels.

One-Factor Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
  • There are many situations where we are interested
    in examining the same sample across three or more
    treatments (several measurements on the same set
    of individuals).
  • Do blood pressure changes during various stressor
  • Lets examine using data in file called BP.

One-Factor Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
  • We are testing
  • H1 At least two means differ
  • Repeated Measures ANOVA requires 4 conditions
    (i) Independent observations within each
    treatment (ii) normality (iii) homogeneous
    variances (iv) sphericity

One-Factor Repeated Measures Analysis of
Variance BP file
  • BP file contains
  • Dbprest diastolic BP at rest
  • Dbpma diastolic BP during mental arithmetic
  • Dbpcp diastolic BP while immersing a hand in ice
  • Test the normality of the variables
  • See next slides for sphericity test.

One-Factor Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
Using SPSS
  • AnalyzegtGeneral Linear Modelgt Repeated Measures
    These instructions will prompt the dialog box
    shown. Assign our repeated measure (also called
    within subject factor) and indicate
  • the number of levels as 3.
  • Factor1(3) will appear here
  • after we click Add. After
  • clicking Add, click Define
  • refer next slide watch a
  • new dialog box.

One-Factor Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
Using SPSS
  • Select a specific level for our repeated measure
    dbprest, dbpma, and dbpcp in the order indicated.
  • Click on Option and
  • select Descriptive
  • Statistics, Continue
  • OK

One-Factor Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
Using SPSS
  • The output has several parts First look at
    Mauchlys sphericity test. Itll determine which
    ANOVA test to use. Ho is that the correlations
    among the 3 measures are equal. Look at p-value,
    hence reject Ho.
  • Sphericity assumption is not met.

One-Factor Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
Using SPSS
  • Then look at output labeled Test of Within
    Subjects Effects, 1st line of factor1 reads
    Sphericity Assumed. This is the F test line to
    refer if sphericity condition met.
  • So? Many other F tests to choose from The
    Greengouse-Geisser adjusted test is commonly
  • used. Look
  • at p-value.
  • So what?

One-Factor Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
  • The means for Diastolic BP (DBP) for the 3 tasks
    are not the same. Hence it changes significantly
    during the various mental and physical stressors
    investigated in this study.
  • But where the differences are? Determine

One-Factor Repeated Measures Analysis of
Variance Exercise
  • Does systolic BP change significantly during the
    three tasks examined in this study? The 3 tasks
    are at rest (sbprest), performing mental
    arithmetic (sbpma), and immersing a hand in ice
    water (sbpcp).

Two Way Analysis of Variance
  • Objectives
  • Perform and interpret a two-factor independent
    measures ANOVA
  • Understand the necessary assumptions for a
    two-factor independent measures ANOVA
  • Understand and interpret statistical main effects
  • Understand and interpret statistical interactions

Two Way Analysis of Variance
  • Previously we learned how to perform ANOVA for
    research situations involving a single IV.
  • However, in many situations we want to consider
    two IV simultaneously. The analysis used is a
    two-way analysis of variance.

One - way ANOVA Single factor
Two - way ANOVA Two factors
Treatment 3 (level 1)
Treatment 2 (level 2)
Treatment 1 (level 3)
Level 3
Factor A
Level 1
Level 1
Factor B
Two Way Analysis of Variance Research Problem
  • Prior research found that people at risk of
    having hypertension (HBP) showed changes in
    cardiovascular responses to various stressors.
  • A researcher wants to explore this finding
    further by looking at several variables that
    might be implicated, in particular, a persons
    sex and whether a person has a parent with HBP.
  • Various DV can be measured. We focus on systolic
    BP during mental arithmetic task.

Two Way Analysis of Variance Hypothesis
  • Two-way ANOVA will test for
  • Mean difference between levels of 1st factor
    (here, comparing systolic BP during mental
    arithmetic (sbpma) between gender)
  • Mean difference between levels of 2nd factor
    (here, comparing systolic BP during mental
    arithmetic (sbpma) for individuals having parent
    with HBP or not)
  • Any other mean differences as a result of a
    unique combination of the two factors called
    interaction effects.

Two Way Analysis of Variance Hypothesis
  • 1st two hypothesis tests called tests for the
    main effects. Ho there are no differences
    between the levels of the factor.
  • 3rd hypothesis test for the interaction between
    the two factors. Ho there is no interaction
    between the factors.
  • The three tests are independent. The outcome of
    one does not effect the other.

Two Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS,
  • AnalyzegtGeneral Linear ModelgtUnivariate
  • Select systolic bp mental arithmetic sbpma as
    the Dependent Variable and sex and parental
  • hypertension PH
  • as Fixed Factors.
  • Click Option and..

Two Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS
  • Under Display, select Descriptive Statistics and
    homogeneity tests. Click Continue then OK

Two Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS
  • Univariate ANOVA output has several parts
    (descriptive statistics, Levenes test of
    equality of variances, and tests of
    between-subjects effects).
  • 1st look at Levenes it tests variance
    homogeneity. Its
  • P-value is .225 gt .05,
  • hence the data do not
  • violate variance homo-
  • geneity assumption.
  • So, can proceed to interpret ANOVA.

Two Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS
  • Lets check if sbpma is related to a persons
    gender, parental history of ph or some other
    combination of these factor. P-value for testing
    1st, 2nd and 3rd hypotheses are shown in red,
    blue and green line
  • respectively.

Two Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS. A
  • Reject the 1st hypothesis, hence there is a
    significant main effect for gender.
  • Reject 2nd hypothesis, hence there is a
    significant main effect for parental history.
  • P-value for testing the interaction effect is
    greater than .05, hence do not reject the Ho and
    conclude that there is no significant interaction
    between the two factors.

Two Way Analysis of Variance Using SPSS. A
  • What exactly do these results mean?
  • We have two significant main effects and a non-
    significant interaction.
  • One very helpful way to make sense of a
    two-factor ANOVA results is to graph the data.
  • GraphsgtInteractiongtBarDrag sbpma to the vertical
    axis, PH to the horizontal axis and sex to the
    Panel Variables.
  • Click Titles tab to title your bar chart and put
    your name in the caption.

  • Bars are about
  • the same hght.
  • Hard to differentiate

Editing the bar chart
  • Lets use the interactive graphing capabilities
    to make a bar chart where the y-axis does not
    start with zero, and thus show the differences
    more clearly. The lowest sbpma is 118, so let
    start the y-axis at 118.
  • Double click anywhere on your chart. Find Chart
    Manager and click on it.
  • In the Chart Manager, click on Scales Axis and
    then on Edit
  • In the Scale Axis dialog box, under Scale, find
    Minimum and deselect Auto. Type 118. Click OK

Edited bar chart.. At last
  • So? We can see that, males have higher SBP,
    regardless of parental hypertension.
  • Person having a parent with hypertension have
    higher SBP, regardless of gender.
  • Both factors effect SBP separately but not their

  • FilegtOpengtBP
  • Is heart rate while immersing a hand in ice water
    hrcp related to a persons sex, parental
    hypertension PH, or some combination of these

End of Part SixSee U LaterPlease Dont Go
Away What if the data is not normal?
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