Title: State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
1State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- Roberto Reyes-Colon, SRF Coordinator
- 971-673-0422
- Roberto.Reyes-Colon_at_state.or.us
2SRF Highlights The First Ten Years 1997 - 2007
- 77 loans were made to eligible water systems.
- The largest loan was 6,270,000.00
- The smallest loan was 49,341.00
- The Loan Fund has committed 133,894,044.00 of
the 153,106,732.00 in the Loan Fund.
3Safe Water Revolving Loan Fund
- Community Water System
- Private investor owned or non-
profit. - Municipal City, District, Port
- Nonprofit non-community Water System
- Meets Oregon Law as a nonprofit
entity. - Federally owned systems not eligible.
4State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- Who is an eligible Applicant?
- Community Water Systems A public water system
which has 15 or more service connections used by
year-round residents, or which regularly serves
25 or more year-round. Water systems may be
private investor owned or non-profit or are a
city, district or port under Oregon law. - Nonprofit non-community water system A public
water system that is not a community water system
and that regularly serves at least 25 people and
is legally recognized under Oregon Law as a
nonprofit entity. - Federally owned water systems are not eligible.
5State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- The Fund is intended to provide financing to
water systems to assist in the compliance with
the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1996 as amended. - Applicant must show project is necessary to
maintain compliance or return to compliance with
drinking water quality standards as administered
by the Oregon Drinking water Program. - Applicants may apply for any phase or combination
of phases in a single Letter of Interest (LOI). - Planning
- Engineering Design
- Construction
6State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- An eligible project can focus on
- Water source
- Treatment
- Storage
- Supply
- Transmission
- Distribution
- Note Water Meters All services to be metered.
Loan can include the cost of metering.
7State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- The SRF Process January to September.
- Letters of Interest (LOIs) the document that is
sent to every privately-owned and publicly owned
community water system and non-profit community
system requesting their intent (desire) to apply
for revolving loan funding.
8State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- Elements of the Revolving Loan Fund
- The loan fund the sum that is allocated to the
Oregon Economic Community Development
Department (OECDD) for loans to water systems. - The set aside activities
- Administrative Expense
- Technical Assistance
- Local Assistance
- State Program Management
9State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- Administrative Expense The regulation allows
for 4 of the yearly allocation. This set aside
is composed of the administrative costs of
administering the loan program at DHS/Drinking
Water Program Oregon Economic Community
Development Department.
10State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- Technical Assistance For this set-aside the
regulation allow 2 of the yearly allocation. - The Technical Assistance activity is composed of
the Drinking Water Circuit Rider Program. This
is a contracted activity. Presently HBH
Engineering is the entity providing these
11State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- Local Assistance For this set-aside we can use
up to 15 of the yearly allocation to assist in
the development and implementation of local
drinking water protection initiatives. - This is a joint effort between DHS/Drinking Water
Program and the Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality through an Inter-Agency
12State of Oregon Revolving Loan Fund
- State Program Management Up to 10 of the
annual allotment may be used for State Program
Management Activities. - This set-aside supports the primacy water system